
The Strongest Mage In A Ruined World

Dying after suffering from an illness without a cure, Adrian a sickly 17-year-old high schooler was pitied by the gods after they saw his life that was mostly devoid of happiness. Granting him a chance to reincarnate with his memories and their blessings, Adrian was reborn as the seventh prince of the Ragnar Kingdom with the hopes of doing things he couldn't do in his past life. But fate was sly. Forced to fight against his half-siblings after he was deemed a threat to the future Kings. But that was the least of Adrian's worries as a mysterious Organization had already locked its sights on him after finding out he was the key to their goal —plunge the world into eternal darkness thereby birthing chaos. With his life hanging by a thread after he was born, Adrian was left with two choices; solo his hardships in the Castle and die, or join the mysterious Organization and live. As for his answer, it was none. Cause who said he had to accept his fate?! Why leave your life in fate's hands?! If there is no third option why not make one?! Choosing to defy his fate despite the odds stacked against him, Adrian gradually shapes his destiny in a world where the strong rule and the line between good and evil is non-existent.

Sapa_X · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
27 Chs


Adrian stared at the Palace for some time as a foolish grin blossomed on his face he said. "There must be a ton of pretty girls there."

If someone had been watching Adrian, they would've hit him because his current attitude was in stark contrast to the one he had not too long ago.

Adrian wasn't the type who would want to go to a Palace just for sightseeing. There was this phrase that said 'Dream big' and Adrian was the type who did and longing to stare at a Palace wasn't big enough. What was big enough was picking up a lot of Royal chicks and that was after humbling them.


Jumping down from the tree branch —since it wasn't too high above the ground, Adrian said. "It's time to go home... again."

He gave the Palace one last glance before placing his hands in his pockets. The Sun was already setting and it meant Liz would soon be home.

A little bit satisfied by the apples he had eaten, Adrian began walking home with the Sun as his companion.

Adrian soon arrived at their house before walking towards the door. It had taken him about fifteen minutes to walk from the spot where the Apple tree grew to his house.

Unceremoniously opening the door, Adrian walked into the living room with a face that showed he was deep in thought.

"Sigh..." Adrian sighed deciding it was best to shelve those thoughts for another time.

"She still isn't back." He said seeing that no one was in the living room.

Taking off his shoes, Adrian said as he walked towards his room. "I guess dinner's gonna take a while."

As he entered his room, Adrian closed the door behind him before walking to the only shelf in his room.

Closely looking at the books that were lined up on the shelf, Adrian ran his eyes through the lower section.

After he had found the book he was looking for, Adrian held it in his hands before smiling as he walked to his bed.

"Magic for Beginners," Adrian muttered placing the book on his bed before he opened it. No matter how many times he has read a book, Adrian was the type that would say the book's name before he began reading.

Opening the book to where he had stopped reading the last time, Adrian seemed to be drawn into the texts it held as his mind was solely focused on what lay before him.

And so, he kept on reading and reading oblivious to the changes in his surroundings as time swiftly moved.



"Huh?" Adrian said as his tummy protested in anger. He might've eaten some apples to curb his hunger but a lot of time had passed since then and now it was currently empty.

His attention now diverted from the book in his hands after his tummy's complaints, Adrian turned to look out the window.

"This must be the longest." He muttered after seeing that the sky was pitch black with only a few stars here and there. This had marked his longest reading session and the time that he had been in a serious state.

Staring at the sky for some time, Adrian shifted his attention to the full moon that hung in the sky before saying. "I'm sure she'd be back by now."

He took his eyes off the moon before closing his book and standing up from his bed. Seeing the things around him as if it were day.

This was one of the perks he obtained due to him being a Half-elf, Night Vision. It was also the reason why he was able to keep on reading till nightfall without observing the changes around him.

Adrian walked to his shelf before placing the book back where he had picked it and walking out of his room.

Not taking him too much time to reach the living room, Adrian stared at the beautiful feminine figure looking at him.

"Welcome back Aunt Liz." He said with a smile on his face as he gazed at the black-haired and green-eyed beauty.

"How have you been Adrian?" She replied with a small smile spread across her face. If only Adrian had noticed the glint hidden in her eyes he might've gone back to his room.

But it was too late as Adrian had already walked in front of her. Facing her, Adrian was about to talk when he felt a delicate yet strong palm grip his head.

"Damn you little brat how dare you make me worry!" Liz yelled gripping Adrian's head like it was a ball. Her voice was laced with anger and her eyes seemed to go up in flames.

"I can explain–" Cut off by Liz before he could finish talking, Adrian could only keep his mouth shut as he knew she wasn't going to stop anytime soon.

"Explain what exactly? You had me worried you annoying brat." She said calmly even though she was still enraged.

Noticing the change in her tone, Adrian sighed in relief as he realized she wasn't really angry because if she was it might have been a slightly different story. Actually, scratch that it would have been an entirely different story.

"Well I'm glad you're safe just don't scare me like that again." The anger in her voice vanished after it was replaced by worry.

Liz removed her hand from Adrian's head before hugging him. She stroked his hair as she calmly said. "Don't scare me like that again. You're still young and if something happens to you I'd be worried sick."

Although she found it weird that someone of four years old would prefer leaving the house than staying indoors, there was nothing she could do as some children were just different from their mates.

"I'm sorry," Adrian replied with his emotions evident in his voice. He initially didn't feel anything from her words but after she said she was worried, there was a change in his emotions.

"With that aside, you have to be home before four PM, is that a deal?" She said breaking their hug and holding Adrian by his hands. Even though there was a little difference, Liz thought of it as the best way to keep herself from worrying and allowing Adrian to have fun.

Nodding his head in reply, Adrian looked at Liz for some time before he said to himself. 'This is what it feels like to have a big sister.'

Even though he knew that they weren't related by blood, he thought of her as his biological sister because of how she treated him. How she treated him was vastly different from how the girls back at their orphanage treated the younger ones.

The girls back at the orphanage who were old enough to act as big sisters never paid attention to the younger children which was why he never knew how having a good one felt.

Standing up from where she was seated, Liz smiled at Adrian as she said. "I'll bring our food soon."

Adrian nodded in reply as he tried to stop his tears from falling due to his happiness. Having happiness swirl in his heart, Adrian thought. 'I'll also protect her no matter what.'

Finally taking a seat, Adrian looked at the crystals that acted as a light source for some time before running his eyes through their house.

Knock, knock...

As Adrian was running his eyes through their house, he turned his head to look at the door. Wondering who would be coming to their house this late at night.


WhOaMI thanks for the Power Stone I really appreciate.