
The bomb is dropped

~Last Episode~

How was he going to win? His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of his office phone ringing. He picked it up and he heard a women's voice say, "Is this Mr.Foxx?"

"Yes. Who is this?"

"This is Stacy from the cities hospital. I'm afraid we have some bad news for yo-*screams*

~ present ~

Mr.Foxx quickly put his phone down and stood up. He held his hand out to Scarlett and told her,

"I just got a call from the hospital that my mom is in. I fear something terrible has happened. Please come with me."

Scarlett respondes, "Yes, of course."

They hurried out of the building and jumped into Jake's car. They drove at 60 MPH and almost got a ticket, but after 10 minutes, they were there. They hopped out of the car and ran towards the building. "Huh, all the lights on the bottom floor are off. That's strange, the lights are never off," Jake said, getting more concerned by the second. He pushed the door open and the lights came on. People in wheelchairs and people with casts sand all sorts of other things came out of their hiding spots and yelled, "Surprise!" Scarlett looked around confused, when she realized, it was a surprise birthday party!

"Mother! Your nurse almost gave me a heart attack! There are so many other ways you could have gotten me to the hospital!" Jake said, frustrated but relieved.

"I'm sorry son. But who is this pretty girl you have with you?" Jake's mom, Katherine, rolled to Scarlett in her wheelchair and took her hand.

"Mom, this is my new assistant, Scarlett."

"Nice to meet you Scarlett."

"Nice to meet you too Mrs.Foxx," Scarlett said.

"Oh please, call me Katherine. Okay, enough introductions. Let us eat cake!"

Everyone ate and danced and played fun games.

~after the party~

Scarlett and Jake were sitting in his car, talking. Scarlett was talking about how she use to teach preschool but then decided to take a new job and- she stopped and looked at Mr.Foxx, who seemed to have lost interest.

"What's wrong Mr.Foxx?"

Jake looked her deep in her eyes and said,

"Marry me."