
Bonding; Shiro, Naruko, and Hinata

"The Second Goku and the others came back, Gine got up and left for Goku, not before Shiro gave her a small slap to the ass, Gine glanced back a small smirk on her face. Shiro smirked back and winked. Gine giggled slightly, she turned to goku and said, "Come on Kakarot."

Goku nodded and the two of them left.

The second they left Shiro grabbed Hinata and Naruko and put them on his leg... "Hey Girls,"

Shiro rubbed her cheek causing her to pur, Shiro leaned and kissed Naruko on the lips, before he broke, now he was just watching Naruko purr like crazy, to see her loose control like this, Shiro loved it!"

"You love it when I do this don't you Naru-chan~"


"She is so adorable... "You girls are so adorable..." Shiro let his finger go..." Naruko panted slightly , Shiro leaned in and Kissed Hinata on the lips as well, while he went back to rubbing the whisker marks of Naruko who started to pur again...

"Do you want to know why I love you two?" Shiro asked, he took his finger off of Naruko's cheeks reluctantly. "With Hinata, I came to you, when you were hurting, to help you, I saw strength when everyone thought you were weak, I helped you up, and rekindled that confidence, and fire I see in you today. I didn't realize that at that time, but you fell in love with me." Hinata blushed but nodded her head at what i said, " Shiro gave her a gentle kiss, making her moan into it, before he broke. "When naruko revealed herself, and saw that we were dating, you were heartbroken, and it changed you, you've became obsessed, I didn't realize it until it was to late, and I regretted it, it wasn't until Naruko beat you at the chunin exams you realized what you were doing, and when we were banished when you sacrificed everything in the village, to follow me, you swallowed your pride, and you bowed, to Naruko, pleading for her to allow you to come with us. "

That love was flattering, but I was loyal to Naruko, with every fiber of my being I was, It wasn't until she said yes, and accepted you as our family, I decided to embrace your love, So I love you because of what you done, and I wanted to love you back, because I saw that it wasn't fair to you, so I tried to give you the same feelings, and like with Gine, I found out how easy it was once I actually admitted that I love you,"

Hinata was beet red, and Shiro smiled at that, before he gave her another kiss, they made out for a while before he broke, he smiled at Hinata again, before he turned to Naruko, who was smiling at the interaction, "As fro you Naruko, We lived together for a long time, I took care of you, protected you, and helped you throughout the village, I admired you, I saw you as a hero, when everyone else saw you as a demon, do you want to know why? It's really simple, you are stopping Kurama from being free, now, I know what she has done, was not her fault, but if she gets free, she will be controlled, by obito who is claiming to be Madara."

Shiro could see her eyes widened at this new information, of course she knew who obito was, she has the memories and the expierence... of her parents..

"Didn't Obito die?" Hinata asked, as she herself has been to the funeral before, and had seen Obito's grave.

Shiro shook his head, "No he survived, the moment he saw Kakashi kill rin..." Noticing Naruko shaking, Shiro pulled her into a hug, "Everything is going to be fine, Obito was just another victim, along with Madara, the real victim, is Zetsu, But I will tell you about it later, but the point is, you were holding Kurama back from being forced to destroy against her will by a sharingan weilder. But the villagers didn't see that, they hated you, but I admired you, I protected you from them all, when you came to me, I accepted, you not because of what you are but because of who you are, You are Naruko Uzumaki, The Unsung Hero."


Shiro blinked, Naruko smirked, wiping the tears from her eyes, "You can call Me Naruko Namikaze, i am taking my fathers name. For he like you Saw me as a Hero, and not like the demon as the villagers did, I am not going to hide it anymore."

Shiro stared at her for a moment, before he smiled, at her...."Naruko....Naru-chan Namikaze." He kissed her on the lips which she recuperated, for a long moment before he broke and started to rub her whiskermarks, once again, causing her to purr, his smile grew as he stared in her beautiful blue eyes.

"Namikaze it is then..."

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