
The supernatural academy: The demon and the hybrid

Well who would have thought I would end up in a supernatural academy ? I'm so excited for the new experience. (Note the sarcasm). Why the hell do I have to go to a supernatural academy. I'm currently in my room coming up with various strategies to make my Dad change his mind about me attending the academy but I immediately discard that plan cause knowing the kind of person my father is, there is no way out. "Well it's official my life just made a turn for the worst" I said to myself before sighing again for the hundredth time today. "Yo princess I heard you would be leaving the empire to go to the so famous academy" my best friend Brenna said while giggling after staring at my sulking face. "Don't be mean Brenna, stop making fun of our sulking best friend" my other best friend kaida said while chuckling obviously being sarcastic as always. "If you guys aren't going to help then could you atleast shut up" I snap at them "sorry" they both said in unison realizing I was in a bad mood. "But you know there's nothing we can do" kaida said and I had to agree with her cause she's right. I sighed heavily before saying "supernatural academy here I come". My name's is Aurora and I'm a princess of the fire dragon empire and last child of the Royal family. And I'm also an hybrid. A very powerful one but there is a catch, I can't control my powers. I'm not just a fire dragon but a witch.

isabelle moner · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
39 Chs

Dark aura

Aurora's Pov

Acting as a shield in front of Lilith I growled in anger at the stupid dumbass group I found myself in. I mean yeah she said some words, offensive words, yeah and so, that doesn't mean they all have to go cave men and women on her. I mean it isn't even a fair fight, eight people against one person, that's so not right. And even after knowing she is now defenseless, they still plan on attacking her with the sole intent of killing her, just because she said some words. What the fuck happened to freedom of speech.

"Move" Jace growled loudly his claws on full display. Does he think I'm scared of him.

"Or else what? What are you gonna do?". I asked him in anger.

"I said move" he repeated in an alpha voice his eyes completely black. The remains of the dinning hall shook with the power the voice exuded, the werewolves in and outside the hall except other really powerful alphas had their heads hanging low whimpering, not daring to lift their heads up. This bitch didn't, I know he didn't.

"Do I look like a wolf to you? How dare you use your alpha voice on me, do I look like a member of your pack" I growled in anger. I could feel my claws itching, he really wanted to make me submit to him, the audacity, the nerves of this dog, I really wanted nothing more than to claw his face out at this moment. How dare him even think of making a dragon, a fucking dragon listen to him, a royal dragon at that, the audacity, I've never felt the need to show somebody how powerful a dragon can be and why they should be feared as I felt right now. I wanted nothing more than to bring him down to his knees and slit his throat, my claws itching for his blood. The only thing stopping me was the fact that he's Hydra's mate. And I made sure he knew that.

Stretching my hands forward, he flew towards my outstretched hand my claws digging deep inside the skin around his neck, strangling him.

Author's Pov

She could feel her powers or at least the dark being residing in her, it's powers swirling around her, the dark aura could be seen very clearly surrounding her as if they were one, she was floating in the air, Jace throat still in her hands both of them floating in air, her hair flying uncontrollably around her face, claws digging deep into the throat of the werewolf. Though surrounded by a dark purplish cloud of smoke the Supernaturals could still see her features shift due to their enhance senses. Her irises flickered continuously between her ordinary brown ones to that of dark purple the exact shade of the purple smoke currently swirling around her. With a flick of her wrist, the werewolf was sent flying across the damaged hall with so much force that had the wall cracking, screaming could be heard all around the hall, pleas from Hydra could be heard, she was wailing loudly begging for Aurora to stop hurting her mate, but Aurora could barely hear what was going on around her, her target was the werewolf and so all her attention was on him. Though she knew not to kill him, her conscience kept screaming and nagging at the back of her head not to kill him. Aurora knew deep within her that this wasn't her doing, no it definitely wasn't, she lost control at the exact moment he spoke to her in his alpha's voice. So she kept reminding the being who was currently in possession of her body not to kill the werewolf.

Floating towards were he flew to, she pinned him against the wall by his neck. With each seconds that went by her hold on his neck tightened making it harder for the werewolf to breath. He still found it hard to process that this same fragile blonde head is able to yield such unimaginable powers, but the hand strangling him told him otherwise. Smiling sickly Aurora spoke or purred rather, the voice sounded like it belonged to another person. The pressure around Jace neck tightened as she spoke, he kept writhing, struggling, fighting for breath but all his attempt was futile. He knew he was going to die at her hands.

"The only thing stopping me from strangling you to death right now, is the stupid voice at the back of my head begging me not to do it" Aurora purred, her lips close to his ears still smiling. She looked very terrifying at the moment to all her friends, yes they knew she tend to lose control at times and does some unbelievable stuff but this, this was different, they were all seeing her in a new light, it all seemed like a dream to all of them. The voice alluring, didn't sound like the timid, shy sometimes sassy and sarcastic voice of Aurora at all. This Aurora in front of them was very different from the one they knew, a striking contrast to the calm Aurora they knew, this one was wild and dangerous, the aura still swirling around her says so itself.

"It's quite annoying you know, very" she said seductively in his ears licking her lips, "and of course the annoying voice of your mate" she pulled her head back rolling her eyes in annoyance. Unexpectedly she threw the almost limp body of Jace towards his mate then landed gracefully on the floor dusting her hands. Walking towards the entrance of the hall she disappeared in the purple cloud of smoke living everyone in shock. Amber rushed out of the hall in search of her.

Aurora found herself transported to her room. Looking around, she fell down, too weak to stand on her very own legs. Covering her face with her hands, she started sobbing. She don't understand what's going on with her, she almost killed Jace, her friends mate, she lost control to a being she doesn't know, she has no idea what possessed her and why it has so much control over her, the fear that one day she might lose control just as she did in the dinning hall a while ago and hurt or even worse kill one or all of her friends made her sob harder. She was confused and tired, tired of everything, why was she so unfortunate.

"Why is these things happening to me" she asked within herself sobbing harder. Her face all puffy and red due to her crying. After today she was sure everyone was going to hate her, Hydra was going to hate her for life. She saw the look in their eyes, they all saw her as a monster. They don't understand what she's going through and they never would. They don't know how it feels to be in control of your body and the next minute you are not, the feeling of losing control of your own body but still moving and speaking, the feeling of seeing your own body doing things against your will, the feeling of being pulled to the back of your very mind, the feeling of struggling to get back in control. That's not even the worse part, the worse part is the haunting feeling of being pulled to the back of your mind, like you're being sucked into a black hole, trying to stop falling, flapping her hands in attempt to stop falling but it all useless. The taunting voices at the back of her mind mocking her and telling her things about how pathetic she is, how she's powerless.

when she thought they were gone for good, just how wrong was she.

"Aurora? Aurora" Amber called out from outside aurora's room knocking softly. After waiting impatiently for some time and not getting any reply but the sounds of sniffing she walked into the room and sat on the floor close to a sobbing Aurora.

"I'm.. i..m" she stuttered but kept trying. "I'm.. I'm sorry" she breathed out heavily finally completing her sentence after much difficulties. She didn't remember when last she apologized sincerely to anybody hence why it was difficult for her but this blonde girl whom she was sitting close to just made her say it, she was changing her and she isn't even making any effort to stop her. The blonde haired girl whom she has grown attached to over the past few days. She came to realize today scratch that,not even today but recently she had noticed she had a soft spot for the girl and that she hated seeing her sad, in pain and in tears, especially when she's the main cause.

"I'm really sorry" she repeated again, this time with ease causing her to cringe internally, she really is turning into a big softie all because of aurora, she thought to herself, but fuck it! anything for her, she said to herself. "It's all my fault, I should really stop trying to instigate people, it's just that i can't help it" she continued, placing her hands on both sides of aurora's red face whom still look gorgeous to her, gently wiping her tears.

"They're going to hate me" Aurora spoke up for the first time since Amber stepped into the room.

"So what? I don't hate you, they don't matter " Amber replied softly. "You've got me".

"And me" Lilith butted in materializing into the room, seems like she can teleport as well. "And that's all that matters" she completed walking towards Aurora and Amber "the rest of them can go hang their selves and if they try to say shit to you I'll make them pay". Her eyes flashed red momentarily as she made the promise. Bending to Aurora's level she sat close to her and Amber.

"I still don't like her" she started referring to Amber, "but since you've decided to make her your friend I'll learn to tolerate her, she does seem like a really good friend to you and that's all that truly matters to me". She completed calmly.