
The Supreme Dragon System

In a world where people on earth live peacefully before the rise of what is known as the 'Black Fauna' and turn everything upside down, taking over planet after planets. The 'Black Fauna' want to rule over the human race and their main goal is to take over earth and what's the best way of doing that than weakening them by taking over the planets that belongs to human race. Timi a boy with the goal of becoming a scientist like his father in the future lost his parent to some gangsta and his whole life change after losing them. But his parent gave him some gift before their death and in one of those gift he received a system and the system gave him a quest he thought it was impossible. [Main Quest] [Survive this wicked world, grow up and become a great person] [Quest reward:????] Timi with zero skills and zero fighting experience thought it was impossible. ______ Let's follow Timi on his journey and see how he complete his main quest.

JWB_Kante · Fantasía
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57 Chs

The Ranking System

In Bromley Academy, the student are currently being called in the grand hall they all knew what was about to happen some were happy while some were sad, Both Diana and Idan thought among the sad ones would be Timi but Timi was not sad at all because he don't really mind about any system ranking all he wanted to do is to get strong. After training for 3 more days he has gained new skill and he's currently staring at his stat now.


[Strength: 7]

[Stamina: 8]

[Agility: 5]

[Mana pool: 0/100]

[Mana pool can be increased by eating mana fruit or absorbing mana from others]

Mana pool is one of the 3 rewards he received after completing his daily optional quest for the past 3 days.


Timi just need 5 more exp to level up which can be achieved by completing his daily quest.


[Dragon Sleuth]

[Cold Breath: The user can exhales an icy blast in a 5 meter square, anything around the area will be frozen]

[Paralyzing Breath: the User can exhales an invisible paralyzing gas in a 5 meter square, anything around the area would be paralyzed for 1 minute]

These are his new skill he had gained with the Mana pool for completing his daily optional quest.

The others didn't understand what's wrong with him as he keeps staring hard at his system but they couldn't see it and they were wondering.

"What's wrong with him?" Diana asked.

"I don't have an idea too." Idan said as he tap him, "Hey, will you wake up." Idan said.

"Oh sorry, I was just thinking about something, has the ranking System started?" Timi asked.

"Don't think about it too much, they can't do anything for you while we are here." Idan said trying to cheer him up not knowing what he was thinking about. Timi knew exactly what Idan meant by "they", because during the last three days Blake and his friends had been on his neck in training, he didn't know what exactly he had done to anger them but it's almost as if they don't want to see his face.

"Thanks Idan." Timi replied, the door was opened and walking through it were the 5 commander and behind them were the head generals, sergeants, soldiers and teachers. One of the head generals came forward and walking closely behind him were 10 to 15 young soldiers, each one of them holding a green crystalize container.

"Good afternoon student." The man said but paused for a while as he could see the saddened look on some students face, "I guess everyone know why we have gather here today, some of you may not be happy about this ranking system but I want to let you know that the ranking system is not about showing strength of student or showing who the strongest student is like other factions out there does, but the reason we do this in school is for the less privilege student to improve themselves, it's for them to build a room for improvement because here in this school we are equal, if we don't implement this system some student will think they are the strongest, for example the best student in the weapon class will think he or she is the strongest in the school not knowing that another student in the martial art class may be stronger than he or she and the student will not sharpened his or her skill thinking they are already the best. So to avoid that, we implemented the ranking system so that our student can know their place and build a room to improve themselves so they won't be at the bottom and you can increase your rank by challenging those ranked above you, it can be anywhere either in the school or outside the school once the person you're challenging accept the challenge from their tag it will reflect, also you can also increase your rank by doing well in the beast hunting assessment which will now be held occasionally and not every week again. One more thing, you can only challenge someone once in a week, if you challenge me today, you'll have to wait for the following week to challenge another person. Is that clear?" He said and everybody cheered.

After that, the students were asked to drop their tag in the container and after some minutes had passed the containers lit up and so did their tag, the tags were activated and reattached itself back to each of the student with their rank showing openly on the tag. The rank starts from rank F which is the highest to S the lowest rank, there were about 7 students in the F rank and exactly 5 in the S rank while the ranks between these two were about Fifty each or so student. In the F and S rank, we have what they called the lower class and the upper class, the upper class in the F rank are refers to as the strongest while the lower are the ones slightly behind them but above the G rank, there are two student in the F upper rank, Blake and Idan, while there are about Six student in the F lower rank including Diana and Temmy with some other student. And the upper class in the S rank are the ones slightly below the R rank while the lower class are the weakest, there are only two student in the S lower rank, Timi and a redheaded boy named Gary from the weapon class, while there are three student in the S upper rank. They were told how the ranking system works, student in the same rank can challenge each other and also student ranked above them, even among those in the same rank there is a slight different in point so that's why they can challenge each other so they could be growing up little by little before evolving to the next rank. This is how it's also done among factions and hunters, but their lowest rank is F while the highest is A+, they can rank up by completing quest, a new faction or a new registered hunter will be given the lowest rank, rank F. After the explanation was done the student went back to there training.

When going to the weapon class, Blake and his friends came over and stop Diana and Idan on their way.

"So said these two are the best in the weapon class and this guy is the same rank and I." Blake said talking to the guy next to him.

"Yes, and they're hanging around with that pathetic black and white guy." The boy replied, the boy name's Jake, a fair brown headed boy.

"What do you want?" Diana asked.

"I wonder how long this guy can last against me." Blake said as he ignored Diana completely and keep staring intensely at Idan.

"Oh you wanna fight? Well, I'm always ready, I've been looking for a way to kick your arse really hard as you keep disturbing Timi." Idan said as he rolled up his long sleeve ready for a fight at any moment and Diana is also ready for a fight as she could see the people behind Blake preparing themselves, she was confident that with her and Idan they could take them on and the only trouble they will have will be Blake, although they have not seen his skills or others but for him to be rank F upper class then he must be strong while the others are between rank G to I.

"Don't worry, I won't use sword for you." Idan said, Blake was just silent looking at him while the people behind him were all ready for a fight.

"Huh, rea-" before Blake could even say anything Idan had ran forward throwing his fist going straight for Blake, he too was also ready but Idan's speed came as a shock to him but Blake is not any weaker than him as he parry the punch and was right behind Idan. Diana and the others had already gone into combat, swinging her duel blades widely they were unable to get her because they were all careful not to be hurt by the blades.

Blake and Idan were throwing punch at each other with nobody having the upper hand until 3 second year student ran into their middle, two of them going for Diana and the others while other decided to go for Blake and Idan, Blake seeing this opportunity decided to throw his last punch as hard as he could as he could see the second year student blocking Idan's view, throwing his punch straight for Idan's he could no longer see them there and the next thing he could see was Idan's fist planted on his face, he didn't how it happen but it was as if Idan teleported straight beside him. Blake fell directly on the second year student's chest with bloody nose and he could see the others had stop their fight already with the two second year student standing in their middle.

"What have you done, fighting with Blake?" One of the second year student said, he was the tallest of them all standing next to Diana.

"Do you know what you have just caused yourself for hurting him." He said, the boy's name is Russ.

"Can't you see?" Idan replied as he walked forward, he could see that the second student is still holding onto Blake, "It's Five against two and he brought this onto himself because he decided to continue fighting when this guy ran into our middle." Idan said pointing at the boy holding onto Blake.

"Who care about that." Russ shouted. "I'll just tell you to becareful because they will haunt you down with your friends." He said as he walk out of the arena. Blake didn't say anything as he just stood there resting on the boy's chest and staring at Idan intensely with thoughts running through his head.

'How is he so good in martial art like that, I thought he's a sword user.' He thought to himself as his friends took him to the medical lab.

Idan and Diana were left stranded and confused as they couldn't understand what the second year student named Russ meant by what he told. Why does he said to becareful? What does he mean by they will haunt them down and who will haunt them down?. With nobody answering those questions for them, they decided to find the answering themselves and make sure to inform Timi about what had happened.