
The Supreme Dragon System

In a world where people on earth live peacefully before the rise of what is known as the 'Black Fauna' and turn everything upside down, taking over planet after planets. The 'Black Fauna' want to rule over the human race and their main goal is to take over earth and what's the best way of doing that than weakening them by taking over the planets that belongs to human race. Timi a boy with the goal of becoming a scientist like his father in the future lost his parent to some gangsta and his whole life change after losing them. But his parent gave him some gift before their death and in one of those gift he received a system and the system gave him a quest he thought it was impossible. [Main Quest] [Survive this wicked world, grow up and become a great person] [Quest reward:????] Timi with zero skills and zero fighting experience thought it was impossible. ______ Let's follow Timi on his journey and see how he complete his main quest.

JWB_Kante · Fantasía
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57 Chs

Different Area

Three sergeants and three teachers had arrived at the camp with thirty students besides them, they also felt the strange energy in the forest but they want to make sure the students were saved so they took them back to the camp.

The strange feeling had caused them panic and they knew some of the remaining student might be in trouble.

Running around the forest was Miss Bora and Sergeant Jess, they've been running towards the strange energy since they felt it. They haven't encounter any beasts since they got to the forest, it was as if the forest had been void of beasts but they we're thankful because beasts encountering will only waste their time.

All of a sudden they both stopped.

"The energy, it's gone." Miss Bora said as they couldn't feel the strange energy again.

"Look." Jess said pointing his hand at the front. Miss Bora couldn't see it before.

"What the, what happened there." Miss Bora said. Up at the front they could see that a particular area is slightly different from others, although they haven't gotten there, it's still about 150 metres away from them but they have been coming to this forest for some years now so they could tell it's different from a glance.


Looking around the area, Timi could see a different sight, he couldn't understand what had happened here as there's a confused look on his face.

"What's this? What happened here? Don't tell me it's the sword power?" Timi said. "This, the academy will surely ask me different questions."

Everything around him has completely changed from what it was before, the tall tower like trees had be cut down that he could now see the sky clearly, the dwarf like trees that were full of leaves were nothing now but a lifeless wood.

About hundred metres away from him had been cleared of trees, it was only full of short trees and thick branches lying on the ground.

He looked around and could see dead beasts on the ground, either sliced into two or pieces, then something clicked on his head.

"No, my friends, they're were around that place." Thinking of this, his heart was beating faster and he couldn't imagine Idan and others being sliced into two like those beasts.

Little did Timi know that when he swung the sword, a thick white line of aura had shot out, it was as thick as a dry mud, it shot out hitting every single creature around the area. If not that the worm had injured his friends and they can't stand up, they would have been sliced into two like the beasts.

Raising his head, he wanted to use his last energy to get up but something had quickly block his line of view.

"The system." He said as he was receiving multiple messages from the system.

"There's a boy over there." He heard a masculine voice coming from his right hand side, he quickly closed his eyes because he wants to avoid any question but he knew he can't.

"Check if he's Okay so we can also give him pill." Miss Bora replied. They've ran here when they saw the strange sight ahead of them, they knew some students will be there and as they got there they saw a group of four students lying on the floor in a different position.

Temmy was lying besides a falling trees and leaves had cover her body, they could see that the students were in bad state but none of them is dead, they were only passed, blood was dripping out of Gary's leg so they quickly give them pills to heal there body and to restore their stamina.

Temmy had been given a white pill and her body was healing fast and her bone was also going back to normal while the tree others were given red pill.

Jess picked Timi up and also put him besides the others, they've contacted the camp that a mage should come over to transport them because they couldn't carry the students.

"They've killed so many beasts so why did they come here, they even gathered level 2 beasts' core." Jess said as he drop the bag on the floor, they look around and they could see different levels of dead beasts on the floor.

"I'm sure it's that strange energy that killed many of the higher level beasts." Miss Bora said, "We must investigate this and locate the energy."

"I can't find any core in the level 8 eight fiery Gorgon and the level 5 worm." Jese said as he held the Gorgon's upper body and the lower on the floor.

Timi who was pretending to be asleep wanted to open his eyes, they can't find the beast's core? Who extracted it? Is the sergeant joking. But he can't do anything and he knew if they find the core, it won't be given back to him but he's still wondering who extracted it while he was lying on the floor.

"Maybe the students already extracted it." Miss Bora replied.

"You believe the students killed them." Jess asked.

"Isn't it obvious? The Gorgon's body was found where the black haired boy was lying while the worm was found where the other four were lying which means they were battling with it before the energy came." She replied.

"But the core isn't in the bag." Jese said.

"Maybe someone got here before us but I doubt it." She said as she turns to look at Timi who was lying there with his eyes closed. " We'll need to do a proper investigation on this."

"Have you contacted others?" Jese asked.

"Yes, they'll soon be here, and other sergeants are still in the forest." Miss Bora replied.

"We are here already." A muscular brown hair man said as he walks towards them from behind and following him were three sergeants, he looks a bit older than others.

"Sergeant Puli, what about the others." Jesse asked.

"The teachers decided to stay with the students." Puli said, "I guess these are the remaining five students."

After getting other students out of the forest, they've done head count and confirmed that five students were still missing.

"Yes, that strange energy was from here and the students happen to be around by that time." Jess said.

"Maybe we can ask them some questions about that energy, i'm sure they will surely know about it." Puli said as he walks forward. " Who knows maybe the energy came from one of them." He mumble.

Walking forward, he scan the area like he's looking for something, that's when his eyes laid on the bag on the floor full of beasts' core.

"That bag, is it full of beasts' core?" He asked before he saw another thing on the ground.

"Yes, the students gathered this much." Jese replied.

Walking over to it, he completely ignored Jess, bending down he dug his hand in the Gorgon's body before doing the same for the worm.

"Where's the core." He asked facing Jess and Miss Bora with a fierce look.

Miss Bora hadn't said anything since the four arrived.

"We have no idea where it is, we couldn't find it when we got here so we were planning to ask the students when they wake up." Jese replied.

"Dred, check the bag for me and bring out any beast core higher than the level of one." Puli said as he picked up the Gorgon and the worm's body. A young man had quickly walk over to the bag.

'Higher than the level of one? Is he planning to take the level two core?' Timi thought as he carefully listen to their discussion. 'Damn, we worked hard to get those things.'

"You have no right to touch the kids' bag, even if you're to search for the core you have to wait till the Assessment will be recorded." Miss Bora said as she stands in front of the bag and the sergeant who had came over quickly step back. Turning her head to Puli. "And also, those beasts are for the academy so you should drop it now."

"Oh, then I'm guessing you already have the beasts' core with you." Puli said. "I won't let you go with it." Pulling out his sword, he was about to charge forward before a portal open besides him.

Stepping out of the portal were the other students and following behind them were the two mages and the teachers. The students had gathered at middle with a confused look on their face.

"What are we doing in the forest."

"Are we not suppose to be at the academy."

"Did the mages made mistake in the portal formation."

They were asking different questions but nobody answer them. Another portal was opened by the mages and they all go through it, appearing on the other side.

Timi's group was first taken to the medical room, although they have been given different pills to heal their body, they still need to take proper treatment for their body to be what it was before.

Each group dropped the beasts' core they have gathered in the main hall with their names written on the bag and an announcement was made that the result will be announced the following day.

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