
The Super Brain System In Fairy Tail (Fairy Tail)

Fairy Tail The Super Brain System In Fairy Tail

God_Of_All_Chaos · Cómic
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312 Chs

Chapter 140

Chapter 140: The taboo of life and death, the curse of death!


Loya and Robin Lu are discussing.

"What? You want me to help you transform Nirvana? No, no! Absolutely impossible!

Hearing Loya's request, Robin Lu of the soul body widened his eyes and categorically rejected it.

In order to destroy this dangerous weapon, he waited for four hundred years.

In the past four hundred years, he wanted to destroy the darkness that he had created at every moment, and he did so just to obtain redemption. It was this obsession that kept him alive until now.

Now Loya wants him to transform Nirvana into a weapon.

How could Robin Lu possibly agree to this?

Loya corrected: "No, let you transform, but let you hand over the magic principle to me, I just do it myself, I am quite good at transforming things, don't worry about me breaking your things."

"Isn't that also a "913" kind of thing, and it's a question of who reformed?"

Robin Lu shook his head frantically.

The tragic situation of the Nerubite tribe was still fresh in his memory even after 400 years, and he agreed to everything he could say.

However, Loya is not one to give up easily, and continued to speak in the face of Robin Lu, who resisted repeatedly.

"I know you are worried that the tragic situation 400 years ago will happen again, but the existence of Nirvana has also continued for a long time."

"I believe that you have survived for so many years and know that the power itself is not sinful, and the real sin is the user himself.

"Like me, a person who accepts the darkness that has been accumulated for four hundred years, is not safe?"

Nirvana is important to Loya.

In addition to the darkness that can accumulate humanity, it is also a powerful weapon.

The reason why the Nerubite tribe 400 years ago could become a neutral country and avoid the danger of invasion by the dragon tribe was largely due to the existence of Nirvana.

Counting the time, a war is about to break out in a few years.

On the other side of the ocean, Zeref ordered the Albarez Empire to launch an invasion war against Ishgar in order to rob Meteor Shining.

The powerhouses of the holy shield level will also step into this land.

Soon, the disaster will spread to the entire Ishgar, the Kingdom of Fiore, as a country on the west coast, is naturally the first among them.

The Fairy Tail guild is currently the strongest guild, and being involved is inevitable.

Although the final result was that the Magic Council took out the forbidden weapon White Legacy Fez as a threat, forcing the Albarez Empire to withdraw its troops.

But the sacrifices were all passed.

Although Loya has released a combat power that surpasses that of the king, and has a certain self-protection power, other guild members do not have such combat power.

Nirvana is just a self-preservation weapon he prepared for the members of the Fairy Tail guild.

Of course,

Passive defense has never been Loya's character.

Besides, Loya didn't want to put all his hopes on the Magic Council's weapons.

After obtaining the darkness of Nirvana and improving his demon power, it is time for him to consider increasing his dragon power.

The lost magic on Ultear's side, he also needs to urge as much as possible.

Before that battle comes, Loya needs to improve his strength as much as possible.

"You are right, but

Hearing Loya's words, Robin Lu also fell silent.

He has lived for so long, strength is the truth of innocence, he understands it, but the dark past has always made it impossible for her to step forward and let her go.

"Are you going to keep concealing the truth like this? Wendy is still so young, if you are willing to help me, I can help you extend her life, so that you can watch her grow up, and the transformed Nirvana is under your control.

Suddenly, Loya spoke.

"What did you say, you can help me prolong my life? How is this possible, that is a taboo in life, are you crazy?"

Hearing this answer, Robin Lu's eyes widened with disbelief in his eyes.

However, under such gazes, Loya nodded, and immediately corrected.

"It's nothing to touch taboos, it's just to provide you with a body, so that your soul has a place to warm up, and achieve an alternative resurrection."

The soul generally refers to a non-material thing that is attached to the human body as the master.

When the soul leaves the body, the person dies.

In this magical world, the existence of magic has unimaginable power.

When this power reaches a certain level, people will undergo degeneration at the level of life, their physique will become stronger, and their lifespan will be increased.

Even the soul has achieved degeneration, and even evolved some special calculations.

Robin Lu, who was so powerful, and the undead of the giant dragon, were preserved by a special method.

Its method is very similar to a kind of magic.

That is the mind body.

A special magic that divides itself and its own magic power.

But the soul is the soul after all. After losing the body, there is no container for storage. No matter how strong the soul is, it will weaken little by little, and finally it will die.

There is only one way to alleviate this situation.

That is magic related to the soul.

Like other lost magic, there is very little soul magic.

After all, the fragility of the soul is unimaginable, and a slight injury will cause great pain to people.

In the scope of Loya's cognition, there are very few people who can be slightly related to the soul.

The most impressive is the Black Archbishop Keyes of Tartaros Nine Demon Gates.

The silver that he encountered in the Northern Territory before was controlled by Keyes with the undead conjuration, and he was forced to stay in this world as a dead person.

Undead conjuration, Loya naturally can't, but that doesn't mean he can't help Robin Lu,

The opening of three stages of demonization.

Not only was it unexpected that Loya's strength had improved, but more directly, he felt the energy of his soul.

In his perception, Robin Lu's soul power is disappearing little by little, and it is no accident that he will not be able to hold on for more than 3.3 years.

In fact, if it wasn't for Robin Lu, he would forcibly create the missing body of the entire guild, and let each missing body have an independent personality.

With his ability, he can support it for a longer time, but now he can only support it for a while.

Absolute death is inevitable.

Thinking of this, Loya's mind came up with a crazy idea when he was in the Northern Territory, that is, when he saw the absolutely frozen polar ice.

Bringing the dead back to life in a demonic way.

Through soul shaping, the soul that is about to be dissipated is gathered together, and a new container is selected to restore the original soul.

This method has actually been tried for a long time, and that is the R system created by Zeref, which is now kept in the core of hell in Tartaros.