
C Ranked mission

An hour earlier back at the training grounds.

"We shouldn't... just leave him like this should we?" Shiro asked

"I'm just saying." Shiro smiled at her, "It would be rather rude."

Naruko stared at me for a moment as of wondering what kind of secret agenda he's hiding, before she nodded slowly.

Shiro simply moved her to the tree, and made her look like she was sitting down lotus position.

"There." Shiro dusted his hands, "No worries."

He glanced at Naruko and eye-smiled, "Want to go to ichikaru's for celebration, She did say we passed before she became unconscious."

Her expression brightened, Shiro took that as a yes and smiled.

A couple of seconds later the both of them vanished off into the distance.


"A couple of hours, yamato awoke with a slow groan, before she looked around, "Hm, here gone."

He recalled the events that had happen before she became unconscious."How could those two brats have so much strength at such a young age, Especially that civilian kid."

After contemplating everything that had happened her eyes widened as she had realized something.

"Shit, I hope I'm not late."

He vanished via shun shin.

"Yamato Your late." The hokage said glancing at the window spotting her their, he appeared into the front of the desk. ignoring everyone who was staring at her.

"Sorry about that hokagesama," he bowed

"Report" The hokage ordered sternly.

"They both passed." responded immediately.

"Explain." The hokage ordered as everyone payed attention. Yamato explained everything in a no b.s. tone leaving nothing out. Explaining to the hokage everything that transpired from the traning exams to the forest of death, There were a lot of gasps of shock and disbelief. Their were mutterings of Impossible and the Demon whore?" and. other negative insults plastered at his team,. he frowned inwardly, but showed no reaction and continued

The Sandaime kept his stoic expression but if you looked closely you could see his eyes widen very slightly in surprise, he knew shiro had held some power in his body, but to think he held that much, he was going to keep. a closer eye on the boy.

"Interesting..." The hokage blew a puff of smoke from his pipe.

"Hokage sama- Surely you can't possibly believe this." a random jounin spoke out causing Yamato glare at him.

"I've had my suspicions about them and I am correct."

After a moment of Chaos in the group the hokage slammed his fist on the desk and roared "Enough!"

Causing the whole room to be silent.

The hokage glared "You are all anbu, and I expect you to act like it, not argue like children!"

This caused them to bow there head in shame.

"Now I am well aware of what has been going on considering that they told me once they reveled themselves, You are all dismissed get out of my office." They. all bowed, and disappeared from his office in via shun-shin.

Hiruzen Sarutobi. took a deep breath before he sighed, and looked up at the wall who had at the picture frame. of both his successor and his wife Together.

" Minato, I am so sorry , I know wish I should have done better, you'd be so proud of your daughter, you and Kushina."


Flame boy" in position...hey uh...Yamato sensei Just because I like fire, does not mean you have to call me that."

"It is not me who made this, Wooduser position..."







"Ehehe, Mission success." Naruko said chuckiling sheepishly her tone cheerful, you could here the purring noises, Shiro hummed and Yamato grew wide eyes.


"I guess it just liked me." Naruko said plainly.

"But..that's suppose...Its called a demon cat for a reason, Naruko, Do you know how many times. anbu, Myself especially almost died trying to catch that thing!"

"The anbu must suck then." Naruko shrugged, Causing Yamato to facefault.

He got up and took a deep breath. before be shook his head.

"I should have known not to have been surprised," Yamato sighed, Shiro chuckled softly at this.

"Yeah Naru-chan is unpredictable most of the time." Shiro grinned before he asked, "What's next Yamato-Sensei?"

"I think you are ready for your first official mission." Yamato said, "You have managed to perform excellent work on every d rank mission wout complaints on how ridiculous it may have seemed."

"That's childish..."

"You are children." Yamato replied.

"Nope." Shiro shook his head and gave off a small. grin. "a person has became an adult the second they have graduated, you of all people should no of that."

"I do." Yamato nodded. "Come on, we must go back to the Hokage tower..


"Alright." the both of is replied simultaneously,

we were all. of team 11 were standing before the hokage, as Tora was being squeezed to death, by Madam semji

Shiro was surprised he hadn't died yet, he could of sworn he heard a couple of.bones crack he had to resist the urge to cringe as he had heard stuff that he shouldn't have heard.

"In I am so glad I have found you, I am never letting you out of my sight again!"

*Meow!* Tora screamed as it flailed its arms trying to escape.


'Seriously?' Shiro thought and she wonders why that cat runs off all the time,'

"Thank you very much..." She told is gratefully before she departed.

"Well done team 11." The Hokage praised...

"Hokage-sama, my team is ready for a higher ranked mission..." Yamato reported.

"Hmm," The Hokage blew a puff from his pipe, "Very. Well....I have already planned them to be getting there first c Rank mission anyway..."

Naruko's lips quirked upward, Shiro kept a poker face.

"Your mission is to join team 7, on an escort mission to wave. that formed complications.."

Sorry, Anko was their sensei before i changed it, to yamato, I forgot to fix that part, have a good day, don't forget powerstones and reviews~

Ken_Uzumakicreators' thoughts