
Chapter 3: Highschool

Hearing May call me I immediately replied without thinking.

"Okay. Be down in a second Aunt May." I said.

Feeling emotions such as love, joy, and happiness swell up inside of me when I thought of May.

Telling me I not only inherited the original Peter's memories, but also some of his emotions.

But that's fine with me. So long as they don't overshadow or too heavily influence my own.

After replying to May I shut down my computer.

I then got out of my chair and moved to get dressed for the day. I then went over to my backpack and checked to make sure I had everything I needed inside of it. Because I am heading to school. 

Specifically Midtown Science High School.

Which I started at over a month and a half ago.

The calendar right now being situated in the second week of October.

After checking to make sure everything was in my backpack I placed it on top of my bed, which of course I made up, and went over to my desk and pressed the button which disengaged the lock the original Peter had installed on the door to the room.

Speaking of when I looked at the lock I instantly understood every single thing about it. Like what components and materials the original Peter used to construct it, and how it functioned in a technical sense.

That knowledge simply coming to the forefront of my mind when I looked at the lock I decided to try something.

I started thinking about calculus equations I had in a calculus course I took one semester in college in my previous life. The equations difficult for me to grasp then.

But when I started thinking about them I solved all the equations I could recall within seconds.

Then when I was done with them I started thinking about concepts, weapons, and even ships from my favorite science fiction universes such as Star Trek, Star Wars, Stargate, Babylon 5, Farscape, and a few others.

When I did this I found myself easily able to comprehend a lot of more about the things I just mentioned in those universes.

Which thankfully exist here. I know since the original Peter was a huge fan of all the same science fiction universes I was.

Before I knew it my brain was in overdrive, already having come up with multiple plans for me to build a fully functioning lightsaber.

This telling me I also got one of Peter Parker's best assets.

His intelligence.

Which is good.

Especially since I read a couple of fanfictions in my previous life where guys are transmigrated into Peter Parker but don't get his genius-level intellect.

Thank fuck that didn't happen to me.

"Peter downstairs, now!" May shouted.

This in turn snapping me out of my own thoughts.

Which I was getting lost in. Because my brain was creating ideas that I felt I needed to work out. Though I guess that lead to me zoning out.

Definitely need to watch out for that in the future.

"Coming May!" I shouted.

I then opened my bedroom door and headed downstairs.

The home of my aunt, uncle, and I being the exact same one featured in the Amazing Spider-Man films.

Arriving in the dining room I found my guardians there.

Aunt May and uncle Ben.

The former setting the table for breakfast, while the latter was reading the morning paper.

"Well, good morning sleepyhead." May said to me.

"Morning May." I replied.

I then went over to her and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before taking my seat at the table. "Mhm, breakfast smells great." I said. Putting a smile on my face.

"Well, someone's in a good mood this morning." Ben said. Bringing down the paper from his face to look at me. "What's got you so chipper sport?"

"Nothing specific, just in a good mood is all." I replied to him.

Which isn't a lie. But not the truth either.

Since I don't plan on telling Ben, or anyone else for that matter, about my previous life. For that is just inviting all kinds of trouble of the worst kind. Which I don't want. Unless I myself go looking for it. Though I likely am never going to. Still, I think my point has been made.

"I see." Ben mused. "Well, I like this happy morning Peter. And I hope we'll be seeing a lot more of him" He said.

"You might." I said. 

"Okay, that's enough talking you two. Eat up before it cold's. Besides, we'll all got places to be." May said.

"Yes May." Both Ben and I answered in unison.

We all then focused on eating our breakfast.

Then once we were done I left the table, returned to my room to grab my backpack and skateboard, and then headed out the door and off to face my first major challenge in this world.



Carrying my board over my left shoulder I walked, with numerous other kids, through the fronts doors of Midtown Science High School.

'High School. To think I would ever end up back here.' I thought.

Not that my first high school experience was bad, it's just I always wished I had done more. But being a shy and introverted guy who didn't really come out of his shell until entering college that ship sailed.

Though now it looks like I'll have a chance to make up for some of my regrets.


Ignoring the other kids around me I made my way to my locker.

I then opened it and began getting everything sorted before morning classes began.

As I did my two, and currently only friends in the entire school, arrived at my side.

Harry Osborn and Ned Leeds.

[Insert Image of Harry Osborn Here]

[Insert Image of Ned Leeds Here]

From my new memories I recall I've known Harry since grade school. While with Ned we hit it off shortly after school started. Bonding over our shared loved of sci-fi and anime.

Which apparently the original Peter loved as well, just like me.

Really if I didn't become him I get the feeling Peter and I would've been really good friends if we had ever actually met in person.

"Morning Pete." Harry said to me.

"Morning Harry." I replied to him. "You two Ned."

"Same Peter." Ned told me. "Oh by the way are you feeling better? Because you didn't look so good the other day." He spoke.

Referring to how I started getting sick from the spider bite I received at Oscorp and had to be sent home early, getting picked up by uncle Ben.

Who then took me home, where the powers integrated with my body over the weekend.

"Thanks for your concern Ned, but I'm fine now." I said. Closing my locker. Since I had handled all the business I needed to inside of it for now. "In fact I feel better than fine." I told my friends. "I feel great." I said.

"Glad to hear it Peter." Harry told me.

"Thanks Ha-"

"Look out!"

I began to reply, only to hear someone shouting a warning behind me.

When I did I turned around and saw a basketball sailing through the air. Which nailed a girl standing next to the lockers in front of me right in her back. Forcing her to fall forward, while throwing her books in the air.

Though before she could hit the ground I crossed the distance and caught her. I also managed to grab her books before they hit the ground.

"You okay?" I asked the girl. Helping her back to her feet.

"Yeah, I am. Thanks." She said.

When she was finally standing back on her feet.

Allowing me to get a good look at her face, where I found myself immediately recognizing her.

The girl I just saved being none other than Gwen Stacey.

An exact copy of Emma Stone from the Amazing Spider-Man films.

[Insert Image of Gwendolyne "Gwen" Stacey Here]

Who from what I can tell from the original Peter's memories he never met or interacted with before.

Now here I am, face to face with the girl I shipped hard with Peter Parker in my previous life. Along with someone very prominent in Peter's/Spiderman overall story.

Well as Palpatine would say this is a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.

Yeah, high school this time around is definitely going to be better.