
The Supreme Dragon System

In a world where people on earth live peacefully before the rise of what is known as the 'Black Fauna' and turn everything upside down, taking over planet after planets. The 'Black Fauna' want to rule over the human race and their main goal is to take over earth and what's the best way of doing that than weakening them by taking over the planets that belongs to human race. Timi a boy with the goal of becoming a scientist like his father in the future lost his parent to some gangsta and his whole life change after losing them. But his parent gave him some gift before their death and in one of those gift he received a system and the system gave him a quest he thought it was impossible. [Main Quest] [Survive this wicked world, grow up and become a great person] [Quest reward:????] Timi with zero skills and zero fighting experience thought it was impossible. ______ Let's follow Timi on his journey and see how he complete his main quest.

JWB_Kante · Fantasía
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57 Chs

The Strange Energy

Miss Bora had decided to join the group of people who will be searching for this students, she's the only female in the group and she was pair with a young dark skin man who goes by the name of Jese, he was one of the first year student's sergeant and works for one of the head generals.

"Are you feeling it too?" Miss Bora asked.

"Yes, but this feeling, isn't it strange." Jese asked. "It's as if its calling us."

"Yes, so let's move towards it, the students might be in danger." She replied as they started heading towards the strange feeling.


In another part of the forest, a group of ten students are currently fighting five bug beasts, they were fighting them in pairs as they knew one of them couldn't handle one because they were all rank Q students.

All of a sudden, the beasts flew up, moving towards different directions and in an instant they were gone, the students wanted to chase them but they were unable to keep track of them as the beasts moved separately going different direction.

"What happened, why did they run." One of them asked.

"Damn it, we haven't killed any beast since we got to this forest." A blonde boy said.

They have been wandering all around the forest in search of beast but they were unable spot any and they luckily encountered these five beasts only to run away at the last moment.

"Are you guys Okay?" A masculine voice said and as they turn around they could see two men walking towards them.

"Sergeant? Teacher?" They all said.

"Did those beasts run because you guys were coming?" The blonde boy asked.

"No, probably they're reacting to that strange energy." The two sergeants replied.

"What energy?" They all asked.

The student couldn't feel anything because they were far away from the energy and their sense of perspective is little to nothing.

"Let's go get others and get out of this forest." The teacher replied.


Before everybody started feeling that strange energy, Timi had been whack to his left by the large beast's tail. The tail hit him in the stomach which had made him cough out blood. He had gone at least hundred metres away from his friends.

He landed on a bushy tree and the leaves had acted as a bulky bed for him for some seconds before something he snapped him out of his daze and he quickly forgot about the pain he's feeling.

'The energy, it's getting closer.' He thought as the bigger energy he sensed before was getting closer to him.

He got off the bushy tree and fell to the ground, he looks up and could see the frightening creature that the energy was emitting from.

It was a 8 feet tall creature with brick like body with two arms and two legs, its arms were as large as the combination of four adult men's arm and the same could be said for its legs, the head is the smallest part of its body which was a little bigger than a toddler's head, it stood straight like a human, if not for its frightening appearance, it would have been mistakenly for a giant human.

Yellow flames could be seen swirling around its body, from head to toe it was covered in flame and as it walks, black smoke could be seen left behind which was the aftermaths of the flames swirling around its body.

It was still about ten metres away from Timi and seeing this, his body was already shaking.

'Why would that damn worm hit me and send me to face my death here, it should've let me die there with my friends.' Timi thought as his legs were shaking.

[Level 8 Fiery Gorgon detected]

[Quest Rephrased]


[Quest Reward: ???]

Timi was already shaking and seeing the system message he knew the beast is a lot dangerous.

A level 8 beasts was said to take at least five rank A adventurers to deal with and it also depends on the type of magic the beast possess and the strenght of the beast.

Five rank A adventurers could take on level 8 beast that didn't possess an elemental magic while the one with elemental would take at least 8 to 10 rank A adventurers to deal with it but it also depends on the element the beast possess.

Timi turn around, he dashed towards the place where there were little to no leaves, he started running forward. The beast raised its right hand and a large fire sword appeared then throwing it forward, it had hit one of the large trees at the front, the tree fell crossing the road and had blocked Timi's way.

Timi didn't stop his advance and he continue running then jumping up he was about to cross the large tree before sensing an immense heat coming towards his head, with his skill he could see that the attack is a large one and he was still midair so he couldn't avoid it, with nothing to do he dived down which had made him lost his balance and upon landing, his heard had hit the large tree on the ground.

He felt a great pain on his and blood was dripping out, but he don't care because he will do anything he can to survive, even if he's to lost his head 💀, looking up he could see the large fireball passed above him, it was about 5 feets away from him, the heat was burning his body and he was cover in sweat, the fireball had hit one of the tall trees at the back and it had turn into crisp.

'If that thing hits me, I'll be burn to ashes.' Timi thought as he was finding a way to get out of this situation. 'This damn beast doesn't even think I'm a student, is it not pitiful at all?'

The beast pointed its five fingers and five small fireballs had shot out spreading around Timi, quickly the leaves around the him had caught fire which had immediately form a circle around Timi.

He looked around and he could see that he was trapped in the middle of a fire circle, there's no way for him to get out, thinking of any possible ways, he quickly checked his skills and he could see that no skill will help him out of this situation.

Even if he was to use his invisibility skill he would still need to pass through the fire circle and the fire was getting closer to him by the seconds, he was sweating and his clothe was already burning. His eyes glazed on one skill for a second as he saw it, thinking fast he quickly used the skill.

[Cold breath]

The fire in his front and besides him had quickly disappear and when he could see the outside, the beast was standing right in front of him with its palm held out.

'Am I really going to die here.' He thought. Forming out of the beast's hand was a large fireball that will consume Timi and the trees behind him and burn them to ashes, the fireball hadn't left the beast's hand but Timi's clothe was already burning and his body was also burning.

"Summon sword." He cried out loud and appearing out of his hand were two silver long swords.

He didn't know what had come over him but something was telling him from inside to say those words and as he did, the two silver sword had appeared. As the swords appear, the fire circle had quickly died down and the fireball forming out of the beast's hand was decreasing, even the beast was stunned as it was getting a strange feeling from the sword.

Swinging the sword sideward in a semicircle motion, it had sliced the beast into two, the sword had gone through its body easily like he was slicing a bread, the beast's body fell apart.

Timi hadn't moved from where he was lying and he didn't even know how he had made that attack because it was as if the sword moved on its own accord or something else had control it.

"Is it dead? Just like that? How? This sword is really powerful." Timi wanted to celebrate, he wanted to jump up that he survived but he wasn't in a position to do that as all his white skin has become darker and he could feel the powerful energy emitting from the sword.

"This will attract unwanted attention." He said as held the swords upward looking at it.

"De summon sword." He said and the sword disappear.

"it work." Now he knew how to summon and de summon the sword.

He turned around to look at the lifeless body of the beast only to see a strange sight around him.

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