
The pauper

If it was really him, then Bogart was lucky to have his life spared. The two customers thought so.

"Hey, you two, can you help me get him up!" The barkeeper asked them to help him carry away the unconscious Bogart.

"Urgh~ such a pain. Just let him lie there."



From a window, Bel, the summoned hero, was peeking outside. He was looking at the group of knights who were leaving the area.

He didn't expect to see Commander Ruth here. In his previous life, he had sparred with him once in a training session at the palace.

At that time, Bel was just a beginner who didn't know how to use his divine power and he didn't have any fighting skills so he was beaten so badly during their training.

He admits that he's strong.

Bel suddenly remembered the crime he committed.

'Maybe the palace already knew what I did in the temple,' Bel thought.

As far as he knows, the technology level in this world was low compared to his original world. An hour's travel in his original world might take a whole day in this world.

He could compare the current state of the kingdom to the Victorian era. Modernization in this land was just in its early stages. You could not even see any modern cars on the street. Their means of travel were through animal carriers or by carriages.

But although this world was not as high-tech as Earth, that didn't mean they didn't have any other ways to send important news quickly. In fact, in other parts of the kingdom, some cities were already using devices such as Runic Telephones. They were not powered using electricity but magical runes and thus called Runic Telephones.

It seemed in this world, except for magic powers, magical runes also existed. In an ancient history book in the palace, it was stated that this world was once a world where gods and demons coexisted. However, something came up that led to a massive war between these two races. Anyway, it seems magical runes were ancient artifacts from the age of gods and demons.

However, if he wasn't wrong, the palace didn't use any runic telephone yet. The king prohibited it in the palace for the reason he didn't know.

"That's right. One of the members of the Templar Knights has the ability to command small animals such as birds. Maybe that's what they used to deliver the news to the palace."

Regardless, he needed to be sure if his suspicions were correct regarding whether the palace sent Ruth and his men here to find him.

He slid the window to open it.

He was currently on the second floor of the building in front of the bar where Commander Ruth's group entered earlier.

How he ended up here was thanks to his old memories from his previous life.

The first floor of this building was a weapon and armor shop. The owner was an oldman, who was very fond of item enchantments. He remembered this oldman in his previous life. He once brought a knife infused with runes in this shop.

Runes were magical inscriptions that could be infused with any items depending on their quality.

Bel couldn't stop grinning.

'Look at the game of life. The rune in the Runic Knife he sold to me in my previous life is the same rune I taught him this morning. I taught it to him in exchange for a cloak. Not only did he give me the cloak, he also allowed me to stay in his house for one night,' Bel thought and laughed.


According to his recollection, these magical runes were like puzzle pieces. Once you paired two or more rune characters and infused them into an item, some magical effects would be generated. However, it was important to familiarize the meaning of each rune so that you would know of the effect.

In his previous life, six months after he arrived in this world, they traveled to this town to shop for things. And here in this town, he stumbled upon the old man's shop.

During that period, his knowledge of runes was still nonexistent. Because of his ignorance, the old man even tricked him. He was charged twice the real price. If he had known at that time that what he gave him was just a weapon infused with a common-rank durability rune, he wouldn't have bought that knife.

In the end, the Runic Knife did not help much in the fight. It broke after scraping a demonic dragon's scale.

According to his previous life knowledge, it was only after 3 months since he arrived in this world that Rune's Infusion to weapons and armor would be known in the kingdom. So far, there have been no Weapon or Armor Runes discovered yet.

Anyway, three months from now, a ruin would appear on the outskirts of Old Caine Town. It was 175 kilometers northeast of the Holy Emerald City where he was currently.

In that ruin itself, the Weapon Runes would be discovered by some adventurer. This was the reason why he chose to stay here first in this city, albeit it was the second town nearest to the Temple.

Well, he needed to gather information about the Old Caine Town and about the adventurers who discovered the Weapon Runes in his previous life. Not only were those adventurers promoted to a higher rank after discovering it, but they also gained lots of money.

In his previous life, he didn't pay much attention to the runes. Maybe because he didn't need them due to his divine power. That was also the reason why he was only able to learn a Common-tier Weapon Rune in his first life.

A common-tier durability-type rune. That was the rune he traded to the oldman. But this time, he had to discover those runes in the ruin himself. He still had three months to wait.

Just enough time to shape himself back to perfect condition.

He needed all sorts of power-ups this time.

First of all, he needed to figure out if his suspicion was correct.

After opening the window, he jumped out. His target was in the alley. It was the knight that Ruth asked to investigate the bar.

The knight was hiding in a dim area of ​​the alley. He kept an eye on who came in and out of the bar.

So far, he had not found anyone who fits the description of the person they were looking for. While he was watching, he suddenly heard footsteps from behind.

He quickly turned around. He saw a human silhouette. But because it was dark, he couldn't recognize it.

"Who are you?" He asked while holding the sword hanging at his side.

"Just a pauper who lives on the street."


The knight secretly sighed in relief upon hearing his reply. However, he seemed annoyed that he showed up.

"Tsk. So you're just a pauper," the knight said disinterestedly.

He didn't want to talk to this kind of person. Poor people like him were lazy people. Often, if not starving to death, they would become criminals.

"Go scram!"The knight said in a stern voice.

The tone of his voice indicated that something bad would happen to the poor man if he did not follow him.

"But I'm curious what a knight is doing in this kind of place."

The knight brow curled upward and twitched. This dumb could not even understand his words?

"I'm warning you, you will only get hurt if you insist," he warned strongly this time.

He wasn't joking. He would really beat him if he kept persisting. But still, the other person didn't stop and still approached him.

"The hell with you!" The knight raised his voice and unsheathed his sword. However, the other person was already in front of him. "What—?!" He was stunned and his eyes widened at what he saw.

The pauper's face was illuminated by poor lighting from the nearby building.

Surprisingly, his features fit the description of the person they were looking for.