
The Supreme Dragon System

In a world where people on earth live peacefully before the rise of what is known as the 'Black Fauna' and turn everything upside down, taking over planet after planets. The 'Black Fauna' want to rule over the human race and their main goal is to take over earth and what's the best way of doing that than weakening them by taking over the planets that belongs to human race. Timi a boy with the goal of becoming a scientist like his father in the future lost his parent to some gangsta and his whole life change after losing them. But his parent gave him some gift before their death and in one of those gift he received a system and the system gave him a quest he thought it was impossible. [Main Quest] [Survive this wicked world, grow up and become a great person] [Quest reward:????] Timi with zero skills and zero fighting experience thought it was impossible. ______ Let's follow Timi on his journey and see how he complete his main quest.

JWB_Kante · Fantasía
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57 Chs

The Dragon Realm

The way Timi shouted had woken up all the students in the room with him, it had even caught the attention of the doctors which they quickly rushed in and asked him what happened, but he lied, saying he was only hallucinating and that's all, the doctors gave him some herbs before they called the head generals to question them.

After they were all questioned, they left the medical room and go to their dorm room.

Timi asked them what happened after he was thrown away by the worm and they explained everything to him, he also explained his part of the story but didn't mention anything about the sword and said he was also saved by the strange energy.

When they heard his part of the story, they were surprised of how he had avoided been hit by the Gorgon's attack, they couldn't imagine what would have happened to them all if not for the strange energy.

Gary had left earlier because he felt he wasn't part of them and don't have the right to be with because he felt like a weak asshole and not been able to help when they were in a dire situation.

"Hey, aren't you going to return it to him." Diana asked to Idan who was swinging the sword as they left the medical room.

Miss Bora had picked up all of their weapon in the forest and when they later woke up in the medical room they saw the weapons arranged on the other side of the room and Idan had quickly picked the sword and started swinging it, but Gary didn't say anything.

"He left already, and this sword I don't think he deserves it so I'll help him use it." Idan said as he keeps staring at the sword with a smile on his face.

"So you want to take the boy's sword because he's weak, he can't fight back." Temmy said. "What's the difference between you and those bully?" She asked.

"No, that's not it, I'm different from those bully, is not that I'm going to give him a beating before he gives me the sword." He said as he put the sword back in its sheath. "Can't you see it yourself, he has this sword and the great armor with him but he can't even use it well against a level 1 beast, so what do you expect him to use it for. Even Timi who was at the bottom of the table ripped a level 2 beast with his bare hand." Idan said as he continues moving forward. "Even if I didn't use it, other student will definately collect it from him because he won't be able to fight back."

They all thought what he said was true because some students had seen him brought it out with the armor during the assessment, so some who can't afford high level weapon will surely bully him and collect it from him, but they can't also let Idan have it because it doesn't feel right and the boy will think they are no different from others who bully.

"Hey, we already have plenty beasts' core, you know the school will only take five percent out of it, so after the assessment is recorded tomorrow we can sell the core and get us good weapon." Timi said as he approached him from behind.

"Oh, I almost forgot about that, I wasn't even planning to take the sword from him because it really isn't a good thing so I'll return it tomorrow." Idan said as he performs an awesome move with the sword.

"What a good boy." Diana said with a smile. "Don't worry, we'll train and make him stronger so he can protect himself, you know he's already part of us."

After their small argument, they went to their room to have a good night sleep and prepare for tomorrow's result, the assessment has been a tough one for them all. Temmy has also gone to her room as the four didn't share a room, only three of them.


Timi had kept his eyes open since he got on his bed, he was waiting for the others to fall asleep because there's a mission he needs to complete, and after noticing that they were already sleeping deeply, he got off his bed and look at the wall clock which states "12:41am", after seeing what the time says, he quickly went behind his bed at the edge of the room.

'I haven't test this out since I received it, so I don't know how it will work but I just hope it doesn't lead me to trouble.' He thought as he called out the skill.

[Dragon Realm]

A silvery portal had open behind him, it was shining brightly that it lit up the room, although there was a crystalized lantern in the room but it wasn't bright enough to lit up the whole room. His heart was beating faster as the portal had lit up the room, he didn't know it will be this bright, he looked back and could see that there's no reaction from others, they were still sleeping peacefully.

Stepping into the portal, he looked back at the wall clock which is now 12:42.

'I don't have any time to waste.' He thought as he put his other leg in the portal and it had closed behind him.

"Where am I? Afterlife? Another World? Or the Dragon World?" He thought as he looks around, there's nothing in sight, only a white background, everywhere was white and even where he's standing on was just a white floor, it was as if he's in a completely white room with nothing inside, he could only see a white orb at the center of the room. "Where is this?"

[Remember it was said that you're the lord of this world, so you decided what it will looks like]

The system message popped up answering his question, now he understood why it's all white because he hadn't created anything.

The first thing that came to Timi's mind was his former house and the atmosphere had quickly change to what could be describe as a 3bedroom flat.

"This is exactly what my house look likes." Timi was surprised, he hadn't heard or seen anything like this before, he explored the room and could see that it was all arranged the way it was on his mind, after going through everything, toilet, bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, sitting room, dining table, etc. everything was placed in the house, he remember this was how he's house used to be.

He wanted to think of his parent maybe they will appear and bring them back to life but he remembered what the system said that everything here will be an illusion and he's the creator of this world, so he knew they might not have their brain even if he's to bring them back.

[Mana points: 115.5/144.5]

"Wow, all of this takes just 29 mana points." He was surprised because he thought with how he had arranged the house, the clothes, utensils, furniture and everything that it would have taken all his mana points but it only took 29 points. "Okay let's try something." He said as he started walking towards the door.

Opening the door, he could see that the outside was changing, when he first checked outside through the window, it was all white but now he could see building appearing out of nowhere, some were coming out of the ground. He had created a landscape out of his own era in the real world.

It was just a small beautiful city with different buildings, skyscrapers and high tower, the buildings were closed to each other leaving next to no space in between but the little space that was there is enough for a car to pass through, his house was the smallest, he walked out of the room and looked at the tall buildings that were piercing through the sky, all the buildings were made of glass, no wood or any sign mud they use in the real world Timi come from.

The sky was dark showing that it was night time but the bright moon had lit up everywhere, making it look like night street light was turn on, the street was empty and he's the only walking around admiring his own work, the white orb was hovering above the buildings, he didn't know the purpose of the orb and he didn't try to know about it as he completely ignored it.

"I can't believe, I can really create something like this, only if I had more mana points, it would have been better than this." He said.

[Mana points: 4.5/144.5]

He had used up all his mana in creating this luxurious landscape.

"I would have loved to explored these buildings but I can't waste any time here, I need to do what I'm here to do." He said, but then something had clicked on his head.

"The system, it state that I can control the flow of time here."

As he said those words, a small piece of the white orb had come down and it was hovering in front of him.

[Would you like to change the time flow of time in this world]

The system message had appeared in his line of sight.


He quickly selected, the piece of the orb lit up and two screen had appeared in front of him, the first one had "The Dragon Realm" written on it while the second screen had "The Real World", without explanation he already knew what to do, he changed his world to 1Hour and the real world to 1 minute. So every hour here is a minute in the real world.

There won't be any chapter tomorrow due to a little problem, but I promise to drop two or more chapters on Friday.

JWB_Kantecreators' thoughts