
The Supreme Dragon System

In a world where people on earth live peacefully before the rise of what is known as the 'Black Fauna' and turn everything upside down, taking over planet after planets. The 'Black Fauna' want to rule over the human race and their main goal is to take over earth and what's the best way of doing that than weakening them by taking over the planets that belongs to human race. Timi a boy with the goal of becoming a scientist like his father in the future lost his parent to some gangsta and his whole life change after losing them. But his parent gave him some gift before their death and in one of those gift he received a system and the system gave him a quest he thought it was impossible. [Main Quest] [Survive this wicked world, grow up and become a great person] [Quest reward:????] Timi with zero skills and zero fighting experience thought it was impossible. ______ Let's follow Timi on his journey and see how he complete his main quest.

JWB_Kante · Fantasía
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56 Chs

A Mythical Item

All the students had gone to their room while some were in the medical room, the assessment had been a tough one for them, many students got injured but none of them was a grave injury, they have encountered different beasts they wouldn't have thought they will ever see in their life. The teachers and sergeants were thankful that none of the students had gone missing and none of them was dead, just some minor injury.

After making their reports to the head generals, they were surprised to hear that a level eight beast was in that forest, they don't even know the students will encounter any beast higher than the level of 2.

The forest is mainly used for assessment, not only by the military school but also by some adventurers who train their children and many Hanse also used it as a way to gather low level beasts' core. The eastern and northern forest are full of level 1 and level 2 beasts, so many Hanse use it as a quest site for their new members to hunt and gather level 1 and level 2 beasts' core.

Although there are times where a level 3 beast will come out but it's not what happen frequently, so because of this reason, the military school use it as their hunting ground, even from other cities they come here to hunt.

It's only used by first year students while second year and third year hunt in another city where there are forests full of high level beasts.

So it's quite a surprising thing for the head generals to hear that there's not only beasts higher than the level of 2 but there's also a level 8 Gorgon in the forest.

All of them knew the strength of a level 8 Fiery Gorgon and hearing that there's was a badly injured boy lying in the same area where the body of the Gorgon was found, they were wondering how the boy had survived it, none of them believed it before but after seeing how Timi's uniform was burnt they knew in an instant that it's the Gorgon's attack, although Timi don't have any injury on him because it had all healed, the uniform was enough evidence for them.

While Timi and his group were in the medical room, they've asked them different questions on how they encountered the beasts and how it was killed and they answer honestly by saying;

"We encountered a group of level 2 green worm beasts which we dealt with them and as we noticed that we've exeeded the area where level 1 beasts should be, we decided to go back and that's when the level 5 green worm had come out blocking our way, we tried to run because we knew we aren't a match for the beast, but before we could even move, it had used its large tail to whack Timi away, although we put on a fight after seeing that we couldn't run away but the beast put us through hell and after it had injured every one of us and was about to smash its large tail on Idan and I we felt a strange energy, we don't know if the strange energy was the cause of the beast's death but something had sliced it into halves and we knew we were saved by the unknown."

That's the answer that was given to the head generals by Diana and Timi also gave the same answer when he was asked the same question, but the head generals don't fully believe them.

"We have to make sure we keep an eye on these children." One of the head generals said. "Especially that white boy, he looks so nervous while he was answering."

Timi was really nervous when they question him, at first he was answering with no worries but when the head generals told them that they will be given a grave punishment if they found out the answer they gave was not valid, he was starting to get nervous. All of this happened after they were taken to the medical room.

The head generals had sent a search team to explore the forest not just to find the strange energy but to also look for the Gorgon's core and check if there are any higher level beasts. The head generals had searched Timi and his group up and down but they were unable to find the gorgon's core and the other higher level, so they thought another person might have taken it or the person that the energy came from might have taken it or it's still in the forest.

The search teams were not only placed in the forest but were also on the street in search of the energy and the gorgon's core.

This is because a level 8 beast's core holds an immense power and it's not what anybody can come over easily, especially an elemental level 8 beast. If an adventurer encounters a level 8 beast, they won't survive it, that's why even high ranking adventurers walk in group.

A level 8 beast's core can serve different purposes, either for creation purposes, to create weapon or boost someone's power. Level 8 beast's core can give a mage an unimaginable power, they can use it to create a portion to boost their elemental magic and other things while any weapon or other items created with this core will be a mythical item which will held a great power.

Some of the commanders and great warriors possessed this items but they're not many, they're not even up to 5, although there are beasts higher than the level of eight, but there wasn't a single person alive who had encountered any of these beasts.

In the past, there was a man who had encounter a level 10 beast and he survived the beast's encountered because he's a great warrior who has the ability to teleport, he's a commander from another kingdom, he came back to gathered his people to fight the beast together and after some days, the beast was killed but out of the thirty great adventurers who had gone, only four of them came back, including the man. The beast core was used to create a mythical weapon with a great power, but an argument occurred among these four men on who will wield this weapon, after all they killed the beast together.

After the argument, no more information was disclosed to the world, only that the man who encountered the beast had gone missing and the other three surviving men were murdered.

The commanders had put pressure on the head generals that the beast's core and the item with the strange energy came from must be found, it's obvious that the energy came from an item because the way the beasts were slashed had confirmed it. They all believed the level of the item is above the level of 8 and if it landed on the wrong person's hand, it might cause a disaster, so it's best to be kept with the military.


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