
Training, and new goals

"System. what did you do?"

[I calmed your mind and gave you control, your body was able to do the rest]

"So, what is this?"

[This is a form Saiyan's can achieve without achieving SuperSaiyan, you have to have a battle power of 100,000 or higher without becoming a SuperSaiyan. You must Also, have a calm mnd and be in complete control during your transformation into a great ape. You are the only Saiyan within existence that has both of the requirements, to achieve this form.]

"Damn, well aren't I special,' Shiro mutters, before he frowns, "System whats my battle power now, and how much did it increase me?"

[Your new form has a 30x Battle Power which increases your power too 25,000,000..]

Shiro chocked on his spit, "I uh...wat?"

he asked about his battle power before and said it was at 800,000 for training due to the intense gravity training at 200+ but this, this is completely ridiculous.

[Your new form has a 30x Battle Power which increases your power too 25,000,000..]

"I get it system." Shiro groaned, before he smiled wryly, "Man, Akira went crazy with the power of these transformations."

Shiro clenched his fist, taking in the power he was feeling, before he took a deep breath. "Alright, no time to waste, time to train, then afterwards, I am meeting Kami, then, I go to heaven and meet the Kai's!

He looked on with determination, but first, "System, set a time-limit for 2 weeks, afterwards, I need to enter space patrol, I need to test my new found strength on people, and the spae patrol is the best way i can find enemies without causing unnecessary violence."


Training he did, the first thing he decided to do, was focus on reverting back to his normal did, and he did, it was a relief to know that his pants were still there. Then, the next thing he decided to do was focus on sensing energy, the reason for that was that he didn't want to depend on his system every time he is facing an opponent, it took him about 1 day to get him to master it. Once he did, his power skyrocketed. Afterwards, he started to focus on hiding his powerlevel, which was a lot easier to do for him than the others, it only took him an hour to do it.

After that, shiro focused on increasing his Ki blast techniques. Shiro made techniques that he already knew from the anime, like the Kamehameha, and the Big Bang attack. He also managed to create some of his own techniques as well, Shock flash, and Power cannon. It was a lot harder to control than his normal SuperSaiyan, What Goku said was correct, when he said that it is easier for him to lose control when he is in a form like this in Gt. Shiro's calm mind helped tremendously making him have better control at his monkey form then Goku ever did.

[2 weeks are completed]

Shiro smiled, and felt his powerlevel, it increased slightly but didn't increase too much. Shiro nodded to himself makes sense because he was only focused on creating new techniques for himself.

Shiro nodded to himself, before he began to finish up, he reverted back into his normal form, and went back into the ship.


"System set acourse for the nearest planet trade organization base, I am get some combat expierence in for this universe"


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Ken_Uzumakicreators' thoughts