
The Summoner Witch

Myro Aras is just a gamer. In an online game, he was the best player there but while fighting a boss in the game and winning, Myro suddenly felt sleepy and fell asleep. He awakens as a baby in this world filled with unique powers and magic. A place where one's strength decides everything. Myro decided to walk the path of a mage and walked towards the top. Accompanied by the help of a system that gives him cheating by being able to bring Myro's power from the previous game. Look at Myro walking towards the top with the people who believe in him.

Rein_Majerov · Cómic
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56 Chs


Shar said "The artifact that young master has should be with the young master".

Hearing that, Myro couldn't help but smile bitterly and said "Looks like I can't get the artifact I have anymore".

Seeing Myro who was smiling bitterly, Shar immediately said "Young master, if you need an artifact then young master can take the artifact I have".

Myro shook his head and said "No need, I gave the artifact to you, Shar. So I won't take it again. After all, the artifact you have doesn't suit me. The artifact matches the job of the assassin. Except for the golem summoning tool, but the golem can protect you which is very useful to you. So you can continue to keep it".

Shar immediately said "Thank you young master".

"Alright, I'll be out right now. Besides, it's almost time to head to the Magic Plant Academy," said Myro.

"Okay, young master", said Shar then as usual, he started to disappear again.

Myro immediately packed up the luggage he had and rushed out. Myro immediately walked towards the location of the kitchen for breakfast. There were already many students eating while talking about various things. Myro suddenly remembered something and said in his heart "Shar, was Claire's spaceship previously seen by others".

Myro immediately heard Shar's voice "Young master, the spaceship can only be seen by us. Karen also has the ability to disappear. Although it's not as strong as mine, but at least the people in this hot air balloon can't see it. Especially that Claire. although only a merchant, he is also a god level. So he should be able to make the spaceship invisible easily".

After hearing Shar's words, Myro immediately walked towards the food collection area. This breakfast was provided by the magic academy, therefore Myro could take his food without having to think about magic crystals. However, this breakfast food is ordinary food and is useless for cultivation. Therefore, this meal is not paid for and is provided by the magic academy. After taking some food, Myro immediately walked over to find an empty table. A shout immediately sounded by Myro "Myro, sit here".

Myro turned to the direction of the voice and saw Vine, Brigitte and several other people that Myro didn't know. Myro saw that the people sitting around Vine and Brigitte had robes with different crests. That meant they weren't from the Magic Plant Academy but were acquaintances of Vine and Brigitte. The people sitting with Vine and Brigitte looked at Myro with displeasure. Myro was confused as to why the people were looking at him like that but because the people around Vine and Brigitte looked displeased Myro said "No need, I already have another seat".

Hearing that, Vine was about to invite Myro again but Brigitte immediately understood something and said "Alright, then see you later when we will leave for the Magic Plant Academy".

"Yes," Myro said, nodding and looking for another seat.

Myro finally found an empty table and sat there. Just as Myro was about to eat, a male voice sounded "Is this seat empty?".

Myro saw a man with a muscular build that didn't look like a mage but was wearing a white robe with the same tree crest as the Magic Plant Academy. The man had short black hair and slightly tanned skin. At this time the man pointed

to the empty seat in front of Myro. Myro nodded and said "Yes, the chair is empty. You can sit there".

The man said "Thank you".

Then sat on the seat in front of Myro and said again while extending his hand "My name is Boldes Piere, student of the Magical Plants Academy. Although it seems you are also from the Magical Plants Academy, because the robes we wear have the same emblem".

Myro shook Boldes' hand and said "I'm Myro, Myro Aras. As you said I'm also from the Magic Plant Academy".

Then Myro let go of Boldres' hand and prepared to eat. At this time Boldes was surprised and immediately patted Myro on the shoulder saying "You Myro Aras! A talented student who has a match with 5 elements at once".

Myro looked at Boldes and said "Yes, how did you know?".

"Of course I know. You are the pride of the students from ordinary families like us. You know Myro, in the magic academy talent is the most important. However, some students from noble families have a greater chance of succeeding in becoming great magicians", said Boldes then started sitting and eating.

Myro immediately asked "Why are children from noble families more likely to become great mages? Isn't it all the same depending on the match of the elements".

"Disciples from noble families can definitely get more magic crystals than us. They get far more cultivation resources from their families than what magic academies give you. In magic academies, after all, you have to complete missions to get cultivation resources. But they're from different noble families, they can get resources from their families without having to undertake missions that risk losing their lives and wasting time that could otherwise be spent cultivating. Well..... But that doesn't mean that no student will succeed in becoming a great magician. , but without a background it will be very difficult. You see for yourself the senior mage Ford, because he is not a noble group so when he gets punished no one listens to him and he is easily removed from the deputy head of the Dark Academy," said Boldes.

Myro nodded and said "Looks like you're right".

"Therefore, we ordinary students from the magic academy must help each other so that we can defeat these nobles. After all, you just look at this dining room, not a single noble eats with ordinary students", said Boldes.

Hearing that, Myro suddenly understood why the people around Vine and Brigitte were staring at Myro with displeasure. After all, Vine and Brigitte were nobles, so their previous acquaintance was also a noble so it wasn't too happy to sit with Myro who wasn't royalty.

After that, Myro and Boldes started to finish their food while talking. Myro immediately walked with Boldes out of the dining room and headed straight for the hall where there were already many students with various colors of robes gathered as well as several wizarding teachers from the magic academy.

Myro and Boldes walked towards the gathering place of the students who were wearing white robes with a tree crest on their robes. Among the students, Luis was sitting and watching the students. Boldes immediately brought Myro towards the several students from the Magical Plant Academy who were gathering. Boldes immediately shouted to them "Hey..... Look who I brought here. This is Myro this year's gifted student from our Magical Plant Academy".

The people saw Boldes who came, one of the female students immediately said in surprise looking at Myro "So this is the talented student".

Immediately the students ran to Myro while speaking various questions. a female student who spoke earlier said again "I heard you have a match with 5 elements. Is that true?".

Before Myro could answer the question, a male student with a thin body and carrying a book in his hand asked Myro as well "What magic have you learned? You must have learned a lot of magic, huh. How about we exchange information about how to use magic level 0".

A man with a burly body immediately asked Myro "That's not important. What matters is how great our Magic Academy Head is. What magic did he use when defeating a junior mage to help you?".

Boldes beside Myro was immediately discarded by the group of disciples without them noticing at all. Myro was currently confused because so many people were asking him in a hurry. Boldes who was eliminated could only smile bitterly and shout loudly to his friends "Hey..... You guys, I brought Myro here. Then now you just threw me away. Even though we've known each other for 10 years and now I I'm starting to doubt whether we're really friends."

Hearing those words, the female student who asked Myro immediately said to Boldes jokingly "We've seen you often so why should we pay attention to you now. I've been tired of seeing you for 10 years".

The male student holding the book also said to Boldes playfully "You're an idiot, so it's useless for me to ask you about knowledge of magic".

Hearing that, Boldes' smile became even more bitter and he sighed sadly then said "You guys are really cruel. So you've been tricking me for 10 years and pretending to be close to me. Then when I'm useless you throw me away immediately. Hah... .. How cruel".

After Boldes' words, Boldes' friends immediately laughed. Boldes immediately smiled while laughing a little. Seeing the students Myro smiled and said "You guys are very familiar huh".

"Of course, after all we have known each other for 10 years. We are from the same village", said Boldes.

Myro was quite shocked and said "You mean, your village can spawn so many people who match the elements".

Boldes nodded and said "Normally there is no element match in our village. It's been 20 years and no one from our village has an element match. But this year our village has a lot of element matched people so this year is a big luck our village".

Myro immediately nodded and said "Yeah really lucky to be able to produce 5 elements matched people".

"Okay, let me introduce you to my friends", said Boldes then pointed at the woman who asked Myro earlier "This woman is Lily Arle while the man who brought the book is Tirse Arle's sister".

After Boldes introduced their names, Lily immediately said "Yes, you can call me Lily. While at the Magic Plants Academy we can help each other".

Lily has short black hair and black eyes. But Lily can be said to have a pretty good face, but compared to Brigitte it might still be a bit lost. Was it because Brigitte was a noble that she had a better appearance?

Tirse smiled slightly and said "You can call me Tirse. We can teach each other the science of magic".

Tirse has a thin build and short black hair. There were dark circles under his eyes and his clothes were quite messy. It seems that he is a person who is only busy about gaining knowledge and reading books so he is sleep deprived.

"Then this burly man is Kiel Tador", said Boldes while pointing at a burly man who had also asked Myro before.

"You can call me Kiel, if it's a fight then you can rely on my strength", Kiel said confidently towards his strength.

Kiel has short black hair and a stocky build. Kiel also has a fairly large sword on his back. After all there are some magicians who carry weapons so Kiel doesn't stand out too much due to the large sword on his back

Boldes continued to point at a woman who just stood there without speaking and asked Myro earlier like everyone else. Boldes said "This woman is Fianna Jidse, although she rarely talks and is a bit cold but she has a good nature".

Fianna only nodded slightly to Myro. Fianna had fairly long black hair. He has white skin and an appearance that is not inferior to Brigitte. Myro thought again in his heart it seemed that what made Brigitte have such a good appearance was not only because she was noble but because she did have a good face just like this Fianna.

Myro immediately smiled and said "Then I will introduce myself, my name is Myro Aras you can call me Myro".

Just as Myro had just finished speaking, a mage with a white robe and a magic level crest covered in light indicating he was from the Bright Light Academy immediately ran quickly towards the head of the Bright Light Academy who was currently surrounding the students of the Holy Light Academy. After that the mage immediately whispered something to the head of the Bright Light Academy. The head of the Bright Light Academy immediately said in surprise to the magicians who came to him "What? Our forbidden magic book is missing. Isn't it guarded by the 7 senior magicians of our academy. All the senior magicians of our academy are guarding the book except for me who is here. have been very careful because the Dark Academy lost their forbidden magic book. How is it still missing?".

Hearing the words of the head of the Bright Light Academy, everyone in the room immediately became excited. The head of the Bright Light Academy immediately realized that the words he had said were too big. But he had already said it so it was useless to be sorry. The head of the Bright Light Academy quickly disappeared along with the Holy Light Academy magician who had arrived.

Boldes immediately said "Previously the Dark Academy's lost forbidden magic book is now the book of the Bright Light Academy. Who could be so good at stealing?".

Myro immediately said in his mind "Shar you didn't steal it did you?".

However, Shar's voice didn't answer Myro at all. Myro immediately said again with confusion in his mind "Shar?".

Immediately a student's voice sounded very loud in the room while pointing at the wall that could see out the hot air balloon "Look, what monster is that".

Everyone in the room immediately looked outside the hot air balloon and immediately became shocked. Currently the very large Crocodile and the shark which is also large maybe larger than the hot air balloon are seen quite far from the hot air balloon. The big shark flew in the sky and fiercely bit a samurai who was also very large, on par with the shark and crocodile. The samurai immediately swung his katana and stopped the shark.

The crocodile walking on the ground could not fly like a shark but the crocodile immediately moved very quickly and managed to bite the samurai. The disciples and magicians in the hot air balloon were very surprised to see such a strong fight. Even the head of the magic academy didn't dare to approach the fight because they could already feel the intense pressure from this hot air balloon. If they headed there then the heads of these magic academies were sure that they would die.

Blood came out of the legs of the samurai who was bitten by the crocodile. But the samurai didn't fall and held on to his katana firmly to hold the shark down. Then the samurai lifted his leg which was bitten by the crocodile and slammed it to the ground. The samurai kept doing it over and over but the crocodile didn't let go of its bite and got stronger.

Myro who saw the incident said with surprise in his heart "No way, I know the crocodile and the shark are Shar's dagger artifacts. But if I'm not mistaken, the samurai also came from the artifact in The World Online. It must be an artifact of Armor. samurai : Benkei". Only that person has the Benkei Armor artifact. Is it possible that he also exists in this world?".

The World Online is unique when it comes to artifacts. Each artifact has only one and nothing else. So Shar's dagger artifacts "Sura" the shark and "Baya" the crocodile are only owned by Shar and no one else has them. no more "Sura" shark dagger and crocodile "Baya" artefacts. So Myro could guess who Shar was up against now. Because there was only one person who had the Benkei Armor and Myro had fought that person in The World Online.