
The Supreme Dragon System

In a world where people on earth live peacefully before the rise of what is known as the 'Black Fauna' and turn everything upside down, taking over planet after planets. The 'Black Fauna' want to rule over the human race and their main goal is to take over earth and what's the best way of doing that than weakening them by taking over the planets that belongs to human race. Timi a boy with the goal of becoming a scientist like his father in the future lost his parent to some gangsta and his whole life change after losing them. But his parent gave him some gift before their death and in one of those gift he received a system and the system gave him a quest he thought it was impossible. [Main Quest] [Survive this wicked world, grow up and become a great person] [Quest reward:????] Timi with zero skills and zero fighting experience thought it was impossible. ______ Let's follow Timi on his journey and see how he complete his main quest.

JWB_Kante · Fantasía
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57 Chs

First Skill

In the weapon club, Idan and Diana have become quite popular because of their skills, they have put on a good show while training and have become a target for some student who believe they are the best.

Master Harry, the sword user teacher entered the room and he could see the student training with the training dolls, there are different type of weapon user in the room and they all have teachers for each weapon, master Harry is the sword user teacher, when he entered he clapped his hands together and the student stopped what they are doing straight away.

"Okay guys, your ranking system will begin next week and you will be ranked according to your performance in your training throughout this week, the doll you people train with records your performance, none of you know that before and If you feel like you can boost your performance by defeating or destroying the doll I'm sorry to say that it won't work because the doll only records your skill." He explained. "You see the tag on your chest is where you rank will be display and you can increase your rank by defeating the people ranked above you through the legal form only which will be held every week, some student will challenge others to increase their rank because the lower rank are always treated like trash so if you are below then you should be ready to be bullied and you can also increase your rank by doing well in the beast hunting assessment, Good luck guys." With that said master Harry left the room and the student continue their training.

"I wonder how Timi will cope, he doesn't even last 15 minutes in training while others lasted more than an hour." Diana said as she struck the doll with her sword and next to her was Idan they both train together and other student stay out of their zone because they knew how cruel Idan always be.

"Are you worried about him, I know he won't be ranked at the top but he can't be the last, there will still be other slacking behind like him and we'll always protect him from bully." Idan replied as he wipe the sweat on his face.

"I know but we can't always be with him you know and I'm sure of it he would have collapsed in training by now." Diana said.


Little did they know that the Timi they are currently discussing about is pushing himself to the extreme. After training for three days, Timi had started lasting longer than usual, he had started completing his daily quest which state to train for 10 minutes to gain 5 exp and today as the fourth day of training he plan to complete the optional quest which state to train more than 20 minutes but he had plan to train more than that.

In the martial art club, everybody had stopped their training and all focused their attention in one area, Timi who is currently pushing himself to the extreme, before he started his training he had asked Sunny to keep the track of time for him. Timi had been training for about 30 minutes now without taking a break and now other student had stop there training not because they were tired but because they we're surprised to see Timi train more than 10 minutes without taking a break and he took the training very serious blocking every strike of the doll and attacking at the same time and others were wondering why he's training so hard like this.

"Is that black and white guy going for a competition." A boy asked.

"Why will he be taken to a competition when i 'm here." Blake, the martial art top student said. "And I don't think there's any upcoming competition maybe he's actually training hard to get revenge on us." Blake said. Blake and his five goons are the one who bully Timi and call him all sort of names in the martial art club.

"What a pathetic loser." A boy next to Blake said.

Timi is the only one who knew the reason why he's training hard, even Sunny thought he just want to improve himself but Timi is doing this just to see the reward behind his optional quest, although he had trained for 20 minutes which is for his quest but he want see how far he can go. After training for 45 minutes, Timi fell on his knees huffing and panting hard, other student laughed at him that he can't go more than that while some encouraged him for his improvement. Still on his knees Timi keeps staring hard at the system screen as he received message after message.

[Daily quest complete]

[5 Exp received]

[Current Exp: 20/20]


[You have Leveled up]

[You are now Level 2]

[Exp: 0/20]

After training 10 minutes for 4 days he has reached his max exp points and now he has Leveled up.

[You have received 5 stat point]

[Available stat point: 5]

[Stat point can be used to increase your stat]

When he look at his stat he could see

[Strength: 5]

[Stamina: 5]

[Agility: 5]

Timi knew what he needed most so he added 3 points to his stamina and 2 to his strength, he knew if he increase his stamina well he can keep completing his quest without exhausting himself. He decided to check his rewards.

[Daily optional quest complete]

[You have unlocked your first skill]

[Dragon Sleuth>Level1]

[This is a two ways skill (1) it can be used to detect an energy, either living energy or non living energy (2) it can be used to inspect objects and living things which will show informations about the object or living things]

'First skill, it wasn't an elemental skil, huh' He thought.

After checking out his rewards and exploring the system, Timi stood up and was about to go back to training after adding the stat points to his stamina he could feel a bit of his energy returned so he wanted to continue his training with that since he hasn't collapse but for some reason while standing up he could feel his legs were heavy, turning back to see what the problem was, he was sent flying back and the only thing he could see was Blake standing there with a smile on his face and his friends by his side before he crashed against the wall and collapsing, he couldn't comprehend what had happened but without a doubt he knew it was Blake's doing.

"Is that all he has?" A boy with brown hair said standing next Blake asked.

"Yeah, with all his hard training he can't even stand a chance against my punch." Blake replied looking at his fist.

"What's going on there?" Sunny asked from behind as he could see all the student had stopped their training. Sunny had been training them with some of his colleagues while Master Lee comes occasionally.

"Sir, while we were training he got in our way and took my fist head on by mistake." Blake lied, Sunny didn't say anything more because he knew it will be useless, after all they were all training, so he asked the guards to take him to the medical room. Temmy from the other side couldn't stop shaking her head, anger was building from inside of her, she wanted to lash out and wrapped her chain against Blake's neck.

'No I can't, it's none of my business.' She said to herself as she continued her training. She had also joined the martial art club and her main weapon is a Twin chain, she uses it in many ways either using it as a whip or wrap it around her arm, she had also been doing well in her training.