
The Supreme Dragon System

In a world where people on earth live peacefully before the rise of what is known as the 'Black Fauna' and turn everything upside down, taking over planet after planets. The 'Black Fauna' want to rule over the human race and their main goal is to take over earth and what's the best way of doing that than weakening them by taking over the planets that belongs to human race. Timi a boy with the goal of becoming a scientist like his father in the future lost his parent to some gangsta and his whole life change after losing them. But his parent gave him some gift before their death and in one of those gift he received a system and the system gave him a quest he thought it was impossible. [Main Quest] [Survive this wicked world, grow up and become a great person] [Quest reward:????] Timi with zero skills and zero fighting experience thought it was impossible. ______ Let's follow Timi on his journey and see how he complete his main quest.

JWB_Kante · Fantasía
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57 Chs

A New Person

"What happen to me?" He asked as he moves from one glass to another on the building.

"Nothing is wrong with the glass, is it something to do with my evolution?" He said as he keeps staring at the glass.

His appearance had gone through a slight change, his height has increased by few feet, his tiny muscles had bulge out a little bit, he didn't notice it before but now he could see that the clothe he's wearing is fitted with his body, if it's tight clothe his muscle would have been in display to the outside.

His face is now smooth almost feminine, and his black hair had some grey strands on it.

"What the f*ck, grey hair? How do I tell others what had happen to me, going through a sudden change over the night is f*cking weird." Although it wasn't a noticeable change, and the grey hair won't show to the outside the way he packed his hair, but the people who know him well will notice the change.

"I have no choice and I can't back the evolution process or stop evolving because of some little change." He said as a silvery portal open behind him stepping into the portal he appeared on the side besides at the middle of the room.

'This thing is crazy; thank Goodness it didn't open on either of their bed.' He thought, looking at Idan and Diana who were still sleeping peacefully, he imagined the kind of explanation he would made if the portal open beside one of them on the bed.

Going back to his bed, he looked at the wall clocked and could see '12:47'. A smile appeared on his face; he had spent a total of 5 minutes in the Dragon Realm.


Waking up the second day, Timi look at his own body in amazement as he admires it, he hadn't noticed it before, but he could now see that the change is an advantage for him, his body is so agile that he felt weightless.

Moving towards the door, he was about to open it before the door open before him and walking in was Diana with her hair watery and a bit scattered, she's coming back from the bathroom. Idan and Diana always wake up before him, so he wasn't surprised for not seeing them in the room when he wakes up.

"Hey." Diana said as she walks past him before turning back and running in front of him blocking his way.

"What happened to you?" Diana said with her eyes locked onto his.

"Happen to me? Nothing." Timi replied as he slightly brought his head down.

Walking closer to him, Diana moves her body towards his chest like she was about to hug him, Timi wanted to move back but after seeing what she was trying to do, he calmed down. She compared her height with Timi's, and she could see that her head was only up to his chest, before it was always her head to his shoulder but now it's his chest.

"What the hell are you two doing." Idan said as he walks in and could see Diana's head resting on Timi's chest.

"Can't you see? This guy has changed over the night." Diana said and that's when Idan could also see it that Timi had slightly grown in height.

"Is this how people change or is it something special to you?" Idan asked as he keep touching Timi's body. "Your body, your face and your hair."

"It might have something to do with the herbs given to me yesterday." Timi had come up with a strong lie. "What happen to my hair?" He was surprised, he didn't think anyone will notice his hair.

"Your hair is longer than before, and your face looks more attractive." Diana replied with her face a bit red.

"Hey, stop that, it disgusts me." Idan said walking over to his bed.

'Thank God, they didn't notice the color.'

Timi also took his bath and after their breakfast and a little rest, they were called in the grand hall for their assessment result and to get their beasts' core back.

They were to stay with their group members and Timi and his group had stayed together, Idan returned the sword back to Gary as promised and he was thankful. The head generals and all the teachers with sergeants had also gathered in the hall.

When they got to the hall, Temmy couldn't stop staring at Timi and the others noticed it as well, so Idan told her that Timi had gone through a change over the night which was the effect of the herbs he received in the medical room that changed him. She also bought it like others had done.

Gary didn't say anything and just keeps staring at the air, although he hadn't notice anything about Timi like the others did and as the others were discussing and planning what they will do with the beasts' core, he was just looking another way.

"Hey Gary, would you like to train with us on Monday?" Diana asked as she approached him.

"Train with you people?" Gary said with his mouth wide open.

"Yes, you afraid?" Idan asked him.

"What would you collect from me if you ask me to train with you people, I know you want to do it to help me grow stronger but what is your benefit, what will you ask me as a reward." Gary asked, his voice shaken as he was scared.

"Don't worry, you should be strong and protect yourself from bully, that's our own reward." Timi said moving closer to them. "As you can see, you and I are at the bottom of the ranking system, and these people here, they are all high-ranking students and Idan, the strongest but they didn't discriminate, or bully and we hang out together and they've also protected me from others without asking for a reward." He said.

Gary was still thinking of what to say, why would these strange set of people ask him to train with them, maybe they want something from him that he don't know about, but he couldn't reject it as he imagined himself training with one of the strongest students in the school.

"Hey, don't think about it too much, just say no, and wait for the beasts in human form to collect what you have." Idan said as he moves back.

"Beasts in human form?" Gary asked with a confuse look on his face, that's when he could see a group of five rank M students coming at him. There was a little space between him and his group, so these set of students don't know they were together.

Before they could get close to him, head general Francis stood up and clapped his hand together which had echoed around the hall.

"Damn it." A student leading them said.

"Don't worry, we'll get it after the result." One of the five students said as they halt their advance.

"Alright, the result announcement will start now." Head general Francis said.