
66 | Events From Game Night


: hello yes welcome everyone to today's instalment of 'dumb shit my sister's done'

: well it can't possibly be worse than that one time she almost threw that guy out of a window because he insulted lena

: but instead as an outlet she crushed all the mugs in catco's break room?

: i mean i'm super glad you didn't fling someone out of a skyscraper

: but she also decimated my favourite mug

: i bought you a new one!! and you said you forgave me for it!!

: who is this man, i want his name, phone number, address, and the names of his close relatives

: i feel like i shouldn't answer any of your questions, roulette

: anyone who hurts any of my best friends WILL be dangled precariously off a tall building

: like i did with morgan edge

: and we haven't heard from him in over a year sooooo

: i also did the same to sam's ex-boyfriend in high school

: what the fuck

: it's true and i very much did appreciate it

: Please don't go around dangling every person who hates me, that list is at least a mile long.

: i'm sure if i enlist kara's help, we'd be done much faster

: how about it kara?

: Oh my god, please don't throw people off buildings in my name.

: we're not throwing them, lena! we're gently terrorising them for being assholes

: i think i shall perhaps stick to crushing ceramics and punching bad guys

: hello attention back to me please and let me tell you what kara did

: is this about how at game night on saturday she got drunk and started playing with knives

: wait i filmed her eating ice cream with a meat cleaver

: [karaeatingicecreamwithknife.mp4]

: kara there's a utensil called a spoon

: or even a spork would have sufficed

: don't pretend that wasn't your voice yelling encouragement in the background of that video, alex!!!

: and it's totally fine!! it's not like i'll accidentally split my skull open

: am i sleep walking in that video

: my eyes are closed as i'm going through your cupboards

: and i'm holding a frying pan???

: oh yes you were definitely asleep, we tried to stop you but you smacked james in the face so we just left you

: with the pan??? oh my god i'm so sorry james

: she smacked me in the face??? i don't remember???

: we all got super wasted after uno so i think it happened somewhere after then

: all is forgiven, nia

: i have absolutely zero recollection

: yup nothing safer than a bunch of drunks supervising a sleep walking narcoleptic

: that's... totally reassuring

: well none of us died so i'd call that a win

: or a winn!!

: you are the exact reason why we got drunk, winn

: :(

: at least i didn't pour all of kara's boxed penne pasta out on the floor for no reason

: ... that was you???? ALEX THAT WAS MY LUNCH

: i thought they were crisps!!!

: That... does explain why you were eating them and then immediately regretting it, only to take another one and do the same over and over again. I think Lucy tried to stop you but you refused.

: okay that's weird

: that's rich, coming from you, a woman who breaks into people's house for fun and throws people off of high buildings

: i don't throw them!!! i dangle them!! there's a huge difference!!

: fuck, we're getting off track

: back to 'dumb shit my sister did'

: alex it was an accident!!!

: supergirl walked around helping people with a giant lipstick smooch-shaped mark on her cheek


: ... oops

: sorry i don't look in mirrors every ten minutes!!!

: and there's already tabloids and articles about it

: well it's not that bad...

: you didn't notice until you met with me for lunch AS KARA

: you could have exposed your identity to anyone who happened to join the dots

: okay yeah that's an issue actually... oops???

: dear god just check the mirror next time after you see lena

: i didn't have time!! there was a fire!!

: well i guess there's always worse dumb shit you could've done

: like eat raw pasta

: fuck off


Thanks for 150k, like, wow I never thought this thing would still be going tbh, and it's been almost three years.

I also physically retract into my shell like a tortoise when I read back the older parts from over two years ago. There's so much to improve on but we're already 66 parts in deep...

And season six is right around the corner... sad it's ending but also... maybe supercorp??? Who knows, I'm just a whole-ass clown in hoping because it's been four years and I'm just like That™.

Be safe everyone!!