
The Summoner Witch

Myro Aras is just a gamer. In an online game, he was the best player there but while fighting a boss in the game and winning, Myro suddenly felt sleepy and fell asleep. He awakens as a baby in this world filled with unique powers and magic. A place where one's strength decides everything. Myro decided to walk the path of a mage and walked towards the top. Accompanied by the help of a system that gives him cheating by being able to bring Myro's power from the previous game. Look at Myro walking towards the top with the people who believe in him.

Rein_Majerov · Cómic
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56 Chs


Myro immediately looked in the direction of the origin of the scream. The person who shouted earlier was an old man with white hair but wearing a very luxurious looking wizard robe.

The old man descended from the sky and landed on the ground. Seeing the old man who could fly, Myro learned that this old man was a senior mage from the Magical Plant Academy. Moreover, this senior mage seemed to be a noble. Myro and the others were currently really getting into trouble.

"The Witch Ramuz is here!"

"These ordinary students are in trouble. How dare they be arrogant and mock the nobles. With the arrival of the magician Ramuz they are finished".

"Yeah, after all the mage Ramuz is a senior level mage from the Magical Herb Academy as well as a great noble. The mage Ramuz definitely won't let ordinary students mock noble students".

"It's their own fault. After all, Myro is indeed too arrogant. Even though he is only a little talented but he already feels that all nobles are afraid of him. This time with the arrival of the magician Ramuz, Myro will definitely learn a good lesson and won't be arrogant anymore" .

Since the arrival of this senior mage named Ramuz, the students who were gathering and seeing Myro's incident started to become noisy. In fact, the noble disciples began to taunt Myro bravely, whereas previously they had only watched the incident in silence for fear of being drawn into this matter as well.

Myro paid no heed to the words of the ignorant noble disciples around. However, Myro looked at the senior mage in front of him.

The senior mage Ramuz said with a mocking smile "What? Why are you silent? Aren't you so arrogant, so now you're scared?".

Hearing the mockery of the witch Ramuz, Myro smiled and said "I'm not afraid, but I'm silent because I'm ashamed to see you".

"Embarrassed?", said the witch Ramuz confusedly then asked again "What are you embarrassed about my arrival?".

"I feel ashamed because you are a very old person, maybe hundreds of years old. But, an old man like you only dares to fight a 10-year-old child. How can that act not be shameful?", Myro said.

The witch Ramuz's face immediately turned gloomy. It was indeed inappropriate for a senior mage who was hundreds of years old to try to fight a 10 year old kid who had just joined the academy.

However, the mage Ramuz couldn't admit that so he said "I'm not here to fight kids like you and do such shameful acts. But, I'm here to teach you as a teacher of the Magical Plants Academy not to be too arrogant. . Especially to the point of going against the entire magic academy. So I came to advise you".

Myro nodded and said "Okay, I understand now. So since I've learned, then we can go right. After all, Baron Poluo started this problem first. I have also been punished and learned from your advice, so this matter can be considered solved right?".

The mage Ramuz became silent. This kid is too talkative, that's the thought of this witch Ramuz.

The mage Ramuz still wouldn't let Myro and the others go just like that after hitting the nobles. So the magician Ramuz immediately said "The matter isn't over yet. As a student, you shouldn't hit other students. The academy is not a place where you can act recklessly".

"Therefore, your actions don't live up to the name of our great Magical Plant Academy. After all, students from the same magic academy shouldn't be fighting each other right? So in order to maintain the unity of the students in this Magical Plant Academy, we must punish people who are trying to break the unity of the Magic Plant Academy like you are doing now. Your actions can damage the good relations of the students at the Magic Plant Academy".

"Is that so old man?", suddenly a male voice filled with sleepy feelings rang out in the place.

Again a magician in a white robe came to the place from the sky. He has short black hair and tired looking eyes. The mage looked to be around 30 years old.

Witch Ramuz saw the newly arrived witch and immediately said glumly "Witch Jale, why are you suddenly speaking about this matter? Isn't that rude?".

Witch Jale who looked tired and would fall asleep at any moment spoke "Impossible? Aren't you the one who's suddenly going to be dealing with new students. Aren't you ashamed of Witch Ramuz? because you often do stupid actions this is the reason why you are still a senior mage even though you are hundreds of years old. Whereas me who is 30 years old already has the same power as you".

"Witch Ramuz, I think you should retire because you're too old and no longer fit to be a wizard. You'd better go home and take care of your grandson..... Wait, sorry Witch Ramuz I forgot that because of your ugly face that no one women who are attracted to you how can you have grandchildren? Hahahahaha....."

The current mage Ramuz looked very angry. He looked at Witch Jale with a vengeance. Witch Jale just looked at Witch Ramuz with a mocking smile.

The mage Ramuz immediately shouted angrily "Jale! Don't be arrogant just because you have death labyrinth magic! Don't be arrogant because your face isn't as ugly as mine".

The mage Ramuz immediately took out his remaining magic and used a magic without casting the "Come my plant warrior" spell.

Immediately, hundreds of trees grew in that place and started to run like humans and rushed towards the Jale mage to attack.

The surrounding disciples immediately left the place in fright. Magic from a junior mage alone can destroy a city let alone a senior mage. If senior mages fight each other then an empire may collapse due to the senior mage's fight.

Seeing the hundreds of tree warriors running towards him, the mage Jale just smiled mockingly then took out his wand and said "You think your weak "Plant Warrior" magic can defeat me. Then you should take another look at my ultimate magic. The Labyrinth of Death!".

Soon vegetation and soil appeared from below. The land immediately formed a wall that was so numerous that it formed a huge labyrinth. Then the plants form various traps in the labyrinth.

Witch Jale is currently invisible as it is covered by the maze. The tree soldiers started running towards the labyrinth. However, all the tree warriors who came to the labyrinth were never seen again.

The witch Ramuz's face immediately turned pale and he vomited blood. The mage Ramuz immediately shouted in disbelief "How could my tree warrior be destroyed so quickly? Is this the "Death Labyrinth" magic that was spoken of. It turns out that it is true that anyone who comes to the labyrinth of death will never return again. Even I senior mage can't fly in the maze. over the labyrinth of death".

The mage Ramuz immediately took out a vial from his storage ring. Inside the bottle was a potion that almost all wizards knew. The potion was the Burning Potion.

If the potion is thrown it will burn anything that hits it. Therefore, the magician Ramuz immediately threw many of the potions into the labyrinth of death. Flames were immediately seen on the walls of the labyrinth. However, the fire from the burning potion quickly extinguished just like that.

Knowing that he cannot destroy the labyrinth of death, the sorceress Ramuz tries to escape. But, the labyrinth of death suddenly became big and captured the witch Ramuz.

All the students who saw the incident were immediately shocked. The Labyrinth of Death can get bigger and wider. The students immediately ran away from the labyrinth of death so that they would not be caught like what happened to the magician Ramuz.

Myro who saw such a mysterious Death Labyrinth immediately asked in his mind "Shar, can you overcome this Death Labyrinth?".

A Shar's voice immediately sounded in Myro's mind "Young master, this Death Labyrinth magic isn't that great. This magic is just a magic consisting of many magic like "Earth Wall" magic then some other trap magic. As well as the most important magic "Illusion Plants" "which can disturb the enemy's mind. If it's me, then with 10 seconds then I can kill this Jale immediately".

Hearing that, Myro nodded then said again "Who do you think will win? Witch Jale or Witch Ramuz".

"Jale", said Shar then said again "If the head of the Magical Herbs Academy doesn't get here on time then that Ramuz will die".

"Academy head?", Myro became confused and said again in his mind "Is the academy head going to get here?".

"Should be here soon," said Shar.

After Shar said that, a very loud scream was heard "Witch Jale, that's enough!".

All the disciples immediately looked up at the sky in the direction where the voice came from. The head of the Magical Herbs Academy in the distance was flying very fast towards here.

After hearing the academy head's voice, the Death Labyrinth began to stop expanding and slowly returned to the ground.

After the entire labyrinth disappeared, the disciples were immediately shocked again. There, stood the wizard Jale who was completely unharmed. Then not far from Jale's wizard, Ramuz's mage stood with blood falling to the ground. The mage Ramuz only has one wound, that is, an arm is missing.

The mage Ramuz held back the bleeding from his missing hand with difficulty. He even continued to chant magic to stop the blood.

Witches can indeed heal wounds. But if it loses a limb, then it can no longer be recovered by magic. Perhaps only magicians above expert-level Magicians could restore lost limbs.

Therefore, the current wound of the mage Ramuz could no longer be healed. His strength as a senior mage would definitely decline, due to the loss of an arm.

The head of the Magical Plant Academy immediately landed on the ground and ran towards the mage Ramuz. He started to close the healing magic so that the magician Ramuz's wound stopped bleeding.

After seeing that the blood didn't fall to the ground anymore, the head of the Magical Herbs Academy immediately stopped casting the spell. He immediately looked at the wizard Jale who was standing there indifferently. The head of the Magical Herbs Academy shouted angrily "Witch Jale! Is this too much? Witch Ramuz is also a senior mage of our Herbal Medicine Academy. You guys are in the same magic academy. Is it necessary to cause such an incurable wound".

"Academy head, it's all your fault", said the wizard Jale who looked like he was about to fall asleep.

"What? How could it be my fault?", said the academy head.

Witch Jale looked at the head of the Magical Herbs Academy with a bit of anger and said "You still don't admit it? Then I'll tell you. Academy head, didn't you see our problem earlier, but you decided not to intervene directly. Why is it like that?" .

"It's because you thought that the witch Ramuz could defeat me that you wouldn't act. However, you didn't think that I could defeat the witch Ramuz so easily that when you found out that the witch Ramuz was going to die you immediately came to protect her. witch Ramuz but I'm the wizard Jale then you won't come to help. Am I right?".

The head of the Magical Herbs Academy was silent and glared at the witch Jale angrily. He shouted "Witch Jale don't be careless. I don't differentiate between magicians from noble families and magicians from ordinary families. It's all the same at the Magic Plant Academy. But, this time you've gone too far. need my existence. However, I didn't expect you to do such an exaggeration".

Witch Jale shook his head then took out a letter bearing the Dark Academy's crest and said "It's your business whether you admit it or not. However, I'll tell you something head of the academy. Actually I always get invitations from the Dark Academy to join their magic academy. The Dark Academy will give me more money and better research facilities. So I think it's time for me to leave this Magical Plant Academy".

The face of the head of the Magical Herbs Academy immediately changed. The head of the academy immediately smiled and said "What are you saying witch Jale? This time it was my fault. Sometimes I just watch and don't help. Moreover, this witch Ramuz is acting so cruelly. He is indeed wrong and I will definitely give him the punishment he deserves. Then, let's go have a meal with the witch Jale. Then the Plant Magic Academy will also increase your salary. So you don't need to join that evil magic academy".

Hearing the words of the head of the Magical Herbs Academy, the wizard Jale said in his mind "You old fox! He's so quick to change his words".

"You old fox!", all the students who saw the scene, mocked the head of the Magical Herbs Academy in their minds but dared not speak out loud. If not, then they should prepare to leave the Magic Plant Academy.

"You old fox! Previously he mocked the head of the Dark Academy as an old fox. It turns out that he himself is an old fox too", Myro said in his mind.

The current Head of the Plant Magic Academy didn't know that he was being ridiculed by everyone in the place, he smiled very nicely and continued to talk to the witch Jale and tell him not to leave the Magic Plant Academy.