
Living hell, Flashback 01

Walking down the stage Alex held his hand on his jaw in a thinking manner...

"Is it to much to ask kids to be able to rival an battle experience of about 10 thousand years" " Or is it just bad luck "

I do believe it is Alex, responded Azura in the end.

"Just remember what you have experience during your training"

A few strong memories flooded Alex mind...


We moved back about 10.000 year's …

We are still in our main character's apartment, he is getting ready for Asura to move him from his world

Alex felt a pull and got sucked in too an weird dark rift, he blinked and all the sudden he saw earth I front of him.. he truly felt earth was as beautiful as some of the astronauts mention. They use to say if you truly saw earth in it's all glory from space, you will feel a strong sense of belonging and gratitude for it to be there.. He got a though that this planet and many like it must be protected… such beauty… he turned around a bit and saw the moon.. it did not look so good, lifeless and gray.. it had so many impact marks that he though of a specific name, Swiss cheese.. He felt great full toward it as it has protected earth many times.

He looked around and saw many other planets and moons yet what shocked him the most was the biggest object in the solar system, the sun.. My god it was huge.. he found it impossible to describe how truly big it was.. funny thing the sun wasn't yellow or even orange.. it was actually white.. he though about it and figured out quickly, it must be the earth's atmosphere reflecting the light to make it look yellow and sometime orange.. this meant almost every science book about the sun was wrong on this point.. he quickly understood why the books was like this.. it was to simplify science for people .. if people saw a yellow sun and you told them it was actually white, people would say your blind .. as the proof was literally in the sky..

Seeing the star getting bigger and bigger he notice he was gathering speed towards the sun as earth became smaller and smaller,then a blinding bright light flashed…

The next moment vastness of space was seen with many blinking stars everything looked zoomed and slightly red shifted .. the more time progressed the redder his soundings became with an ever smaller cone zone,then from almost nowhere everything became blue shifted in color.. and for a split moment purple then at last he saw a color he never heard of nor never seen….

"What is goin on Asura?"

"Oh forgot too tell you this is what happens when you move closer and closer to light speed and cross it" " with your knew eye sight you will be able to see all the wave length of colors " " if you were a human all you would see at this point would be blackness or should I just say nothingness.

This new color was so beautiful that he wished others could see it as well..The beauty made him even shed a small tear.. It also made him realize the thought, what other beauty will I see during my journey before the end…

All sudden he found himself naked in a new world.. His infant sized body stood tiny in this new world full of darkness, boiling magma ,the ground was pitch Black, textured of sand, it held an unique smell of decay and then there where even flames further away stretching a few million miles up in the air.. There was also weird apparitions walking about... For Alex this new world looked horrid and cruel.

"Alex.. I wanted to show you this world first, as it will hold the most danger and the most demanding of all of the training grounds. This will be your last world before your training will be complete. "Believe me when I say this, all other training grounds may hold great dangers on the other hand none of them will stress your soul and mind as much as this one"

What is this place Asura, he asked back.

"This world is a world between worlds "

"This world is where lost and evil souls resides"

"These poor evil souls did incredible evil acts in their life"

"It's called…."

"Wait! so isn't this hell?"

Many would agree on this as it she described it very closely to Christianity's depiction of Hell.

"Hmm, yes this is very close to that however it's so much worse and more than that at the same time " " It's called dark realm "

After she said this the ground shook and a figure came in to view.. it had humanoid shape .. yet the limbs was too large for normal size human. Alex though and found a reasonable word for what it looked like.. A mix between the girl from The horror movie the ring and 6 other disfigured girls body parts. Black hair covering up most parts of her face and the parts the long hair couldn't cover you saw an evil grin that would send a chill down most people's spines..

Alex just stared at this horrific creature with a cold look, not because he didn't find its interesting, it was more like he knew he wouldn't be able to study it for now so no emotion could be expressed or felt..

He wanted to ask a few more questions about this training ground yet before he could, the Creature let out a blood curdling scream so high pitch that any glass no matter the size would probably shatter. Azura at this point opened another spatial rift and gravity created from it started to pushed Alex through. Note that he didn't resist the pulling force yet he knew somehow if he did, it would be meaningless, as he hadn't acclimated to his new body. Before the spatial rift came to a complete close Alex saw the creature standing at the remaining borders not fully closed.. A hand with syringe like needle fingers tried to reach in. Unfortunately it was to late for the and it's nails created only an high pitch scratching noise way worse the nails on a chalk board..

"Your first true training ground, this is where you will train your martial arts, many other mystic arts and let me give you a little hint about it.

many of your original world talked about it and in recent years they even got a incredible clear photo about it...

"Wanna guess what it is ?"

" I guess that...." " it's either a sun or a black hole, although …"

Pondering more about it he paused … he had instead an inner monologue…

Even if my new body might be similar to that of what many would believe a gods should be, he was sure that Asura won't throw him in to a black hole as it is consider the most extreme environment according to human science."

so in short it's a dead star or so called a …. Alex said in the end

"You are correct Alex, the gravity will be quite intense and hopefully In about 10 years time you will have learn what needs to be learned .. "

After a silence for about an hour Asura told Alex to prepare himself

" Arrive in 3... 2... 1.."

Well here it is.. wasn’t to happy with the flow or editing.. so be abit lenient =) all the best!

Freakgoodcreators' thoughts