
The Supreme Dragon System

In a world where people on earth live peacefully before the rise of what is known as the 'Black Fauna' and turn everything upside down, taking over planet after planets. The 'Black Fauna' want to rule over the human race and their main goal is to take over earth and what's the best way of doing that than weakening them by taking over the planets that belongs to human race. Timi a boy with the goal of becoming a scientist like his father in the future lost his parent to some gangsta and his whole life change after losing them. But his parent gave him some gift before their death and in one of those gift he received a system and the system gave him a quest he thought it was impossible. [Main Quest] [Survive this wicked world, grow up and become a great person] [Quest reward:????] Timi with zero skills and zero fighting experience thought it was impossible. ______ Let's follow Timi on his journey and see how he complete his main quest.

JWB_Kante · Fantasía
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57 Chs

Snout Family

"Hey, do you hear that Timi got the highest mark in the last test." A boy said.

"Yeah, I actually heard it too, it looks like he has even surpassed the grade 6 students." Another boy said.

"I think he has been chosen as our school representative for the upcoming competition."

The student exclaimed in excitement as their classmate is been chosen as the school representative.

In Freshen Kids Academy, every single students were talking about their results and the well known boy who got the highest mark in the whole school. Timi is a young teenage boy still in his early 15 years of age, a pale skin boy, his skin almost white in color with a long wavy black hair which swept backward with little spikes sticking out of it, if he disband his hair it will cover his face and make him look like a ghost. His face doesn't stand out but his black hair and pale skin does, that's why he's very easy to be spotted in the crowd.

Timi attends Freshen Kids Academy, he didn't come from a popular family but since he got to Freshen Kids Academy he is well known in the whole school because of his vast knowledge and intelligent. Even his seniors and teachers bring questions for him and solve it for them with ease.

Right now Timi is running home to show his parents his great achievement because this is the first time he's getting a mark above his seniors, the grade 6 student. Although he is well known for his vast knowledge he hasn't got a mark above the grade 6 students before but he has achieved that now. When he got home he didn't even attempt to knock the door as he bang in and run to the kitchen.

"Mum, mum, mum." Timi shouted, still running on his two feet. "Mum guess what."

"That you got the highest mark in the whole school." His mum, Lucy replied with smile as she gave him a big hug. Lucy, a young woman in her late thirtieth, she's fair in complexion and tall, she work as a researcher, that's Timi's mother.

"But mum, how did you know so fast." He asked angrily, still surprise and saddened that he's not the one who broke the news to his mum.

"Don't worry, you know there's nothing going on in this town that I don't know about." She replied. But Timi was saddened and started walking away.

"Where's dad." He asked before opening the door.

"He went to get the gift he promised you once you achieved this." His mother replied.

"Wait don't tell me... He's finally getting me a golden ring." Timi said in excitement, he has been disturbing his dad to get him a golden ring since he got to grade 4 but his dad promised him that he will get him a gift once he get the highest mark in the whole school, it sounds crazy but he's finally achieved it.

A few minutes later, Emi, Timi's dad got back with a heavy box in his hand. Emi is a man with the appearance of a middle age man in his early fifty, he is a bit taller than Lucy herself and has a huge muscle, he doesn't have any facial hair and just his plain face. He works as an adventurer and a scientist. A great scientist.

"Welcome honey. " Lucy said as she went to hug him.

"Where's Timi." Emi asked.

"Dad!!! Dad!!!" Timi shouted as he ran out of his room. "Is that it? Is that the golden ring in the box?" He asked in excitement as he went to grab the box.

"Relax boy" his dad replied. "What's inside that box is actually not a ring but is more important and expensive than the golden ring you've been yearning for, because what's in there is the only one of its kind in existence." His dad said as he drop the box on the floor and started opening it which reveal a full set of white glowing armor and two white dual blades shining brightly. Both the armor and blades were pure white in colour with silver like scales running through it.

"You see this... " Emi was about to explain why he got an armor and sword for his son but when he looked up he could see him standing there with his legs shaking.

"Hey what's wrong with him, why is he shaking?" Lucy asked worriedly.

"I don't quite understand, I think it's the power from the armor." Emi replied while closing the box.

When the armor was revealed Timi couldn't understand what's happening to him, he wanted to shout, yell at his dad that what did he need this for, why did he buy him an armor and sword instead of the ring he demand, he wanted to tell him that he's not even a fighter that all he wanted to do is to become a researcher, Timi wanted to get out of there and go to his room but his body is not listening to him, he wanted to shout but his mouth is not moving, he wanted to walk out of there but his leg is not listening because it was as if he's body was reacting to the armor, his body was telling him to snatch the armor out of the box and put it on, his hand was tempting him to grab the blades and swung it as hard as he could but he's not giving in the temptation and just wanted to move out of there now and then. As his dad close the box, Timi collapse on the floor and pass out, his two parent quickly pick him up and give him necessary treatment.

Little did Timi know that this is the beginning of a new life for him.