
Two Demons

The contest continued with more and more contestants joining in, and now, it was finally time for a good entrance.

“Introducing contestant 20.”

The moment this was heard, the fighting of the previous contestants seized as everyone looked towards the approaching figure.




Whoever this contestant 20 was, gave off a confident and dominating aura together with the menacing mask. It immediately gave the impression that another formidable force had arrived.

No one needed to be told the outcome of two tigers staying in one mountain. It would be very normal if this new contestant fought it off with the red demon-masked guy whom no one dared to approach after the fall of Lexi and Red Redder.

Strangely enough, he hadn’t made a move either except for the occasional shockwaves that go off once someone gets too close. So everyone stayed out of range from him while fighting and eliminating each other.