
The Sudden Switch Of The Two Girls

In a very developed world, a noble young miss, Deng Caiyi was destined with a system to switch lives with Lady Bai Zhihua , an Ex of a six figured man from every now and then in order to fix a relationship. However, things didn't go as planned which can nearly destroy the lives of the two women.

lunaticzephyr · Ciudad
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

e At the shoot, there were numerous famous individuals. They were shooting a movie called "Someone New For Me", a film based on Lady Bai's novel. Caiyi thought to herself, Miss Bai is really determined in this celebrity field and writes outstanding novels such as this. Plus, she's very pretty, model-pretty.

"Lady Bai, are you ready?" 

"Ah-" I forgot Zhihua was the lead. I'm dead... I have no idea what the scripts are... I'm going to ruin Zhihua's career. Help me!

At that moment, Caiyi rushed into the room. Pushed the director away from Zhihua. The director was about to call out security seeing a random female hovering around the area. However, it was canceled due to Zhihua's explanation that Caiyi was a friend of hers. 

"Uh, Miss Director, do you mind if you gave us some private time?"

"No problem. Be sure to be ready after 10 minutes. We'll need to start our shoot by then."


. . . 

There was silence between the two of them sighting themselves in different bodies. They absolutely had no idea how this happened. Without a word, the two women went to sit on a sofa nearby. The conversation started when Zhihua who's in Caiyi's stated.

"Do you have any idea how this could ruin our lives?"

"I am very much aware of it."

Zhihua sighed.

"Okay. I think it was because we talked about our dislikes in our lives and how we want to become each other."

"Okay... but what about that- that thing"

"I have no idea. Maybe Zhang Xiang would know about this. He works in a very successful tech company."

"Oh alright."

"You must go, though. You must tell him our situation and whether he cares about it or not, you must find a way."

"Why can't it be you?"

"You're "Zhihua", remember?"

"I got it, ma'am"

They both chuckled. 

"But, how am I supposed to act, act in front of those cameras?"

"You will work through it. All you need to do is feel the lines. Read them."

"Alright... I have read your book, so, will that be okay?"

"I guess so. Anything works if you stick to yourself and the outstanding work of a story."

The director barks through the door and tells Lady Bai to get into action. When she was on screen, she panicked, she was sweating. however, she stayed in character. She relaxed herself. Then she started to act.

"You were never meant to be with me... I DESERVE BETTER....."

After the shoot, both Caiyi and Zhihua rushed to the company where Zhang Xiang was working. Caiyi had to stay behind since she didn't know anyone related to this company. Despite this, Zhihua in Caiyi's wouldn't give up trying to go inside.

Caiyi in Zhihua's was now inside of the big company. 

"Lady Bai!, what brings you here?"

"I- I'm here to find Mr Wu."

"Oh, he's on the upper floor, in a meeting, ma'am. But you can wait in the lobby on the 6th floor. "

"Thank you"

"Pleasure to be of service"

Zhihua went as she was directed. She sat on a couch and waited for the meeting to be finished. While waiting, she suddenly wanted to go to the toilet. 

"This is going to be awkward..." She thought.

She stood up to go to the washroom and at that moment, the meeting ended. Therefore, instead of going to the lavatory, she went to find Zhang Xiang immediately. There were a lot of people coming out of the room, it was hard for her to spot him. Just then, she found Zhang Xiang, far away from her. Thus, she rushed there and bumped into someone. She fell, but she got up quickly.

"Sorry, Mister.", she apologized.

When she looked up, there stood a tall, elegant, and charming male. 

"It's okay, Lady Bai."

"Oh, you know me?"

"Of course, everyone does."

Right, I forgot she was famous, thought Caiyi.

Although she wanted to be presented there more, she had a mystery in line. As a result, she had to say goodbye and catch up with Zhang Xiang. Now that she lost him, she returned to Zhihua. 

Unexpectedly, there was Zhang Xiang beside her body. 

"There you are, Xiao-, Lady Bai. A friend of yours said you wanted to meet me?"

"Ah yes. We need some explanation."

"We? About what?"

The actual Zhihua spoke, "I am Zhihua, and Caiyi is the one who's in my figure since this morning."

"Ohh,... that's why."


"No, nothing. So, uh, what happened?"

"I don't know, we just switched."

"Precisely, I need Lady Bai Zhihua's form back now."

"I think it's the Zhuanbian System that we and the government are working on."


"So, you guys will have received each task to complete. If you don't, it might involve your life."

How come lives are on the line too..., Zhihua thought.

"Can I have some private moments with Zhihua?"

"What? OH right, you're her and she's you. Sure."

"My task involves ZX... It wouldn't work if he knew."


"Sorry for overhearing your conversation, but what wouldn't work?"

It was that tall, pretty dude joining Caiyi and Zhihua's talk.

"B-Boss. What are you doing here?"

"I'm sorry for having ears everywhere, but you seem to be having problems with our latest system?"

"Yes!, and you'd better fix it."

"Hello there, Lady Bai"

"Yea, so, uh", she whispered to him, "Is there any way we could go back to when I'd finished my shoot? or or, brainwash this guy?"

Then, in both Deng Caiyi and Bai Zhihua's view, the system appeared again and sent a warning saying,

You must never tell this situation to anyone. As a consequence, removing any memories about this. 

There were Caiyi, Zhihua, Zhang Xiang, and the CEO standing in front of the building, ZX and the CEO lost memories of what they'd said.

"Oh, boss. I-I'll get going."

"Ah, Ladies, sorry, have we met? I'm Ren Huixiu. I don't know what my business is here so, please excuse me."

"It's fine"


The girls told themselves that they'd have to complete this mission in order to return back to their original bodies. 

"So uh, Lady Bai, I have work at the bar we met at night..."

"Yeah... I'll work through it. What you need to worry about is writing a new book I promised my manager."

They both said Good luck and parted ways.

They were off to their temporary lives.

If you're confused with the characters, start from the next chapter, I'll try to write the real Caiyi as Caiyi/Zhihua, and the real Zhihua as Zhihua/Caiyi.

lunaticzephyrcreators' thoughts