
The Supreme Dragon System

In a world where people on earth live peacefully before the rise of what is known as the 'Black Fauna' and turn everything upside down, taking over planet after planets. The 'Black Fauna' want to rule over the human race and their main goal is to take over earth and what's the best way of doing that than weakening them by taking over the planets that belongs to human race. Timi a boy with the goal of becoming a scientist like his father in the future lost his parent to some gangsta and his whole life change after losing them. But his parent gave him some gift before their death and in one of those gift he received a system and the system gave him a quest he thought it was impossible. [Main Quest] [Survive this wicked world, grow up and become a great person] [Quest reward:????] Timi with zero skills and zero fighting experience thought it was impossible. ______ Let's follow Timi on his journey and see how he complete his main quest.

JWB_Kante · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
57 Chs

Special Training

The next day had arrived and after their general lesson of thirty minutes in the morning they went to their separate club, when Timi got to the martial art club he could see Blake and his friends standing over the edge of the room, when they saw him entered they walk towards him but Timi wasn't afraid he just continue walking forward although they were not surprised because Timi is always like this even as they always bully him he wasn't afraid of them, and that's why they name him a punching bag and Black and white guy, when they got close to him he stopped as he notice that Blake's energy was running widely, it was swirling around his body like a wide beast, Timi always had his Dragon's Sleuth skill on because he wanted to use it on other sergeant and teachers that's why he always had it on. When he saw Blake's energy running widely he stopped because he was quite afraid of what might happen, as he stopped they all do the same but before they could do anything Sunny had interfere.

"No fighting this morning, let's start training now." Sunny said as he got into their middle and he could see the anger building in Blake and his friends.

'What has he done to anger them like this?' Sunny thought, as he interfered it was as if Blake was about to attack him himself for his interference and Timi noticed this as well, he could see another energy building from below in Blake's body it was swirling widely and running fast but it quickly dwindle down as Blake notice that he's getting out of control so he stop himself and they all walk out of there and went straight for training.

Timi also went for his training and after training for one and half hour Timi stop to have a break and look at his system.

[Daily quest completed]

[5Exp received]

[Current Exp: 5/20]

[Daily optional quest completed]

[New skill unlocked]


[This skill can be used to make the user invisible]

'Wow, this is cool' He thought, after taking break for twenty minute he continued his training, he had made sure not to get close to Blake and his friends because he knew the consequences of doing that.

After their training and everybody left the room he stayed there for a while as he waited for Sunny to come back and after some minutes Sunny entered the room.

"You are here." Sunny said as he walked forward.

"Yes, welcome." Timi replied as he slightly bowed down.

"Are you ready for today's training?" Sunny asked him.

"Yes I am." He said as he pound his hands together, then Sunny brought out a duel blades throwing it over to Timi before putting on his own gauntlet.

"I'm not a sword user." Timi said not knowing why he's giving him a sword.

"I know, but it's not a bad thing to master all weapon and martial art skill, is it?" Sunny asked as he walk forward. Timi think about it for a while before realizing that it really isn't a bad idea as he remembered that there's a powerful sword in his possession that he can't control.

"I'll proudly accept your special training." Timi said as he slightly bowed down.

"Okay, so our first training today is to learn how to wield a sword then how to fight a sword user." Sunny said as he brought out another duel blades a bit longer than the one he gave to Timi. Sunny twisted his body and swung the sword as hard as he could landing straight on the training doll's neck and slicing it off cleanly.

"Don't be surprised I have a good swordsmanship." Sunny said as he could see speechless Timi standing there.

"Because you're Master Lee's son, right?" Timi replied but Sunny didn't say anything and they started their training, Sunny demonstrate some moves for him to repeat and he did it well but Timi was actually cheating because while Sunny was demonstrating his moves Timi had activated his Dragon Sleuth Skill and use it to track down Sunny's energy, how he demonstrated all his move he used his Dragon Sleuth Skill to track everything like a surveillance camera although he still can't see Sunny's energy but the yellow aura in his body moves according to how Sunny perform his moves then controlling the flow of his own energy he had repeated the moves, he didn't really know it will work but he was happy as his trick had work out because he knew he can't repeat the moves exactly like that if not for his skill, Timi now have the skill to use to learn faster. Sunny was quite surprised and his mouth was left wide open in awe.

'How does he learn it so fast' Sunny thought.

"Okay, let's move to the next level I can see that you're a fast learner." Sunny said as he led him to another room Timi had not entered before.

"You see this room is where level 3 training dolls are being kept, this room is void of student but when you get to second year you'll train with these dolls." He said as they enter a room with different training dolls holding different kind of weapons. Sunny got close to one of the dolls which held a long wooden sword in its hand and he pressed a few button on it before the doll was activated.

"Target detected." The doll said in a robotic voice as it walk towards Timi readying its sword.

"Deflect all the attacks and make an attack of your own." Sunny shouted from behind the doll. Timi held his duel blades tightly and activated his Dragon Sleuth Skill to control his energy and to predict the doll's move.

[New quest received]

[Defeat the level 3 training doll]

[Quest reward: 10Exp]

Timi didn't have time to be surprised because the doll was already behind him and its sword was swung down towards Timi's head but he quickly raised his two sword to block the attack and as it made contact with his sword, Timi was sent flying back and his head was slammed on one of the dolls that was behind him making the doll fall down, the attack was so heavy that one of his sword had fell down.

'That was a wooden sword, how did that thing attack and it doesn't break.' He was surprised because he knew that if the sword touch his head he would get injured. Getting up from where he was lying he readied the other sword in his hand and run forward, the doll did the same running towards Timi and was ready to attack but Timi already knew where the attack would go, he bend down slightly and parry the attack then swinging the sword from behind, he use it to cut through the doll's leg before kicking its back and the doll fell down then he picked up his second sword and was ready to attack the doll again but something appeared in front of him. 

[Quest completed]

[10exp Granted]

[Current exp: 15/20]

Then he look down and could see that the doll had been deactivated.

"You are quite impressive and I could see that you perform the moves I taught you." Sunny said as he walk forward and clap his hands. "Your sword skills are great and you're learning fast, so why did you join the martial art club and not weapon club." Sunny asked but even Timi don't know the answer to this question so he replied.

"Because I thought fighting with your bare hands is more realistic." Timi replied which make Sunny chuckle at this comment.

"It's late already and we are done for today so go to your room and have a goodnight sleep." Sunny said as he walk towards the exit.

"Wait, I have a question." Timi asked.

"What's that?" Sunny replied.

Timi explained what had happened between his friends and Blake and what the second year student said about haunting them down but he could see that Sunny was not surprised a little.

"So, what do you want to know?" Sunny asked.

"What the boy meant by some people haunting my friends down." Timi asked

"That means I'll have to tell you about their family." Sunny said as he walked back and took his sit.