
The Supreme Demon Lord

A long time ago a war between humans and demons started, but there were demons and humans who lived in peace with each other and hear a fruit of this Adam, half-breed of demon with human will this war end?

Hades8 · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Knowing the new school

Sitting in the big room of the house, Adam was watching the news, to see the news about the war that was happening in the world, at the moment there was a documentary about a group of 5 people who changed the war to the side of the demons, they were the Clover, a group formed by vampires and demons, there were 2 vampires in the group and 3 noble demons, they were incomparable and tremendously strong, so much so that humans had to assemble several battalions to stop them, the most popular member was their leader who it was Rick, he was incomparable in strength, intelligence, beauty and wealth many demons envied him and he even had the respect of noble vampires, he also created several systems and strategies to kill all human mages and knights and this helped the army a lot demonic, his appearance was perfect for demons, he had black wings on his back, small black horns on his forehead, yellow eyes, black hair and white skin. Thanks to him the increase of female in the army has increased a lot and now at this point in the documentary he was talking about his experiences in life and war.

"I joined the army because I was very poor at the time, luckily I found enough companions and they helped me a lot on this journey, I remember that before joining the army I was alone and was mocked for being poor but everything changed after the creation of our group"

Adam was paying attention to every word that came out of Rick's mouth.

"me and the boys got together because in the army there was a lot of harassment on us, even some members being noble the ranks treated us rudely on several occasions, even in the first year of the group achieving multiple achievements they simply went blind, but today after 10 years in the war they have to remain silent before us, since we are superior to them"

After that, the reporter asks him.

"Do you think there are still people like you who are being treated badly in the army?"

"Of course you think, unfortunately we won't be able to change the minds of these veterans, we have to wait for the next generation to be better and cultivate more talent like us"

With that, Rick smiles at the camera and shows scenes of them fighting the war.

Adam was fascinated by their power, they were all very strong but when the camera came to Rick he displayed a magnificent power to shake the skies, footage of humans scared by his power could be seen.

Adam wondered if he could reach such a level one day, he wanted that kind of power never to lose what is precious to him again, remembering his mother he felt melancholy, he kept thinking if he would go back in time and stop his father to do what he did, but as much as he thought he couldn't go back in time and fix it.

Adam turned off the TV, grabbed a blanket Rika had left for him and tried to sleep but he couldn't, so he put an anime on the TV to watch and thus ended his first day in Latveria.


Today Adam went out with Lenor, as he needed to visit the city and buy new clothes, as he looked like a commoner.

"Let's go to designer stores today so behave don't let me be embarrassed there ok?"

"Yes sir"

"Hey Lenor, I need clothes too, buy them for me too"

Rika was with them too.

"Oh Rika wants some new clothes, so I buy the whole store for you"

After Lenor said this Rika gave a wide smile and they entered the store.

Adam only chose clothes that he saw Rick wearing, as he treated him as his inspiration at the time.

And Rika chose all the clothes she saw ahead giving Lenor a hell of a loss.

Lenor said with tears on her face.

"when I said I would buy the entire store for you I was kidding and now you nearly bankrupted me"

The store clerk was watching the whole scene wanting to laugh but didn't laugh because Lenor was a noble vampire.

After buying the clothes, they get to know the school Adam would attend from Monday. Arriving at the school they saw a huge building the size of a small village, at the reception there were several demons assisting students in matters of enrollment because it was mid-year and it was very common for demons to change gyms at that time. As soon as they entered the reception they were met by Lenor being a vampire count.

"Hello Mr. Lenor, how nice your visit here at our school"

Lenor looked the receptionist up and down and said.

"I came to show my… son coughs"

The receptionist was surprised by the news, as he would never think that Count Lenor would have a child since they say he is a lonely guy.

Lenor spoke once more to the receptionist.

"I need you to show me the school for Adam and give me his uniform after the tour"

The receptionist bowed to Lenor and showed Adam the school.

Adam on the Academy tour was treated very well despite being half-breed, as Lenor's title was worth a lot.

The school it was so big that it took hours for him to visit everything, there were so many rooms of different subjects, the training area was huge too and his cafeteria was very big too. Adam was very tired after the tour that he then dozed off in the car.