
the strongest legendary saiyans in dragon ball

leo and his girlfriend lisa are reincarnated in dragon ball as legendary elite ancient saiyans

SageSatoru · Cómic
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leo has a new dojutsu??!!

leo:hey,lisa,bulma,check this out*deep breath*combination breathing,2nd form:dojutsu creation!

[dojutsu created:the caption eye/the seeker

description:let's the user see what someone will do or say,and how they will impact the future of the world,or in battle,and if they have good or bad intentions,while also copying anything the opponent or person of choice does for 15 min.(1 hour if trained)has 3 forms,what was listed was form 1,form 2 gives all those,but with increased perception,speed,strength,and durability,with the 3rd form giving what the 1st,and 2nd form give with all of them multiplied by 15x each time you use it,with it giving you the ability to create flames of healing and ice of destruction,while also being able to create anything out of any object smaller than a car.

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[caption eye is now integrated with host,i advise host to go to the medflame universe,to learn with the superheroine known as medflame](i made a comic with my friend,one day i had the idea to create a superhero,i thought,everyone made up a male one,so why not a female,so thus medflame was born,she was a normal woman who worked at the local hospital,in freezeville,usa,she had just gotten off work when suddenly she saw a crystal on the ground,this crystal was infused with the genes of kryptonians,tamaraneans,atlanteans,saiyans,and meta-humans/mutants,this gave her the powers of healing flames(rainbow,mostly blueish purple),the ability of flame control(all colors,to where she can make weapons)destruction ice(ice infused with the tamaranian and saiyan energy)and limited control over creation,but the drawback is that when she uses her powers,she turns invisible,her logo is a blue cross with red fire surrounding it,she also has an alternate timeline where she was sent to save the dc world from the dark apokolips war,in this world she was blessed by every superhero and celestial in existence,and her headband(that's where the logo is)was destroyed,along with her invisibility,here she travels back in time(like trunks)and tells the past her to train the powers to the limit of her potential,might make a novel on this site about it,should i?)

lisa/bulma:jesus christ,with this can't you just go train and we get th-hey!stop copying me!no you stop!

leo:hey,since she is nice,'and the oldest on this adventure'let bulma talk.


bulma:ok,leo,go train and me and lisa can get the dragon balls,and when you come back,bring that medflame person with you.

leo:ok,bye,see ya later!*author too lazy to write out a boring chapter so im gonna start ANOTHER,fanfic,i have like 7 or 6 of them.