
The Strongest Mage In A Ruined World

Dying after suffering from an illness without a cure, Adrian a sickly 17-year-old high schooler was pitied by the gods after they saw his life that was mostly devoid of happiness. Granting him a chance to reincarnate with his memories and their blessings, Adrian was reborn as the seventh prince of the Ragnar Kingdom with the hopes of doing things he couldn't do in his past life. But fate was sly. Forced to fight against his half-siblings after he was deemed a threat to the future Kings. But that was the least of Adrian's worries as a mysterious Organization had already locked its sights on him after finding out he was the key to their goal —plunge the world into eternal darkness thereby birthing chaos. With his life hanging by a thread after he was born, Adrian was left with two choices; solo his hardships in the Castle and die, or join the mysterious Organization and live. As for his answer, it was none. Cause who said he had to accept his fate?! Why leave your life in fate's hands?! If there is no third option why not make one?! Choosing to defy his fate despite the odds stacked against him, Adrian gradually shapes his destiny in a world where the strong rule and the line between good and evil is non-existent.

Sapa_X · Fantasía
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27 Chs

He shall become someone greater than you.

Walking into the Castle with a smile on his face, Alistar had Adrian resting in his hands.

""Good day Sir Alistar.""

The guards stationed at the gate greeted Alistar after seeing his approaching figure. They all had their right hands placed on the left side of their chests as they bowed slightly.

"Good day to you all," Alistar responded with a smile spread across his face.

'It sure feels good to be powerful. Everyone respects me and I don't get bossed around.' Alistar thought, making his way through the gates.

"Alistar! Where the hell have you been?!" An angry voice yelled, breaking Alistar from his chain of thoughts.

'Well, everyone except that bastard.' Alistar thought, having his features rapidly switch from sunny and clear to dark and gloomy.

"What is it?" Alistar said with a frown on his face. His voice was cold as he looked at the man before him.

The man looked to be in his mid-thirties, had a height of about 147 centimeters, a smooth bald head that would put all mirrors to shame, a full black beard, hazy-looking black eyes, an extremely large nose, and a very muscular frame. In short, the man looked like an extremely ripped Dwarf.

"Are you dumb or what?" The little man said, questioning Alistar's intelligence.

"I asked 'Where the hell had you been?' you fool." The man continued, disrespecting Alistar.

"I see," Alistar said, his voice cold and aura deadly.

He might be the carefree and easygoing type but when someone who isn't up to half of his level dares to disrespect him he would become a completely different person.



Taking a step forward, Alistar cracked the paved ground underneath them after having his feet touch it. "Why don't you tell me where you got your balls from?"

His voice cold yet calm radiated not even a trace of the anger that surged within him.


"Answer me," Alistar said, making the sleeping Adrian hover beside him using Wind magic.

Alistar stared at the stiff Dwarf in front of him before planting his hand on the latter's head.


As the force behind Arwan's hand slowly increased, visible dents began forming in the Dwarf's head —he could only sweat buckets while shivering.


"Tch... Fucking bastard." Alistar cursed, clicking his tongue as he threw the Dwarf akin to a basketball.

Despite his anger not yet being quelled, Alistar knew that even though he was insanely strong he'd get punished if he hurt the foolish Dwarf too much in the Castle's premises.

"Useless piece of shit," Alistar said, placing his hands in his pockets as Adrian hovered beside him.

Staring behind him, Alistar muttered. "She'd be the best for the job. But first, the King needs to know about his child's safety."

"Damn, that useless coot," Alistar said, letting out another curse as he made his way towards the Throne room.


"Hmmm..." Slowly raising his head to look at the person who had just walked in, the King was face to face with a man who was in his early twenties.

He had medium-length black hair that reached his neck, emerald green eyes, a height of about 179 centimeters, a slender build, and a very handsome face.

"I've brought your child," Alistar said, narrowing his eyes as he kept on staring at the King.

"It must be the thing beside you then." The King said, looking at Adrian's form for less than a second.

The King looked at the wine in his hand before swirling his cup and saying. "Take it away. It looks disgusting."

Even though Adrian was perfectly clean, the King was wary about the aura the boy emitted. The boy's aura was colorless, neither good, evil, nor in-between something extremely rare and almost impossible in their World since all babies had a white aura.

"Damn you." Enraged by how the King had regarded his son, Alistar gritted his teeth as he cursed quietly.

Barely suppressing his anger, Alistar walked towards the double doors.

"Wait." The King's voice echoed through the through the throne room.

Stopping where he stood, Alistar tried not to look at the King as he knew he might just kill the bastard.

"If you won't mind, get rid of him. He seems to be cursed." The King leaned on his throne after he had finished talking before saying. "You may go."

Alistar clenched his fist as he walked out of the Throne room with immense anger in his heart.

"To hell with you," Alistar muttered, walking towards the Servant Quarters before he continued. "He shall become someone greater than you."


"Good day, Sis," Alistar said looking at the beautiful woman before him.

She had long black hair reminiscent of an obsidian waterfall, emerald green eyes that held kindness in their depths, a nice figure with ample proportions, and a face that men would fight for. She was the Castle's Head maid.

"Good day to you too Alistar." She said with a smile.

"Been a long time hasn't it." Her voice sounded like the chime of bells as it traveled through the room.

"It sure has." Alistar nodded before he continued. "I need you to do me a favor. Help me raise this child."

Alistar got straight to the point as he made Adrian float toward her, he said. "Before you make any decisions, let me tell you how he ended up here."

Narrating how Adrian was separated from his Mother before getting kidnapped and eventually getting rescued by him, it took about ten minutes for Alistar to tell Liz everything.

"So what do you say?" Alistar asked, seeing Liz was in deep thought.

"Sigh... I'll do it but on one condition." Liz sighed after looking at the innocent baby floating bedside her.

She was the type that would feel guilty if she had turned Alistar down since apart from him being her blood brother the baby before her was left in a place where he was on his own. A place where nobody cares about him.

"Go on," Alistar replied as he nodded his head.

"I'll do it but you'll have to keep me safe from the Queens," Liz said with worry evident in her tone after seeing Alistar nod his head. "As he's a potential candidate for the Throne, both my life and his would be in constant threat that's why I want you to protect us."

"Is that all?" Alistar asked, seeing Liz nod he smiled and then continued. "That's a pretty simple task and even if you didn't ask I'd have done it anyway."

"Okay then so how're going to get him out of the bubble?" Liz asked after looking at the Water Barrier around Adrian.

"It's pretty simple." Alistar made Adrian float toward him before stretching his hand out.


Slightly pulling the Water Barrier around Adrian, Alistar had burst it akin to a balloon —something that Theo couldn't do even in his Demonic form.

Using another gust of wind to prevent the water drops from touching Adrian, Alistar made Adrian float toward his Sister.

'Huh?' Confused as his eyes fed him an unfamiliar scenery, Adrian who had been asleep for about two days was finally awake.


Author's note- Remember I said that time in the Water Barrier was slowed down.


"See you later Sis," Alistar said. After seeing Adrian slowly opening his eyes, Alistar walked out of his Sister's room.

'Where the hell am I? Who is the lady before me?' Confused after seeing the unfamiliar face in front of him, Adrian was afraid that he had been kidnapped immediately after he was born.

"As long as you're in the Castle, I'll be taking care of you." Liz giggled after seeing the confused expression on the cute baby in front of her.

'Huh?' Adrian said still surprised by how quickly things went. When his confusion had reached its peak, Adrian's body couldn't bear it anymore.


His tummy protested after his brain was stressed too much.

Liz giggled after hearing Adrian's tummy rumble before feeding Adrian the milk she just so happened to have wanted to use.


Author's note- It's fresh goat milk.


As Adrian greedily sucked the milk to distract himself from thoughts about how he got here, Liz had a smile as she looked forward to the time they'll spend together.