
The Strongest Swordsman Of Naruto World

Through the Naruto world, Liu Yu activated the strongest inheritance system, and obtained the inheritance of the world's largest swordsman, " Eagle Eye " . Since then, a strong swordsman far surpassing White Fang was born.

King_Sarthak · Cómic
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130 Chs

Chapter 75 : [ 95.55% ], the second inheritance?

The red sand scorpion, whose heart was pierced by the blade, looked at Liu Sheng with coughing blood, and said in disbelief, " You guy ... how did you know? "

Ordinary people are cut in half, and the result is certain death.

A person who is extremely confident in his own sword skills will not disdain to make up when he sees someone who has been cut in two by himself.

It was with this mentality that Liu Sheng fought against Junma Lu back then.

But the scorpion of red sand, did not expect that after Liu Sheng cut him off, he would deliberately stab his heart.

Liu Sheng glanced at his body that was divided into two, but there was no trace of blood, and answered plainly: " I'm not blind! "

Putting the knife back in its sheath, Liu Sheng turned to look at Chiyo with a sad face, and walked towards the entrance of the cave, leaving a voice like the breeze: "... He can probably hold on for a while. "

Hearing and domineering locked Chiyo, Liu Sheng didn't let go of his tense body until he left the cave.

In this world, for these ninjas, the village is bigger than everything.

Even Chiyo was able to see with his own eyes that his grandson was killed by Liu Sheng. 383

Liu Sheng did not understand.

But it's better if she doesn't do it, otherwise, with Liu Sheng's character, I am afraid that she will destroy the alliance between Konoha and Sand Ninja Village.

Stepping on the moon step, Liu Sheng rose to the sky.

After running up to a dozen meters in the air, Yagyu's domineering look turned into a huge net, looking for the fluctuations of Hinata and oil girl Shino.

Twenty seconds later, Liu Sheng ran in one direction.

The figure first ran for a distance in the air, and then Yagyu landed in a forest. The moon step was changed to a telekinesis, and he rushed in the direction of Hinata and oil girl Shino.

Although it has been three years, Liu Sheng has mastered the two tricks of shaving and moon steps.

It makes up for the short-range high-speed movement and the air combat shortcomings of flying.

But Liu Sheng was still unable to use it recklessly.

Just like Xiao Li's lotus flower, taijutsu can easily consume physical strength, and the burden on the body after performing it is far more serious than the feeling of consuming chakra after performing ninja.

In addition to fighting, Yagyu generally does not use Shaved and Moon Step.

You can directly use the instant body technique when you are on your way.

Moreover, the effect of the instant body technique is also very significant.

Although melee combat is not as convenient as shaving, but after flying over the eaves and walking on the wall and walking on the water, coupled with the footsteps of the moon step, Liu Sheng felt that there was nowhere, and he did not dare to go.

[You killed the ' Red Sand Scorpion ' and gained 2.66% experience. ]

[Your ' Eagle Eye ' inheritance template has been unlocked to 95.55% . ]

When Leaping in the forest, Liu Sheng's mind suddenly sounded two beeps.

Listening to the final content of the prompt tone, Liu Sheng raised his mouth slightly and muttered: " Unconsciously, the progress that used to be long has turned out to be almost finished. "

It has been about ten years since the system was activated.

When he was a child, the experience of gaining [ 0.02% ] every day would make Yagyu's strength skyrocket, and soon surpassed children of the same age.

The six years at the ninja school made him outshine his peers, and I don't know how many levels.

On the second day after graduation, he easily defeated his own guidance, Junin.

But after graduation, Liu Sheng's strength improved, and it began to be difficult to move.

It was not until two years ago that he made rapid progress and entered the realm of great swordsmen who had been stagnant for several years.

But in the past two years, Liu Sheng has only stabilized the realm of the great swordsman, and there is still some gap between it and the eagle eye of the spiritual world.

In the past two years, Liu Sheng did not do anything.

Otherwise, based on the [ 0.02% ] experience of daily tasks, plus the experience provided by today's ghost shark's elephant-turning body, and the experience provided by the red (cddj) sand scorpion, the progress of the ' Eagle Eye ' inheritance template is only [ 89 ] % ] to start.

reason for the progress of [ 95.55% ] is that in the past two years, Yagyu has led the eighth class to perform many tasks, killing many wandering ninjas and hostile ninjas.

Liu Sheng murmured expectantly: "I don't know, after Eagle Eye's inheritance template reaches 100% , will there be a second inheritance template? "

Liu Sheng only remembers how he activated the system, but he doesn't know how to get the inheritance.

After fighting with those three little brats, and seeing Hinata being taken away by her clan, Liu Sheng dragged his tired and sore body back home, fell on the bed and fell asleep.

In a daze, a prompt sounded in his head.

At first, he thought it was an illusion, but when he woke up and found that he could check the inheritance and task templates in his mind, Liu Sheng realized that he had activated the golden finger.

But he didn't know how he got the inheritance of Hawkeye.

Therefore, he is not so sure.

But ... there should be, right?

After all, the message transmitted by this system seems to be called the strongest inheritance system.

Liu Sheng clenched his hands slightly, secretly said: " There is still one year before the fourth war in the ninja world, even if it is just a daily task, you have [ 7.3% ] experience, and the next year will be against the Akatsuki organization ... If there is The second inheritance will be known soon. "

Putting this thought down for the time being, Yagyu accelerated his pace.

After ten minutes, he followed his domineering perception and came to a clearing in the forest.

Both the seventh and eighth classes were there, surrounding Gaara's body.

Different from the sadness of the seventh class, Hinata and oil girl Shino just remembered the Chunin exam a few years ago and the chance encounter with Uchiha Sasuke's defection.

After seeing Liu Sheng coming, Hinata forgot the trace of female kindness, walked quickly to Liu Sheng, carefully checked whether his body was injured, and then asked Liu Sheng's reply gently. : " Liu Sheng-kun, are you all right? "

Liu Sheng shook his head and smiled: " I'm fine. "

Hinata was relieved.

At this time, the oil girl Shino came over and said, " Yusheng, how is your opponent on your side? "

  " He's already dead. " Liu Sheng replied, knowingly asking: " What about yours? "

Oil Girl Shino said while holding up her sunglasses. : " That guy blew himself up, and was then transferred to another dimension by Kakashi Junin using a time-space ninjutsu. "

Hearing the oil girl Shino, saying the same as the plot in his mind, Yagyu nodded slightly, knowing that Deidara had cheated and left. .