
Grazy Training and Early Graduation

It has been two weeks sinds his teacher told him that he can't use any ninjutsu or genjutsu. Because of this Ryu despaired for a wile but after 2 day's he got back to his usual self just with a lot more gloom. The reason Ryu cheered upped again so quickly was because of Lee. When he was down Lee was to it was then when he met saw that that he decided to cheer up because he can still become pretty strong only using Taijutsu.

Ryu rememberd back in the Naruto series when Madara was almost killed by Might Guy, evernthough Madara was being careless it was stilll a fact that Guy almost did him in and Madara was fused with the Tentailes.

Yeah was'nt a real ninja like that, fight close combat and not some bs energy ball attck orlightining coming from you're finger tips. Ryu told tried to brainwash himself by telling himself all of this.

After school ended of Ryu saw Lee still with an spirtitles look on his face and decided to cheer him up.

Ryu >''Hey Lee.''

''Oh Ryu, do you need something

Ryu > Come with me to the third traing ground.


Ryu >''You will see

Ariving at the training ground Lee wanted to ask Ryu why he brought him here and before he could he suddenly saw a fist coming to his face. He wanted to dogged but was not quick enough, before he could angrely ask why Ryu punched him Ryuattacked him again this time with a kick. Lee was quick enough to evade this time.

Ryu > Look at you're self you still moping around.

''But were you not moping around till yeste.

Before he could finish his sentence Ryu attacked him again.

Ryu >''Listen Lee sinds we can't use ninjutsu or genjutsu we will just have keep working on our Taijutsu. So what if we only have Taijutsu we will still become great ninja and the key to this is youth , no i mean perserverence.

''I thought i heard you say youth.

Ryu >''Nope you must have been hallucinating.

Ryu >'' So are you with me lets show everyone with just by using Taijutsu we can not only beat them but everyone else to even Neji.

''But how?''

Ryu >''Training, we will train until our bodies can't go any further. Once you think you are at you're keep persevering until you break it and we will keep doing that till the point that are Taijutsu will have no limit of their own.

That day Ryu and Lee not only became training partners they also became best friends. Together they would gather each and everyday at the third training ground even when Ryu got sick his neighbors and friends could not persude him to stop. It doesen't matter if it was rainig or snowing, if the weather was hot or cold they kept coming everyday.

Lee worked mostly on his pysieke trying to break his limits. Everyday he would do an impossible amount of push ups and if he failed he would do 100 more for his next set of training. Ryu though was working mostly on his Taijutsu and strengthening abilety.

As they kept traing day by day trying break their limits they did not relize that they were being watched by two ninjas behind a bunch of tree's.

''So what do you think quiet a great show of youth is it not Kakashi.''

''This is what you dragged me all the way here for?''

''Of course look at them i feel like they are a lot of me in the past"

'' I only see the one who has the same eyebrows like you resemble the you of the past. Heck if i did

not know you as much as i do i would had thought that he was you're son.

''Ha ha ha is that right, anyway i see that these to have a lot of perserverance. So this should be a

type of potetial shoud it not.''

''I gues, why do you ask?

"They are reaching their limit in Taijutsu soon, these two nuckeheads have trained their Taijutsu so much that their are almost no flaws. The only problem is that they are to low leveld, so i want you to help me ask Lord Fourth to allow them to get acces to higher tier Taijutsu.

"You know if you went by you're self he might have allowed this if he saw the two of them himself.

So admit it you only got me out here so you can get in the away of my book did'nt you.''

Ryu and Lee did not know that they were being secretly watched by Guy all this time. This was actualy a good thing fo them sinds because of this they would be secretly helped.

2 Years later

At the thir training ground Ryu and Lee were sparring but after a while they stopped sinds Lee lost. Lee found Ryu amazing over the lasy two years that they were traing together Lee saw Ryu getting stronger everyday and not only that he kept breaking his limits only. With their Taijutsu being both being around even Lee does not know how long he would last if Ryu went all out sinds he would have to dogged each and everyone of his attacks.

He was the one who has been lagging behind when he came to breaking ther limits. A year back Iruka sensei said that they were giving special permission to lear higher Taijutsu at the level of gennin and finaly a month ago they not only master them but also improve what they knew to the level of Chuunin, though they would be consider only a little about average if they were Chuunin but the fact was that they were no even gennin.

Ryu > ''Lee tomorow i will aply for early graduation.''

Lee was not that surprised about what Ryu said because he had already aces everything he could exept for the ninjutsu and taijutsu courses. What did this mean?

It meant that the academy had nothing more to teach Ryu.

The next morning Lee went with Ryu to the examenation to cheer him on. Usualy if one were to graduate they would just have to show what they have learned over the years. But when it comes to early graduation you not only have to do aa few test but you have to also fight an actual gennin. For Ryu the criteria was harder sinds he was only using Taijutsu, he had to fight an elite gennin.

Not only that he had to fight him to a draw or win. Lee was still worried eventhough he knew of what a monster Ryu was.

The match was realy anti-climatic, when it started it was as first exiting until the gennin figured out he was losing to Ryu when it came to Taijutsu. He tried genjutsu but because of Ryu's powerfull chakara he snapped out of it before the gennin could doanything. In the end he was going to use ninjutsu but Ryu had strengthed himself after the genjutsu, so when he wanted to use ninjustsu Ryu was to fast for him to react to, in the end he was knocked out.

Ryu was no the youngest to graduate early from the academy, but he was the only one who had done so using nothing but Taijutsu

Yo Zaver here.

Well this is kinda embarerissing i just figured out the time difference between my country's time zone and Webnovel.

So i like to say that if you don't get a chapter and i said nothing about it before or after it was posted, it was most likely because of the time difference.

Zavercreators' thoughts