
Living hell, Flash back 02

Living hell,Flash back 02

The rift opens again and Alex felt a huge pulling force ... He barely had time to comprehend it before slamming in to the dead star. It might sound strange how you could slam in to something that should be something similar to a liquid and gas, however this was a dead star or as human science calls an Iron star. First, stars fuse hydrogen atoms into helium. Helium atoms then fuse to create beryllium, and so on, until fusion in the star's core has created every element up to iron. Now for this to happen an ridiculous time have to pass, a time much longer then the age of the current universe had. Somehow Asura must be the one who managed to pull this impossible feat off and how she manage to do this, Alex would learn way later during his training.

"Asura, I can feel the gravitational pull, But why can't I feel any heat though? I feel more like the opposite, incredible cold "

"Simple answer, the star is truly dead." "After all elements in the star is iron no more fission or fusion is possible, as such no heat and the resulting temperatures is the same as the universe background temperature [ 1]

Only a few moment after he slammed in to the iron star Asura pushed him towards one of the poles faster and faster, this started to increase the gravitational pull more and more. many might believe that the gravity was evenly squeezing on Alex body yet those who thought so couldn't be more wrong. The gravity was at most on his feet as it was closest to the source of the pull. You could say that he was lucky for having a tiny body at this point.

He looked around and saw all most only darkness, the things he saw except that was something shiny,, you might think it's strange that considering that there was no light source he still could somehow see. well think about this. If you knew a little bit about marine life [ 2], then you might you might know that marine life at the bottom of the sea can see even in what humans call total darkness, the reason for this is Marin life evolved highly sensitive eyes to light. as such a perfect being should have better vision that of Marine life no matter how evolved it might be. Alex eyes could even see all wave length of light, however let's not get to off topic and leave more about that typ of info for later date.

after a few moments he had his speculation on a few things

"Asura what is the exact temperature level and how close am I to the center of the iron star?"

"First off let me say something quickly before answering your question..."

"I will only be here to help you acclimated,train you body & mind, give you knowledge and last help you stabilize your mentality" "

"I won't be like those bull shit ai systems that you have read about in novels that gives everything without you doing some hard work" " I'm more evolved then them and a blend of ai and a true life form "

" Think about it, if I help you to much you will most likely be immature and spoiled, you will miss the good feeling of accomplishment which can be devastating in personal growth and last the most important fact… gaining knowledge is easy however gaining wisdom is not." "Helping you to much will destroy much of what wisdom you could have gained from testing out things yourself" " I cannot even guarantee i will be here with you forever hence why you need those things I mention"

" Back to your question Alex it's appropriate -270.42 Celsius or -454.756 Fahrenheit and your about 2 % near the center of the iron star, next time use your senses to find out on your own"

"How am I able to breathe in a toxic substance and survive with no oxygen? "

"It's simple your entire body functions doesn't require oxygen to function, at the same time though no matter what substance you breathe in, your body will convert it to a certain raw energy. This also to apply to anything you eat. Your body doesn't need any form of nutrients. If you eat something it will break it down too this raw energy and in turn it will then be stored in your body ."

"So let me just ask you this question just to clarify, even if I eat something toxic or that is harmful to other life forms it won't matter as my body function doesn't work in that way"

Following this open question, a simple yes could be heard from Asura.

Alex got kinda scared because of this... why? Well, he would never get drunk [ 3] for one, another was he would never get any form of sickness as he would never get a virus or bacteria infection, he was sure his body wouldn't work with bacteria to break down food nor even if it somehow got in to his system, what ever form the raw energy was, it would kill any bacteria or virus instantly.

Now you might wonder why this would pose such a distress for him well... As time pass by would he forget the understanding of the mental effects of sicknesses on life forms? many would say, you will only truly understand something by going through it themselves ... in the end this would crate a distance between him and others. He knew his sole purpose right now was to train and save everyone from One above all, yet if he did survive that battle this might become a problem in the future .

" Ok now that I'm here, let's get started Asura "

"Ok as you know we are on a dead star your training begins here" "you will be training martial arts without using any Qi." "Using your body alone will create a lot of friction which will become energy, this in turn will awaken this dead star somewhat "

"In time your body will absorbed more and more left over energy "

"I will at this point start to extract energy from you and the surroundings, too repair the damage you caused on my memory database from when you requested me too slow down time on about 2 % of the universe"

"Your first goal is to master all the martial arts from your old world Earth,what I have collected and created myself. Hopefully you can also start creating your own marital arts "

"A sub goal at the same time is to awaken the star to become at least a living one or as it's more referred to a low mass celestial object" " in short you need to do the reverse of what have happened to this dead star then at a certain point evolve it to the correct path."

"Let's begin with a famous one, [ Celestial hammer ] it's a Vietnamese martial art"

Hopefully it hasn’t got to many spelling errors or f grammar issues.. will add info about the chapter below at a later time and thank you for reading !

Freakgoodcreators' thoughts