
The Strongest Mage In A Ruined World

Dying after suffering from an illness without a cure, Adrian a sickly 17-year-old high schooler was pitied by the gods after they saw his life that was mostly devoid of happiness. Granting him a chance to reincarnate with his memories and their blessings, Adrian was reborn as the seventh prince of the Ragnar Kingdom with the hopes of doing things he couldn't do in his past life. But fate was sly. Forced to fight against his half-siblings after he was deemed a threat to the future Kings. But that was the least of Adrian's worries as a mysterious Organization had already locked its sights on him after finding out he was the key to their goal —plunge the world into eternal darkness thereby birthing chaos. With his life hanging by a thread after he was born, Adrian was left with two choices; solo his hardships in the Castle and die, or join the mysterious Organization and live. As for his answer, it was none. Cause who said he had to accept his fate?! Why leave your life in fate's hands?! If there is no third option why not make one?! Choosing to defy his fate despite the odds stacked against him, Adrian gradually shapes his destiny in a world where the strong rule and the line between good and evil is non-existent.

Sapa_X · Fantasía
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27 Chs

Tell Me About My Son [Part 2]

With the King's words reverberating through the throne room, Alistar clenched his fist before releasing it and staring into the King's eyes.

As disdain clouded his face, there was a mocking glint in Alistar's eyes as he said. "The one who died three years back or the one you abandoned six years ago cause I'm not sure which one you meant."

His voice clearly showing his disdain towards the King, Alistar tried to provoke the old bastard with his words. But what he said was the truth as a large number of the King's sons had died in the past decade.

Alistar knew the son he was referring to but deliberately said those words to piss the bastard who had a habit of ditching his children.

Heck when the child was born the old bastard didn't bother to ask about its name said 'It was disgusting and Alistar should take it away from his sight'. Heck, the bastard even went further to say that Alistar should get rid of it.

That was more than enough to make Alistar despise him. He who had grown up without the care or knowledge of his parents —since they had died while serving the Kingdom— found it detestable that the King had so many children but didn't even love a single one.

Narrowing his eyes and tightly gripping the arm of his Throne, the King was getting pissed by Alistar's continuous disrespect for him.

But could he do anything about it? No, he couldn't since Alistar was the strongest individual in their Kingdom taking out the Knights under him was a piece of cake for someone of Alistar's caliber.

Although he was angry at Alistar's disrespect, he would've never been able to reach his current position if he couldn't keep his cool when he was angry.

"I meant the child that Aurora gave birth to." The King replied calmly taking a deep breath after each word to keep his anger in check.

"Oh... Him." Alistar said starting with a tone of surprise before it became ice cold. Coldly staring at the King, Alistar added. "He's alright."

"What about his whereabouts?" The King asked paying no heed to Alistar's tone.

"Tch." Clicking his tongue in irritation after seeing the King was able to keep calm, Alistar placed his hands in his pockets before replying. "It's none of your business."

He gave the Knight who stood behind the King one final glare before turning his back to the King.

As for the Knight, the poor fellow who was seeking brownies had his forehead covered in cold sweat and a shiver running down his spine. If not for the Platinum armor he wore, his sweaty forehead would've been visible to all in the throne room.

A few meters away from the double doors, Alistar had a cruel smile tug at the sides of his lips. "You should've asked those questions and not said those stupid words when I came here with the child four years back."

Not bothering to turn his head back to the King when he talked, Alistar walked out of the throne room with coldness radiating out of his being.

Subconsciously taking a few steps back after they saw Alistar's cold face, the Knights who stood beside the double doors almost pissed themselves in fright when his eyes landed on them.

Thud, thud...

A few seconds after Alistar walked out, both Knights collapsed on the floor after they lost all the strength in their legs. Gasping for air after being scared shitless by a harmless glance.


Irritated by the incompetence of his Knights who were frightened by a glance, the King slammed his hands on the arms of his throne.

Livid at the thought that if Alistar decides on a coup d'etat his Knights would sit on the floor like ladies who had been overstimulated, the King glared coldly at the Knights in Silver armor before coldly saying. "Kill them."

As his voice echoed through the throne room, the King paid no heed to the words that followed as he walked to his room.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Bowing at the King's departing figure, the Knight who had almost bitten more than he could chew stood straight after the King's figure had disappeared.


Both Knights could only exclaim in shock after hearing the King's cruel order. Processing the information a bit too late and disgracing him after Alistar had disregarded him had sealed their fate.


"You heard the man." The Platinum Knight said having no trace of sympathy in his hoarse voice as he pulled out his sword from its sheath.

"Please spare us!!"

"Have mercy!!"

Drawn out of their shock by the sound of his sword getting drawn, both Knights immediately kowtowed as they begged for their lives.

"I'm sorry but there is nothing I can do." The Platinum Knight said walking towards them with pity evident in his voice. Standing in front of the duo he added. "That's the King's orders."

His voice was still laced with pity as he raised his blade above their heads but underneath his helmet there was a cruel smirk was plastered on his face.

"Just make it quick for them Josh!" The other Platinum Knight who was behind the King's throne barked after seeing his friend was taking too much time.

"Tch... Whatever. You were always no fun." Clicking his tongue in irritation, Josh unhesitatingly brought his sword downwards. Cleaving both of their heads in a single motion.

Thud, thud...

With both their heads making a beautiful arc of blood paint the sky before they fell, the bodies of the Knights lost their strength and lay on the cold ground —ignorant about what they had done wrong till the moment they died.

Although it wasn't as pleasant as letting their blood touch his skin, there was a crazed glow in Josh's eyes as his pleasurable laughs filled the throne room.


"That damn bastard." Pacing about his room, the King had anger written all over his face as he remembered Alistar's disrespect.

If only he was stronger than Alistar, the King would've done what he was good at to Alistar... killing those who disrespected him but too bad, reality was cruel and he was a mere bug under Alistar's feet.

"Come in." His rage was evident in his voice after hearing a knock on the door, the King's bloodshot eyes stared at the figure of the person who dared disturb him when he was angry.

As she walked into his room, a maid with beautiful features and perfect proportions bowed while saying. "Good evening Your Majesty, I'm pleased to tell you that-"

Roughly pulling her towards him, the King wasn't bothered about what she wanted to say as he finally found a way to vent his frustration by having fun with her.

With a trace of fear glistening in her eyes as she saw the King plant his lips on hers, memories that she had tried to suppress flared up within her. But no matter how much she hated what the bastard was doing to her, she didn't dare resist as he could kill her for no reason.

Smiling after seeing she didn't resist, the King stripped her before dumping her on his bed and letting the animal within him —that was just fed with disrespect— ravage her.

He knew what his people thought of him and honestly, he couldn't give a fuck about it as long as he had women to curb his desires the Kingdom could perish for all he cares.