
The Supreme Dragon System

In a world where people on earth live peacefully before the rise of what is known as the 'Black Fauna' and turn everything upside down, taking over planet after planets. The 'Black Fauna' want to rule over the human race and their main goal is to take over earth and what's the best way of doing that than weakening them by taking over the planets that belongs to human race. Timi a boy with the goal of becoming a scientist like his father in the future lost his parent to some gangsta and his whole life change after losing them. But his parent gave him some gift before their death and in one of those gift he received a system and the system gave him a quest he thought it was impossible. [Main Quest] [Survive this wicked world, grow up and become a great person] [Quest reward:????] Timi with zero skills and zero fighting experience thought it was impossible. ______ Let's follow Timi on his journey and see how he complete his main quest.

JWB_Kante · Fantasía
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56 Chs

What Happen to Me?

Timi had change the time flow of this realm to 1 hour of a minute in the real world, the piece of the orb that came down had gone back to join with the bigger orb and as it did, everywhere had changed, the night sky had gone and it's now crystal blue, the moon has disappeared and in its place was the morning sun which had made the environment brighter and cool. Timi look at it changes in front him and was left in awe.

"Everything looks like a dream to me." He said as he was smiling to himself, "Now let's explore these buildings."

Going through the street, he stopped in front of a seven hundred story building and look up to it, he could see the reflection of himself on the building.

"Damn, how am I meant to get to the top of this building." He said as he entered the building, which was completely empty, there was a large staircase from the bottom of the building and led to the top, Timi stepped on the stair and looked at it.

"Isn't there a shortcut to get to the top." He asked himself and like the room was answering his question, a rectangular box on his left-hand side vibrated and lit up. He turned around and could see that it was blinking green, the box is about 11 feet tall and the inside was wide, he was a little hesitant to get close to it, but a system message popped up for him.

[A Mechanical Elevator]

[Easy way to transport you to the next floor in this building]

"Like seriously?" He walks towards it; he pressed a blue button which was on the elevator and the door opened.

Upon entering, the door closed back, and it was as if he had just entered a cold water, his body wanted to freeze, and his black hair was blowing.

"What the f*ck is this? Is there an ice here?" He shouted as he body was shivering.

[Air Conditional turned off automatically, it seems this person is uncomfortable with it]

He heard a robotic voice projected through the elevator.

"Air Conditional? What is that?"

[Please choose the floor you wish to go]

The robotic voice said and the glass in front of him had turn to a screen with keywords on it.

"This doesn't sound like a human voice." He said as he clicked on the first floor.

The elevator started moving upward, and within 10 to 15 seconds it stop, and the front door opened, Timi came out and could see that it had taken him to a large hallway, walking through the hallway, there were about 50 rooms there and each one of them is as big as the grand hall in their academy.

He checks every one of them and they all empty, just a grand room with nothing inside, there were toilets, kitchen, teeny bar, game room, etc. but they were all empty.

"All of this feels like heaven, if only I had more mana points, I would've made it more luxurious and make other things." He said as he walked back to the elevator going to the next floor.

After exploring two more floors and seeing that they were all the same, large and empty, he decided to move to the top floor and upon getting there, it was also the same as every other floor. He moves towards the hallway where everything outside was in display, he could now see how great the world he had created was.

"It would have been better if there are people who lives here." He said as he imagined different car moving around the street, some moving midair, plane flying through the sky, and humans operating different levels of technology with a mask of determination on their face. "Maybe in the future I can do that."

He's currently standing on the hallway of the top building where he could see the grand view of everything, he looked down the building as he imagined someone falling from this great height, that's when his eyes laid on a tiny thing down below. A normal person wouldn't have seen this but with his great eyesight it was clearer.

"Is that my house? Look at how tiny it is." He could see his so-called house as tiny as an ant, it stood out among the others because it's the only building built with mud and paint, while others were just clear glass and steel.

With nothing else to do, he descended the building using the elevator, there were different elevators on each hallway of each floor. After getting out of the building, he walked back to his so-called house, although he wanted to explore other buildings, but he knew everything will be empty just like the first one and exploring will only waste his time, so he decided to move back to his room.

He looked up and could see that the sky was just as bright as before, but he knew he had spent more than an hour exploring the building. Getting to the sitting room, he sat down on the floor and open up his system.

[Would you like to evolve now]

"Okay, let's move to the real reason I'm here." He said as he sat down properly in a meditating position.


[Your evolution will start now]

"Arghhh." He shouted as the pain rise from below all around his body.

He already knew this will happen and that's why he chose to do evolve here so they won't take him to the medical room like the last time.

Timi could feel his bone cracking, it was breaking at a great speed, it was as if his body was placed on a flat rock and a large boulder was being smashed on him breaking his bone into pieces and grinding it.

His body felt lifeless now, after some minutes, the pain has dwindling down, and he could feel his bone building up and his body coming back to life.

After 15 minutes or so, the pain had gone and he could feel his body more lively and agile, the air around him, he could feel it moving better and his sense of perception has also increase, a small ant cannot move behind him without him noticing.

"Must I be going through this pain every time I evolve?" He asked as he stood up and sit on the chair, his body moved faster than he thought.

[Evolution Completes]

[You have successfully evolved into a Draco]

[You have unlocked the wind attribute]

[10 stat Point granted]

"Draco? All these weird races this thing keeps calling me." He said as he decided to check out his data.

[User: Timi Snout]

[Age: 15]

[Sex: Male]

[Level: 12]

[Exp: 30/140]

[Race: Draco]

[State: Normal]

[HP: 100/100]


[Strength: 25]

[Stamina: 20]

[Agility: 20]

[Available stat points: 25]

'Okay let's share this accordingly.'

[Strength: 25+5>>30]

[Stamina: 20+10>>30]

[Agility: 20+10>>30]

After checking everything he stood up and walks towards the door.

"Oh, before I forget, let me try this out."

"Summon Sword." He said and the two long swords appeared in his hands.


"Summon Gauntlet." He remembered the system stating that it's Sword/Gauntlet, so he decided to check it out and the two long swords had quickly morphed into a pair of white gauntlet covering his hands with silver scales running through it.

"Impressive." He said as he changed it back to the sword, walking back to the chair he held the two swords in his hand.

"I don't know if this will work but I have to try it out."

Sitting back on the chair, he closed his eyes and focused his dragon sleuth skill. He could already felt the sword's energy immediately he summoned it and the building was also reacting to it.

He focused on the energy inside the sword and could see it moving wildly, he could see the white energy in the sword swirling wildly around the sword, the white energy is as thick as a mud, he started controlling it and the energy was reacting by moving slowly around the sword.

With the dragon sleuth skill, it was quite easy for him, the wild energy had settle down not moving again as he had done a good job controlling it. Opening his eyes, he couldn't feel the strange energy again.

"It worked." He was surprised, he didn't know it will work. Although the sword still looks fancy and eye catching as before, but the strange energy coming off it had stopped.

Going outside the room, he stood in front of a tall building closed to his, he swings the sword towards the building and there was a slight crack on the glass, although the sword hadn't touched the building, but the momentum had made the damage.

"At least, it didn't do much damage like before." He said as he touched the small crack. "It's time to get out of here." Turning around, he was about to open a portal back before he noticed something, turning back he quickly ran towards the glass again.

"What happen to me?"

One more chapter tonight.

Stay tune.

JWB_Kantecreators' thoughts