
The Summoner Witch

Myro Aras is just a gamer. In an online game, he was the best player there but while fighting a boss in the game and winning, Myro suddenly felt sleepy and fell asleep. He awakens as a baby in this world filled with unique powers and magic. A place where one's strength decides everything. Myro decided to walk the path of a mage and walked towards the top. Accompanied by the help of a system that gives him cheating by being able to bring Myro's power from the previous game. Look at Myro walking towards the top with the people who believe in him.

Rein_Majerov · Cómic
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56 Chs


The Jale wizard ship immediately left the island and headed for the Magic Plant Academy. There were several monsters trying to destroy this ship along the way. However, the mage Mesto only needed a sword strike to stop the monsters.

As night approached, Myro and the others could see the Magic Plant Academy again in the distance. When the ship arrived at the port, several people were standing and waiting for the ship.

A senior mage who was in the harbor immediately flew over and headed for the ship with a bitter smile and said "Jale, Mesto, you guys have finally arrived. It's very difficult for us to keep you guys away from the Magic Plant Academy a secret. Some of the senior mages from those noble families even already sent some scouts to confirm your whereabouts."

The senior mage had a thin body and hair that started to turn white. Even though the senior mage was old, it still seemed that he was filled with a spirit that did not match his age.

Witch Jale immediately said with a smile "Sorry to trouble you senior Hughes. We are also trying to get to this Magical Plant Academy as soon as possible. But, this trip was not in vain, look I managed to bring those missing students".

Witch Hughes immediately saw the person Jale was pointing at. The people Jale had pointed at were Myro, Boldes, Kiel and Tirse. Witch Hughes immediately looked at Myro and became even more excited and shouted "What a talent! In less than a year he was able to reach a junior wizard. Maybe before this kid turns 20, he can already become a senior wizard. Your Jale Zergas talent will be given to this child".

Witch Jale smiled and said "But even though that nickname isn't on me anymore, it's my student who holds that nickname. After all, I'm Myro's teacher too".

Witch Hughes said "So, what are we going to do now? If the senior mages from those noble families find out that Myro is already a junior mage then they might not dare to challenge Myro. Our plan could fail to let them challenge us".

Witch Jale smiled and said "You don't need to worry. I have magic to hide one's strength. Then, Myro better not go around the Magic Plant Academy too often until the heart of the challenge begins".

Witch Hughes nodded and said "Yeah, it's better that Myro isn't seen too often by the senior wizards of the noble family. Myro can continue to hide in the house and increase his strength until the day the challenge begins".

"Then let's go. It's better for them to stay in my house so that those noble senior wizards don't dare to do stupid things like sending assassins or scouts to see Myro's strength", said the wizard Jale.

Witch Mesto and Witch Hughes nodded in agreement with Witch Jale's words.

Finally they all got off the ship and walked towards the witch Jale's house. Myro, Boldes, Kiel and Tirse followed behind the senior mages.

Witch Jale's house is located in a forest with no other houses around. It seems the wizard Jale lives alone, away from people. This house was located in a place that didn't pay much attention to this Magic Plant Academy. The mage Jale chose to stay in this place so that his magic research would not be disturbed.

The wizard house of Jale is not luxurious at all, even the villas of the noble disciple are far more luxurious than the house of the wizard Jale. However, around the Jale wizard's house there are many traps and magic shields so that the protection in Jale's wizard house is guaranteed.

They immediately came to the house. Witch Jale opened the door of her house and they could immediately see the living room which looked quite ugly. There are several chairs and a table in the living room. However, the chairs and tables looked old and would break anytime. Also, there is not much decoration there.

"You can sit anywhere. I'll prepare a drink," said the wizard Jale.

The wizard Mesto immediately sat down on a chair and said "Jale, your house still hasn't changed at all. There are only these almost broken chairs and tables. People can't bear to live here".

"Then you can go. Besides, I brought my students here. I don't remember asking you," said the wizard Jale.

"How cruel", said the wizard Mesto with a bitter smile then said again "But this is strange. Your house is really clean. Don't you never clean the house? Why is your house so clean today?".

Hearing the words of the wizard Mesto, the wizard Jale stopped to go to the kitchen room to prepare a drink. Witch Jale looked around this living room and immediately realized that it was indeed strange. This room shouldn't be as clean as this, at least there's still some dust left but right now in the living room there isn't even the slightest bit of dust.

Seeing mage Jale who also felt strange, mage Hughes immediately said while looking around "Could it be enemy scouts?".

The mage Mesto smiled and said "If the enemy scouts clean the enemy's house. Then it is better for the scouts to come to my house as well to clean my house".

Witch Jale nodded and said "Looks like this isn't the doing of the senior magicians of those noble families".

Suddenly, the door leading to the kitchen from the house opened. A woman's voice was very soft "Jale, you're back. I prepared food for you, then you have to be careful from now on because those senior magicians are starting to act..."

Before the woman could finish her words, she was surprised to see the presence of the wizards Mesto, the wizards Hughes, Myro and the others.

Witch Mesto saw the woman and immediately smiled strangely. Meanwhile the wizard Hughes immediately grabbed his wand and prepared to attack while shouting "Aener! Why are you here? Did those nobles send you to spy on us".

The woman named Aener immediately became displeased with the words of the wizard Hughes. Aener immediately said arrogantly "I Aener Dradnell from the noble family of Grand Duke Dradnell from the War Dragon kingdom wouldn't do something that low. You think I will do things according to the words of those nobles? You see I'm also a senior mage and from great noble family".

Hearing that, the wizard Hughes immediately lowered his magic level and thought that Aener's words were correct. After all he came from the family of a Grand Duke who was only below the king and above the other nobles. In this Magical Plant Academy there was no one higher than him in peerage.

Moreover, Aener is also a senior mage with a nickname he got in the war with Jale, namely the nickname "Tree of Protection" Aener Dradnell. It seems that Aener at that time happened to be the same as the mage Jale who couldn't reach the senior mage. So, they went to war together and both made it to senior mages.

As for why they went to war together, the answer of the mage Jale and the mage Aener was CORRECT. However, only a few close people like the mage Mesto knew the reason.

The mage Aener had long black hair and a black eye. The mage Aener also wears a white cloak with the symbol of a tree indicating that he is a senior mage from the Magical Plant Academy.

Seeing that it was the wizard Aener who was in the house and seemed to be cleaning his house, the wizard Jale could only smile bitterly and said "Aener, I told you not to come here anymore. If those senior magicians from noble families think that you betrayed them then maybe you will despised".

The mage Aener simply said "You think I care about them? Those nobles are full of deception. There are no real enemies and friends. One can become a friend at any time as long as there is interest. Then, when someone interferes with their interests then they will soon become enemies."

Witch Jale immediately said again "But, I won't let you get involved in this matter. I won't let you also become the enemy of all the nobles of the Magic Plant Academy".

The wizard Aener sighed and looked at the wizard Mesto, the wizard Hughes and Myro and the others then said "Can you guys leave us first to talk".

Hearing that, the mage Mesto smiled even more strangely and said "Alright, let's go Hughes. Myro, Boldes, Kiel and Tirse you guys are also coming with me. Let's do something interesting".

"Something interesting?" Myro asked strangely.

"Yes", said the wizard Mesto with a nod then said again "We are going to start a war".

After that, without waiting for an answer from Myro and the others. Witch Mesto and wizard Hughes immediately took them away. In the house, only Jale and Aener were left.

"Have you hidden Myro's power, Mesto," said the wizard Hughes looking at the wizard Mesto.

"You don't need to worry. Even though I put my muscles first but my magic isn't weak. Only slightly below Jale", said the mage Mesto confidently after casting magic to hide Myro's power.

"Then let's get the party started," said the wizard Hughes with a gleeful smile that didn't match his old age.


Right now, all the senior magicians from noble families and the head and deputy head of the Magical Herbs Academy were gathered in a fairly large room.

They all sat around a large table. This incident was quite surprising, as more than 20 senior magicians were gathered together in a room.

At this time, an old man with white hair who was the head of the Magical Plant Academy said "It seems that the mages Jale and the mages Mesto have been away from this academy for a few days. Have they found out where Myro and the other kids are?".

The witch Ramuz who lost an arm because of the witch Jale immediately shouted "No way! The island is very hidden and only nobles like us know. After all, those children must have died. On the island there are many powerful monsters that can even kill senior mages like us. How is it possible for children who are only apprentice mages to survive?".

A magician who sat beside the head of the Magical Herbs Academy, had hair that was still black but looked quite old and was the deputy head of the Magical Plants Academy immediately said "It's true what you said. But according to our scouts, the mages Jale and the mages Mesto have disappeared. during these few days. Witch Jale might be doing research so that she won't be seen in the academy. However, the mage Mesto is always walking around the academy to exercise his muscles. How could he not be seen for these few days?".

"But don't you think we're not going too far?", a senior mage from another noble family immediately spoke.

The senior mage was Luis who had spoken and enrolled Myro into the academy while on a hot air balloon. Luis immediately said again "Throwing children like that into an island full of powerful monsters. I think that's too much".

Immediately the senior mages looked at Luis with displeasure. A senior female magician at the table immediately stood up and shouted "Luis! Are you going to betray the nobles?".

"Suny, I didn't mean it that way. But they are still children. We shouldn't have done such a cruel thing. Moreover, this happened because of a small problem earlier. The punishment we gave was too excessive", said Luis not giving up at all.

"You! Are you still a noble. We must put the interests of the nobility first. Even if this happened because of a small matter, it is our noble name that is involved. If those children don't die, our noble name will be destroyed", shouted the senior female magician. the.

"Suny is enough", said the head of the Magical Herbs Academy then said again "Luis is just too kind, so you don't have to get so angry".

The head of the Magical Herbs Academy also sighed slightly. He had to punish Myro and the others excessively because of this woman.

This woman was a senior mage named Suny Conti from the Iron Bear royal family, the Conti family. The head of the Magical Herbs Academy could not act recklessly against this Suny, because behind Suny was the Iron Bear royal family who were the main supporters of the Magical Herbs Academy.

Therefore, the head of the Magical Herbs Academy had to throw out a talented student because of Suny's words.

Even though the head of the Magical Herb Academy was the strongest person in the Magical Herb Academy, but almost all the senior mages from noble families in the Magical Herb Academy followed Suny. Because their family also followed Conti's family.

So, if the head of the Magical Plants Academy were to fight this Suny then the Magical Plants Academy probably wouldn't exist anymore. Therefore, the head of the Magical Herbs Academy could only agree with the Conti family.

Moreover, the Conti family had more than 15 senior mages. After all they were a royal family which was the strongest family and there were only 5 in this Continent of Fate.

The head of the Magical Herbs Academy immediately said again "Okay, let's get back to the matter. It seems the wizard Mesto hasn't been seen for a few days and maybe he's on his way to..."


Before the head of the Magical Herbs Academy could finish his words, the door to the room immediately opened with a loud crash.

A muscular man in a robe bearing the symbol of a tree came into the meeting room. The muscular mage was the Mesto mage they were talking about.

The wizard Mesto immediately saw all the senior noble wizards in the room then smiled and said "Did you guys miss me?".