
The Supreme Alpha's Possession

It all started with her spilling a drink on him... But then escalated to her being given to him as a means to put an end to an inter-pack war. Nova Wolfe, a brave but insignificant Omega from the Crescent pack gets entangled with the Supreme Alpha Damien Venus, leader of the Sun Peak pack when he declares her as his mate. She remains confused as she didn't feel any mate bond between the both of them but he went as far as taking her in and away from her pack to keep her close to him because as he claimed, the mate bond was too strong for him to let her go. Nova finds a way for them to be together; " You give me all the power and money to get to the top and avenge all of my losses and I'll stay by your side, as your mate," She announced with a dark smile on her face, her mind already plotting her revenge plan. Even though Damien let have her whatever she requested for, he acts way too possessive and restricts her, which is the last thing Nova wants and doesn't understand as she feels nothing. He tries to learn to love her gently and not impose anything on her but it turns out to be a great battle between him and his inner wolf. She falls in love with him, or maybe not but sets out to find out the reason why the mate bond wasn't working after figuring out a few clues. Will she succeed in her quest, will Damien learn to love her with or without the mate bond? Please note that the cover does not belong to me. For any ideas or suggestions, Discord: Mystic Spells#4033

mysticspells · Fantasía
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9 Chs


"Nova, I'm only trying to help, you'll need to tell me what happened," he tried to reason with her, even though he still found it strange and weird that he was patiently trying to persuade someone, he was used to using his powers and getting whatever he wanted.

"Don't come closer," Nova half-yelled again when he came closer to her, her voice was on the verge of breaking and the last thing she wanted to do was remember and narrate the worst day of her life to him. She stretched out her arms in an attempt to stop him when he didn't stop moving closer but it didn't work as he was way stronger than she was, he stopped in his tracks after taking another step but it had already almost seemed like they were one person.

"How badly do you want to see the ones who killed your family writhing in pain and dying?" Damien asked with an intense gaze fixed on her and Nova's slightly trembling lips formed a thin line and she stopped her attempt to move away from him.

She knew that she was not a goody two shoes who would let those who caused her pain go. She wanted revenge, she wanted to hear them scream in agony and beg for mercy but she didn't have any power. It hurt her every day that the ones who killed her family were out there and living their lives to the fullest and her family members were also enjoying her parents' wealth while she was doing multiple jobs and also trying to protect herself from werewolves who wanted to kill her.

She had always wanted to avenge her parents and get back what was hers but she didn't have the power to... Unless....

She took a couple of steps back to get a better view of Damien while Damien wondered what she wanted to do without walking closer as it didn't seem like she would bolt away.

Nova internally scolded herself for what she wanted to be had been pestering her since the day before. There he was, the richest man in the world and the most powerful werewolf. He was all the money and power she needed, more than enough to avenge her family and rise to the top. The jackpot she had been craving had been acting like her puppet for over a day and didn't even think of it. She knew that if she continued acting stubborn, he would only result to force and never let her go. He had already called her his mate, even though it still seemed suspicious to her that she couldn't feel anything, she could sense from his behavior that the mate bond was working well on him.

Damien, as if he has read her mind, spoke up "Stay with me, and you'll easily and surely get back what you've lost ... and revenge for that which you can't bring back,"

Nova didn't reply to him, she stayed quiet and kept observing him for a few seconds the heavy atmosphere made it seem like it was over a minute.

"We have a deal then, you give me all of the power I need to avenge my losses... and I'll stay by your side, as your mate," She announced with a dark smile on her face. Damien could tell that she was already plotting her revenge plan. He was starting to wonder how dangerous she could be if triggered, he gave her a small smirk while she looked distant. He swiftly but gently placed his hands on her shoulders, this brought back her attention to him and he asked;

"Now you have to tell me what happened," he stated, Nova's face hardened and she felt something in her chest region harden and cause her heartache.


"Didn't I tell you that you would lose to me?" Alan peeped with a peal of playful laughter and Nova pouted as she let the gaming pad fall from her hand on the bed that she and her brother were sitting on with their legs crossed. They were both in her brother's room and had just finished another round of a popular video game.

"Shut up," Nova pouted and rested her chin on her palm which she had placed on her thigh. She was glaring at Alan from the corner of her eyes.

"Loser," Alan teased again and immediately sprang from the bed as Nova rushed to hit him with the back of her palm but she missed, he was faster than she was.

"I'm hungry, I'll go get something to eat," Alan stated and walked towards the door to leave the room.

"Get me something as well," she pleaded with puppy eyes and Alan slightly chuckled.

"Of course, the winner has to get something for the loser so she won't cry," he replied with a playful smirk and Nova scoffed.

"Remember we shouldn't be awake," Nova reminded him as he closed the door so that he wouldn't make any unnecessary noise in the name of scavenging for food. She let herself fall on the bed and rolled over to lay on her stomach.

"So untidy," she murmured as she picked a novel from the floor and started reading it.


Nova waited for minutes but Alan didn't show up, she was starting to wonder why he was taking so long. She started to get worried that he had either been caught roaming around the house by their parents or that he was in some other trouble so she decided to leave the room and check where he was.

She got off the bed and wore her slippers, she squinted her eyes as she realized that the lights had made the room maybe too bright for that time of the night. The door creaked as it opened and she wished she could shush it, she slowly took a step out of the room and carefully closed the door so that it wouldn't make any creaking noise again, she was now starting to feel scared.

The lights of the house were mostly turned off so only a few parts of the house had dim lights on, which was where Alan must have previously passed to go to the kitchen downstairs. She stared to her left which led to the stairs.. the path she was to take and she swiftly glanced to her right as she thought she heard some movement. The lights were turned off toward her right so it was pitch black there but for a second, she thought she saw two small ice-blue glowing orbs, they seemed like eyes or maybe floating little circles.

Nova sucked in her breath and the atmosphere started to feel suffocating, even though she only saw the blue circles for a split second, she felt more scared. She hurriedly turned back to her left and made her way toward the stairs, wanting to either meet her parents or Alan on her way.

She could feel her hands get sweaty as she descended the stairs and she rubbed her palms against her pajama pants, she was mostly fearless but things about ghosts or worse than then always freaked her out, the last thing she wanted was to experience an encounter with one. She thought of the full moon that was shining so brightly, the moonlight was coming in through the curtains and had slightly illuminated the living room and she now had an almost clear view.

She had just taken the last step down the flight of stairs when she heard a loud yell pierce through the suffocating silence and her eyes widened immediately.

"Alan," she whispered as she felt adrenaline rush through her and she clumsily ran toward the kitchen, she even unknowingly knock off her slippers from her feet in the process. The distance from the living room to the kitchen now seemed longer as a million possibilities as to why Alan yelled in pain ran through her head, Alan never used to cry out in pain.

She hadn't gotten the time to see what was going on as she entered the kitchen when she felt someone roughly pull her closer to them and lock her hands behind her back, she winced in pain and a few drops of tears formed in her eyes, she felt like her hand was about to be detached from her body.

She managed to slowly open her eyes as Alan's voice now sounded clearer. She could hear him rapidly take in deep shaky breaths and then she heard him grit through his teeth;

"Don't do anything to her," he and she fully opened her eyes, the sight in front of her shocked her.

Alan was leaning on the kitchen cabinet, his hands resting on it and his body was shaking. His white t-shirt was now torn and no longer white but blood red, deep claw marks were made on his chest and stomach and he was covered with sweat.

"Alan!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs as she furiously struggled to free herself from whoever was holding her, and more tears formed in her eyes.

Her attention shifted to the person who was in front of Alan. " Noir?" She questioned in disbelief as she could see her senior Noir's face, but he didn't look human. One of his hands was placed on Alan's shoulder and Alan was too weak to shake him off, but you couldn't call them hands. Noir looked like a half-transformed wolf, his hands now had claws and too much hair, and his eyes... Those were the two ice-blue floating circles she saw earlier. Noir had a cynical expression on his face coupled with a dark smirk, blood had splattered on his face and cloth... making him look more dangerous.

"Leave him alone!!" She yelled again as she pitied her twin brother who looked like he was about to take his last breath.

"Welcome to the show Nova, do enjoy," Noir stated in a dangerous tone.

Nova was about to yell again but her words got stuck in her throat as she felt something warm flow to her feet. Her body was now shivering uncontrollably and she slowly lowered her eyes to see what was around her feet, It was blood, too much blood to come from Alan alone. She sucked in her breath as her eyes spotted where the blood was mainly from and her eyes widened in horror.

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