
The Academy and first day

2 Years Later

''So i'm finaly here.''

Ryu was standing before Konoha's academy. As he looked at the building with exitement thinking that he will finaly be able to start using ninjutsu that he has dreamed off for so long about.

Still smiling he walked into the building and headed to his designated class. After he enterd the classroom looked around the classrrom and decided to go sit in the empty seat at the very front.

While Ryu was looking around checking out his classroom the door opend and the teacher walked in.

''Alright quiet down students. My name is Iruku but you all can call me sensei. I wil call out you're name now so please respond if you are present.''

"Sato Rito"


" Amiya Akiko!"


"Hyuga Neji !"


"Yagi Ryu !"


''Rock Lee !"



"Students , in this school we raise ninja, and the world of ninja is one ruled by survival of the fittest. With 1v1 sparring matches, we shall determine the class ranking! Now everyone go to the playground!"

In this class, Ryu was estatic to see that he was in the same class as the legendary team 8, he especialy admired both Lee and Neji from the Naruto franchise. While they were walking to the playground most of his classmates could not stop talking about what rank they were going to get, while he was interested in fighting Neji the rest could not arouse much of him. And although he had no interest in this Ninja game played by children , Ryu knew he must show enough talent today, while talking care not to show more that whais nessecairy.

Imagine if a child at this age that could already smash trees so thick that is could take several men to hug it with only his bare hands, or one that could move so fast that no one can see him. Nobody would believe that he trained so far by himeself not to mention that he is an orphan with no ties to any clan or ninja. So because of this he cannot expose all his cards, he needs to go basic to show his potential of becoming a great ninjas so that they will focus more on him and let hime learn ninjutsu earlier.

"The first showdown… ".." vs ".."!" After Iruka sensei announced the 1st battle, the two entered ring. They began to scuffle and there was no clear winner. In the end, one of them was slightly able to beat the other, this was the case with most fights. Not Many of them used ninjutsu and Lee like himself fought only using Taijutsu. Although he is not amazing as he will be after he goes under Might Guy's wing the fact that he gotten so far is still impressive.

Ryu watched seven fights, most of his classmates are still at the level of a normal civilian. they did not learn to refine their Chakra before school, unlike himself who started right after he was born.

"The next fight, Yagi Ryu vs Rock Lee!"

Lee > ''I have seen like me you only fight using nothing but Taijutsu it will be an honor to face you.''

Ryu > ''The same.''

The two bow to each other and both both their stance.


Even after the teacher gave them the go both them still kept staring at each other, neither of them wanted to be the first one to make the first move. Everyone kept waitining on the two of them. Finaly at on point they both started to move. Very slowy they were circeling each ohter,

This kept going for almost 10 minutes, finaly before the teacher and the class lost their patiance Lee was the first one to strike, he quickly came before Ryu and pulled out an punch as the punch came before Ryu he doged it by slightly moving his body than he attacked with a punch of his one,

Now that the battle finaly started the class started cheering but soon they stopped because they could'nt believe their eyes as they looked at the two who were fighting. As they kept fighting both of them started getting faster and faster, to the point where most of them could not see what was happenig. A few that could not see asked those that could about what was happening and as they were told they could'nt believe their ears.

The teacher was also impressed by their performance, eventhough the fight was not that much in his eyes the fact still was they were not even genin and he is an chuinin, the fact is stil that he is impressed by 8 year olds . As the fight kept raging on Ryu was not only realy at how strong Lee was, he was also dissapointed in himself even though he is holding back his body is still stronger than Lee he was on the losing side.

After a while he understood why, he was having a hard time fighting, because of his technique Lee was better at Taijutsu than him so eventhough he is physically stronger than him it did he not matter if he can't do any real damaged, after a wile Ryo decided to up the ante.

Lee sudenly saw Ryu become a blur and at the next moment he found himself lying on the ground.

After the teacher anounsed the outcome Lee got up stil a bit confuse. They both bowed to each other and went back to the crowd.

"Next is Hyuga Neji vs TenTen."

The battle between the two was quiet exiting as TenTen kept trowing shurikans and kurunai while Neji easely deflected. After a whiel Neji won by Quickly rushing in front og TenTen and attacked with a palm but he stopped before the palm could do any damage.

After a few fights, Lee had to fight agains both Neji and TenTen,against TenTen he had brought it to a draw. But when he had to fight Nenji he lost horibly, after those matches nothing was worth watching.After a while he fought and beated everyone in his class even TenTen eventhough her weapens worked on Lee it did not do much against him sinds he was faster.

"The next is the final fight, Yagi Ryu against Hyuga Neji!"

Neji > ''I suggest you give up now before we fight.''

Ryo looked at him angrely when he sayd that and asked him why and Neji replied because Ryo is strong. And because he is strong he would need to go all out against hi,. Afer Ryo heard that he calmed down and told him to fight.

The moment the teacher said begin both of them moved. This time Ryu was the first one to strike, he had decided to use about 70% of his strengt from the beginning. Eventhough he did not like Neji's attitude he had to admit that right now he does not stand a chance of beating him if he completely holds back.

Neji seeing Ryu's speed increased even more than when he fought Lee and TenTenwas quiete suprised but he quickly adapted. As they were fighting their teacher and their classmates were quiete suprised espeacialy Lee, soon after he became a little depressed not only had he lost so horibbly against Neji it turns out that Ryu was also holding back in their fight.

Their fight went on for a few more minutes until Neji could not hold back anymore so he used his trump card the Byakugan. Eventhough the Byakugan did not greatly enhanced the user's reaction speed like the Sharingan it still boosted it.

Neji using the Byakugan was in Ryu his expectation but the fact he is starting to lose the figt was not. Ryu silently cursed himself this was all because he it weak at fighting eve though his body's capability is so much higher than the other's here. The battle kept ongoing and it was clear that they were evenly matched at first but Neji was starting to get the upperhand.

While thinking about how to counter attack Neji caught him by suprise and hit a few of his presure points. Feeling his body being paralyzed and losing control over his chakara Ryu decided to try going all out but he could not easely control his chakara. Sinds he refined his chakara to this extent it was a lot hared to control especialy now that Neji has partialy paralyze him.

Neji >'' This is this the end.''

Neji attacked his head with a palm strike, Ryu knew that if he was hit by that he would be knocked out so he gatherd chakara in his feet and was barely able to dogge Neji's attack. Neji could see the powerfull amount of chakara being gatherd so he had to make an desisive attack.

Ryu gatterd chakara in his arms and try the unblock his pressure points, but he was assaulted by a lot of his pain, he gritted his teeth and endured it. He had felt even worst pain when he was younger and his body was still weak so this was nothing. As he gather chakara in his arm he could finaly move it a little.

He decided to punch out the same time Neji did. Neji decided to take blow so he could take Ryu down. Before the two attacks met their apponint they were bot stopped by Iruka.

''That is enough.''

''Both of you took this sparing match too far,''

They both look at each other and then their teacher and apoigized to him.

''I declare this match a daw.''

Yo zaver here i was able to squize one out with my busy sheduale. Anyway please tell me what you think I am not realy good with fighting scene's.

Tomorow will be double chapters

Zavercreators' thoughts