
The Supreme Alpha's Omega She Wolf

Nathalie Ortega, a special she wolf born with a unique mind manipulation ability was trained, groomed and taught to hate the most feared alpha alive , his name, Marion Virgil. No matter how hard she tried, she could never beat him on battlefield. Marion was a hybrid known by all for his ruthlessness, he captures and drains special alphas like Nathalie of their gifts to increase his abilities. To end his wicked rule , Nathalie infiltrates his pack . Marion had one Achilles heel, his unfathomable attraction to omegas, so Nathalie became his weakness, she pretended to be an omega. Marion was the CEO of the most prosperous company in dark moon city, Nathalie was hired as his personal service girl making them interaction intimately. Before embarking on this dangerous mission, Nathalie had her witches lock away her mate finding natural instinct so she wouldn’t be distracted . But nothing goes as planned, Marion Virgil was easily seduced by her fake Omega charms, he became possessive, extremely jealous and doting of her. Nathalie also began to reciprocate his feelings unknowingly forgetting her mission. She refused to accept that he might be her mate, but how can she accept to mate with an enemy that has cost her family so much pain? It is fire on fire…

MajesticReyna · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Supreme Alpha, Marion Virgil

"Hail be thou, supreme Alpha of the great dark moon pack."

Everyone froze even the man Nathalie was greeting, with the blood on his face, it was supposed to be hard to tell his identity. He stared down at her in immense surprise, children usually ran when they saw him coming especially little girls but this strange one kneeling before him was not scared at all, her heartbeat was calmer than that of a newborn infant. It intrigued him.

He Inclined, resting one of his strong hands on his knee while the other languidly air stroked the little female werepup's hair, he didn't want to smear her lush red hair with blood. An act that was out of character for him but he couldn't help himself, the child was too adorable and submissive…

His taunt lips quaked. "Rise, child."

Estelle nearly gave up the ghost as she heard the deep, low but powerful voice of the leader of the group she called ' barbarian', she could never forget that voice, it belonged to the alpha that burnt her mother's pack to ashes. She greatly feared him yet she almost got her favorite child killed, if Nathalie had listened, they might be on their way to the chopping block for the crime of disrespect.

She and the rest of her family members immediately fell on their faces, shivering and praying silently for forgiveness.

"What is your name, little one?" Marion Virgil, the supreme Alpha of Dark moon pack asked with a slight curve of his pale, thin lips.

Batting her long lashes, Nathalie smiled coquettishly as a warm blush tainted her fair cheeks. She abstained from raising her head as she replied, "this humble servant is called Gloria."

Marion paused then he busted into a fit of roaring laughter further shocking everyone present. He stood upright as his eyes located the family of the brave little girl that just made his morning, they fell on her mother whose face was kissing the floor between her arms.

"Woman!" He called her and Estelle immediately lifted her head but avoided his eyes. "You are growing a fine child." He complimented her.

"Th—thank you most supreme, I do not deserve your appraisal, "Estelle said in shock. She immediately bowed her head to avoid the fearsome man's eyes.

After staring at Nathalie for a good while, Marion and his team entered the pack house leaving the family behind.

"Treat them well, they are my special visitors, "Marion declared openly before he completely disappeared behind the doors.

The family immediately rose when the alpha was out of sight. They rushed to Nathalie but the little girl seemed unfazed by their care.

Estelle squatted to fix her daughter's dress but it was just an excuse to look into her eyes. "Why did you do that, Natalia?" She asked with her teeth locked.

Nathalie looked beyond her family members to the well-guarded mansion and said, "we shouldn't keep the supreme Alpha of dark moon pack waiting." She returned her gaze to her mother and then smiled sweetly. "Or would you rather he comes to us?"

Estelle frowned at her daughter's use of sarcasm but didn't counsel her. The family uniformly stepped on the red carpet that was spread out to the doors of the mansion. By it stood two robust guards who had their claws out. They were looking straight ahead like they couldn't see the approaching family.

The family walked past them and met a myriad of guards and maids lined up by the edge of the carpet. Out of the two rolls, one maid stood out, her uniform was not the same color as the rest, hers was blue while the rest were black. They were all omegas with the guard wolves being the only regular wolves.

The blue-uniformed maid smiled reasonably at the family that was eying the fine walls of the mansion. She curtsied then said, "my lady, sire, I will guide you to the meeting room now."

Vicente nodded slightly while Estelle had her head high in pride. They followed the maid quietly as she led them through a vast hallway. Although they were not from a common home, they still couldn't help but marvel at the size and design of the mansion.

The walls had wallpapers hiding its true form, its design was stylized red floral motifs matching the Peruvian rug under their feet. Estelle felt envious of the luxury this pack house was enjoying, it was foreign to her to see wallpaper used everywhere. The only places she had wallpaper in her house were her cupboards.

Only the extremely wealthy could afford such lifestyles. The family was led to a room that looked like a small throne room with a large armchair in the middle while six single red cushion chairs were positioned opposite it but with a reasonable distance separating them from the armchair.

"Please sit, the supreme Alpha will be with you soon, " the omega maid said and was about to leave when Estelle's question stopped her in her steps.

"Feed my curiosity, maid, did the supreme Alpha just return from a mission?"

The maid's smile jerked but she managed to keep her lips curved as she replied to the curious woman, "I know not, my lady."

She left immediately after she answered the woman not caring to ask if they needed her for anything else. Interested, rude ones like Estelle seldom got maids in trouble with their preying questions, it was against the laws of the mansion to entertain any questions from the guests if it didn't regard services.

The family sat quietly as all their minds pondered different scenarios that might happen if the supreme Alpha saw through their facade. The witch that gave them the masking potion was a very powerful one but Dark moon pack also had a powerful witch that was rumored to have gotten her powers from killing other witches.

She was no better than their supreme Alpha that forcefully captures and kills other alphas for their packs. He was gossiped to first drain the alphas' of their special powers before drinking their blood dry. Families with special alphas were willing to submit their children to him to guarantee their children get to live after he was done with them.

All the children were never returned to their families so it was unknown if they were killed or kept for something else. Estelle and Vicente did not want that for their daughter, she was born with abilities that were uncommon to werewolves. She was a special she wolf making her a natural target for the power hungry Marion Virgil.