
The Summoner Witch

Myro Aras is just a gamer. In an online game, he was the best player there but while fighting a boss in the game and winning, Myro suddenly felt sleepy and fell asleep. He awakens as a baby in this world filled with unique powers and magic. A place where one's strength decides everything. Myro decided to walk the path of a mage and walked towards the top. Accompanied by the help of a system that gives him cheating by being able to bring Myro's power from the previous game. Look at Myro walking towards the top with the people who believe in him.

Rein_Majerov · Cómic
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56 Chs


Myro walked over to the bread bag the magicians had thrown from the boat earlier. Myro opened the bag and saw that there was indeed a lot of bread there. Enough for them to eat for a year.

Looking at Boldes, Kiel and Tirse who were silent and motionless and filled with despair. Myro immediately shouted "How long are you going to stand there?".

Boldes saw Myro and cried then said "Myro, what should we do now? Are we going to die here?".

Hearing Boldes' words, Kiel and Tirse's bodies also trembled. They cry thinking about their fate on this island.

Seeing them so pathetic. Myro immediately lowered the bag of bread into the sand below. Then, Myro walked towards Boldes and slapped him hard. After that, Myro also slapped Kiel and Tirse.

Boldes, Kiel and Tirse immediately became shocked. They held their faces that were slapped hard and looked at Myro in confusion.

"If there are a lot of strong monsters here, then why?", Myro shouted to Boldes, Kiel and Tirse.

After that Myro shouted again "If you cry like that, will everything change? No! In the end the Magic Plants Academy won't save us. Then, what should we do? All we need to do is keep on living! strong".

"If we become stronger, it's like reaching a senior mage. Then we can go back to the Herb Magic Academy and smack that old fox in the face. We can beat up all the senior mages of the nobles who dumped us here".

"How to become strong? There are no cultivation resources here at all. Then how do we become stronger without resources?", said Boldes with a bitter smile.

Myro shook his head and said "It seems that you guys can't think anymore. If there are no resources here, how do those monsters become strong? Those monsters also need cultivation resources to be strong. So, how can they become as strong as senior mages without resources. There must be cultivation resources here".

"Even though there are no cultivation resources, you guys have forgotten something important. There are a lot of monsters here. Some monsters have monster cores that are much better than mana crystals. We just need to kill the weak monsters first, then as our strength grows then we will fight stronger monsters".

"If you are going to just sit here and wait for death then you can do it. But, if you are interested in continuing to live and become stronger and then beat up that old fox in the face then start building a house. We have to make a house first for our place to live, the matter of food has been fine for at least a year. As for finding cultivation resources, we can start looking for them tomorrow. How about it?".

Hearing Myro's words, Boldes and the others started to stand up and were filled with excitement. If they just stood still then they would surely die. But, if they tried to train and become stronger then they had a chance to continue living and return to the Continent of Fate.

Although the chances of getting out of this island guarded by many powerful monsters were very slim, but at least there was still a possibility.

Therefore, Tirse immediately said "If building a house, it is better to build it not too close to the forest. Because in the forest there are many strong monsters. So we have to be careful".

Kiel immediately held his sword and walked towards a tree. Then Kiel immediately slashed the tree with his sword. With a slash, the tree fell. Kiel immediately said "The matter of wood, I can prepare it easily to make a house".

"What are you doing? If we cut down a tree it will take a lot of time", said Boldes then started chanting a spell and said "The trees are gathering".

Soon some of the nearby trees started to stand up and walk with their roots as their feet. They ran over and started to pile up near Boldes, slowly forming the house Boldes had in mind.

Tirse nodded and said "Yes, using magic is indeed easier and faster to build a house".

Seeing that, Kiel immediately said "I completely forgot about using magic. Besides I haven't studied magic to move the trees around. So, I'm not thinking about using magic to build a house".

The house was quickly built. Because they arrived at this island in the afternoon. They would rest today, then look for resources and take a look at the surroundings of the house they had just built.

Myro thought that from the Plant Magic Academy to this island it would take about a day. Because they leave at night and only arrive here in the afternoon. So it can be estimated about a day.

And even then using a ship driven by wind magic. Ships that move with wind magic, are much faster than ordinary ships. So, if Myro and the others made a ship to leave this island then they might just die at sea.

They started to take the bread and eat it. When Myro started eating he had a hard time. Likewise with Boldes, Kiel and Tirse because this bread is as hard as a rock and does not resemble bread at all.

If it wasn't for having a slight taste of bread, Myro would think that what he was eating right now was stone. Myro, Boldes, Kiel and Tirse stopped eating and they looked at each other. Myro immediately said "It seems that tomorrow we will have to look for food first before looking for cultivation resources".

Boldes, Kiel and Tirse immediately nodded.

The day is getting late. They began to fall asleep and only one guard. After standing guard for a while, the person will change. After all, they don't know what's going on around them. So if while they were sleeping, they were attacked by monsters. Then they will most likely die. Therefore, there will be a vigil and will rest when tired. Then someone else will watch.

Kiel immediately said that he would be the first to stand guard. So Myro, Boldes and Tirse started resting in the house.

Myro didn't cultivate and went straight to sleep because he didn't sleep yesterday. After all they were suddenly captured and taken to the ship, so how could Myro sleep.

While sleeping, Myro was suddenly awakened by a voice. Kiel is currently coming to the house and shouting "There are a lot of monsters, from the beach the monsters are coming".

Myro, Boldes and Tirse immediately put on their robes and ran to the beach. They saw dozens of fish walking on their feet and rushing towards their house.

Seeing this, Myro shouted "Don't panic! These fish are only equivalent to a tier 1 apprentice magician. Even though there are a lot of them, we can beat them".

After that, Myro started chanting and shouted "Fireball!".

Dozens of fireballs around Myro came into view and dispelled the dark night around.

Myro immediately threw the fireball which exploded 10 fish directly.

The fish move quite slowly. Maybe because they are not very fast on land and they are more skilled when moving in water. Hence, currently they were moving slowly and couldn't dodge Myro's fireball.

Even though they had scales that looked hard enough to protect their bodies, Myro was a tier 5 apprentice magician. While these fish were only equivalent to a tier 1 apprentice mage. So all the fish that were hit by Myro's fireball magic immediately fell and died immediately.

Boldes and Tirse did not remain silent either. They cast their magic and summoned the surrounding trees to fight against these fish.

Unlike Boldes and Tirse, Kiel immediately cast plant armor magic. Immediately the tree roots covered Kiel's body and protected him like a suit of armor. After that, Kiel dashed forward and slashed at the fish that weren't magician at all, but more like warriors.

The dark night began to become light. The sun has been seen in the direction of the beach and illuminates this island. Fish corpses filled the beach near a house.

Kiel laughed happily and ran towards a dead fish and shouted to Myro, Boldes and Tirse "It seems we don't need to look for food today. Look! These fish are coming to us so we can eat them".

Hearing Kiel's words, Myro and the others immediately burst into laughter. Although they were quite tired from this fight. At least they were also happy, because on this island, not all monsters were very strong. Maybe the powerful monsters were just deep in the forest over there.

They started cutting the flesh of the fish and some of the meat was stored and preserved with salt. Some other meat, they started to cook it to eat.

While cooking, Tirse said happily "You know, from the fight earlier we got 15 monster cores which a monster core is equivalent to a low grade mana crystal. Even though it's a little, but we can collect more by fighting. The most important thing is that we can become stronger even if there are no cultivation resources. We can utilize this monster core to increase our strength".

Boldes and Kiel also started to get excited. After all, the chances of their lives becoming even greater. Seeing those who were starting to get excited again, Myro smiled slightly. After all, Myro had no interest in living on this island alone.

When the fish is cooked they start to pick it up and eat it. Although the taste is not so good, it is still better than stone bread.

After eating for breakfast, Kiel immediately returned home to sleep. After all, he hadn't slept at all because he was awake. Moreover, they fought this strange fish until morning, so Kiel was so exhausted that he didn't join the search for resources today.

"Myro, where are we going today?" asked Boldes while eating fish.

Myro is currently the leader of this group. After all, Myro had already helped them recover their spirits from despair. Therefore, Myro was already considered a leader by Boldes, Kiel and Tirse.

Myro thought for a while and said "Let's try to find the copper mine that the old fox mentioned. We can all look for food and resources in the forest. However, we must stay together and must not be separated. Therefore, we will wait for Kiel to wake up. back then. After all the forest is full of monsters. So it's better to stay together and take care of each other".

Boldes and Tirse nodded their agreement.