
The Summoned Hero

Andrew was just a normal boy with a boring life until he was a summoned hero summoned to stop an unknown threat. What is this threat? Who shall he face in the battle field?

The_Unforgetable · Otras
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17 Chs

The Long Waited War

I've been training with Soh, Kei and the girls for a whole 8 months and it's been over half a year since I got here. I don't regret waking up here and becoming a hero because I got to meet Minerva, Elaine and Katrina. I can just already sense that the war will start soon and my body is ready. I've trained everyday surpassing Soh's workout routine I'm prepared and I'm sure that Lord Bael has recovered most of his power.

I'll kill Lord Bael and then I'll have the choice to stay out leave. I've already made my decision of where I'll stay and Im sure it's obvious from the memories I've made. I look in the window and see my reflection my hair has grown much longer then it had originally been. Maybe its grown by around 4 inches or so? But my body is remarkably different then my human world body.

I sneak into Minerva's room to grab a hair band because my hair started getting a bit annoying. My mom taught me how to tie somebody's hair because she wanted me to do it for my future kids. I look myself in the window it looks like I'm an edgy kid but it looks good.

I think I may have grown around 5 or 4 inches because I definitely feel taller. I look out the window into the field and see a big commotion about something outside. I quickly run outside and see what's everyone making a fuss about.

I come to see a worried soldier saying that he saw Lord Bael and that he wanted to see me or he'll kill him. However the guards refuse to let him in thinking that he's making a huge lie about it. I walk past the guards surprising them.

"A-Ah! Lord Andrew what brings you where today?" The guard says bowing nervously.

"What's going on over here now?" I ask.

"Lord Andrew please go to the plain fields Lord Bael is waiting I'm begging you!" The soldiers begs.

I smile at him.

"Alright I'll go but I'll need to bring my little crew first." I say walking into the castle.

I run into each of the girls rooms and briefly explain what happened. They wake up and get their gear ready without any complaints which I'm happy about. We also inform Lord Beru and he sends some soldiers with us and calvary.

I'm going to get Soh and Kei however when I get outside the castle they're already waiting for us. Soh smiles and nods and I smile back excited.

"Come on guys let's go!" I yell marching towards the plain fields.

"You're awfully excited about seeing Lord Bael Andrew." Katrina groans.

"Ah really?" I chuckle.

The horses are fun to ride but I feel like I might be able to run faster. But in a short while we're already at the plains fields. About 6 kilometers away we see a giant army of demons and in the middle is Lord Bael and Sanadu.

I grit my teeth as Sanadu smiles wickedly at us as Lord Bael has a serious look in his face. We charge full speed at each I notice Sanadu and Lord Bael standing back. Then Sanadu leaves and heads straight for the kingdom. I look back knowing that I can't kill Sanadu and Lord Bael with this.

I want to kill Sanadu however I must keep the kingdom safe from everyone. I exchange glanes with the girls and they nod heading back to the kingdom. I summon some of my soldiers to go with them for support since they can't perish in battle. Lord Bael looks at me and Soh waiting for us to attack him with a small grin.

"Soh let's fight him together alright?" I say smiling.

"Yeah." He replies with a small smile.

I notice Kei leaving back to the kingdom and I assume she's going to help the girls. Kei will probably come later in the battle to seal away Lord Bael. Before I know it both armys meet and start killing each other mercilessly. I jump off my horse and head straight for Lord Bael killing anyone in my way.

"I've been waiting a long time to fight you too. I'm glad that I'll be able to fight you too at my strongest!" Lord Bael yells.

He sends a giant blast of magic which I cut in half with my new sword. Lord Bael doesn't seem surprised at all by this so I bet he knew the sword could do that. Soh and I attack him at the same time and he grabs both of us with both arms.

He uses magic on the arm that he grabbing Soh with and he grunts a little. I use my sword and stab him in the arm.

"Let Soh go!" I yell pushing it deeper.

Lord Bael gags and let's go of us and I don't hesitate to attck. This guy I'd surprisingly good at combat and faster then I expected but I can handle him. It feels like I can see all his moves before he makes them. Soh looks proud and proceeds to help me out.

"You guys are good..."Lord Bael mumbles.

I attempt to hit him with my sword but he grabs it and throws me then attacks Soh. I can hear I swords hitting each other as I land but I quickly get up. I throw some throwing knives at him that I had tucked away in a small pocket in my belt. He sees it and has to evade giving Soh a chance to hit him with his sword.

However it doesnt phase Lord Bael as much as I thought it would and I summon all of my soldiers. I run in slashing him with my sword and I cut deep into his arm but he also hits my with his sword. He slashes my face and I just barely evade but part of my face is bleeding a lot. I can still fight though and jump up and hit him with my sword again.

I look into Lord Bael's eyes and he looks mad but also happy at the same time. All of a sudden his palm lights up and I'm not in the battle field any longer. I can't open my eyes or move my body and it feels like I'm falling in a swamp. I suddenly open my eyes but everything's black it feels like minutes pass but I soon hear a distant voice.

Is that Soh's voice I hear? I hear it getting louder and louder then it stops and I feel something touch my leg. All of a sudden I wake up to see Soh injured badly and he crawls to me. I look at him to shocked to say anything or move but Soh smiles at me and pats my head.

"Stay strong and win this fight Andrew... I'm going to die soon so I'm transferring my power to you." Soh smiles.

"Wh-What..." Is all I can say.

"Its a thing a hero could always do young man so master this ability and marry her. I've seen you staring at her multiple times Andrew. Have a good long life and tell Kei that that I'll miss her." Soh says and he falls to my knees.

I look In agony and tears fall down my face onto Soh. I look up and see Lord Bael holding Soh's sword staring right at me. I stand up and I'm in utter rage he can't have that... he doesn't deserve it.

"GIVE THAT BACK YOU BASTARD!" I yell and strike him.

I'm in rage and Lord Bael looks a bit surprised but attacks me. I dodge all his attacks and grab his arm throwing him to the ground. I jump onto him and push down at his chest but he's stopping me. I'm too furious to even think straight and pull down with all my might but he kicks me off.


He starts running to the forest and I chase after him like a wild beast. I don't take long to catch up and jump onto him making him fall but he gets up quickly. All of a sudden my sword lights up and a giant explosion happens. I suddenly remember the other power of the sword that Sophie told me about. But I can't see or hear anything anymore and shortly I wake up. I see Lord Bael's corpse looking burnt but I'm unharmed by the explosion.

I'm still in rage and start stabbing his corpse aimlessly. I sudden realise what's happened and I see Kei in the sky looking at me. She's holding Soh's corpse and crying a bit. She lands and puts Soh corpse down crying I can only look at Soh.

"Soh told me that... he'll miss you." I somehow manage to say.

Kei is still quiet however and I can only look at her sadly.

"San-Sanadu has perished in battle." She mumbles.

"I see..."I say.

I pick up Soh's body as well as his sword and walk to the kingdom with my head down. The war is finally over now but at what cost?