
The strongest kingdom system

In a universe where every being possesses a system, a little boy was born without one. In his previous life, he endured abuse and was adopted. Just when he managed to bring his life under control, fate dealt a cruel blow - Truck-kun struck like a cold-blooded murderer. Now, in this world without a system, he trains relentlessly from day one, determined to forge a just country of his own. Just as he lays the foundation stone with his wife, a sudden interruption occurs – not someone, but something made its entrance. [Ding Ding]

InfinityPlus · Fantasía
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40 Chs

No name

"Okay, okay!" said Mia.

A new image opened, and the skill tree unfolded across the screen.

It had a common starting point but branched into three main paths. Each branch had different focuses and, consequently, different skills. One path was dedicated to everyday magic and advanced magic.

You could go down any path you wanted, but due to the limited "SP" (skill points), that was near to impossible.

A new skill could only be unlocked if the previous one was unlocked.

Each skill had a small image, and its name was written below. If a skill was not unlocked, there was an "SP" count next to it.

"And?" I asked her.

"With the tenth level, only two new skills were added per main branch. All of them, however, are relatively weak."

"That doesn't matter! You saved up six SP to buy [Last Heal]."


With each level, you gained two "SP." At Level 10, she would have 20.

She had spent two of them on [Basic Clean], a skill that belonged to the main branch of the "Cleaner." With higher levels, they could not only clean dirt but also cleanse people from evil magic.

[Mana Control] was the starting point for all skill trees.

Mia had followed the healer path and had chosen [Basic Heal] as the starting skill for that main branch.

Of course, like everyone else, she had also unlocked the first four everyday magic skills. The typical four elements: Fire -> Water -> Air -> Earth.

1 SP per element.

She had chosen the remaining "SP" for the healer path and, from Level 7 onward, saved up for the specific skill.

"Then I'll do it now!" she said nervously.

"Are you really sure?" I asked, "With those six SP, you could unlock three more skills."

"Don't make me doubt myself!" she complained.

"But I'm serious! Nothing is strong enough to hurt me as much as back then, three years ago, when you found me."

"True! It was indeed the strongest dragon; it really doesn't exist anymore! And it's also true that I initially thought of it for you, but there are other people besides you who need my help!" she snapped at me.

"Then you made a wonderful decision!" I smiled.

"I did!" Mia said, and the gray field turned into a golden glow.

"Congratulations again!" I laughed, "We need to celebrate!"

"Thank you!" she beamed now.

I smiled at her quick change of mood and grabbed her by the hips.

I lifted her and placed her over my broad shoulder, then gave her a little pat on the buttock, which wiggled with anticipation.

"Hey! I still want to eat!" she said surprised.

"You'll get it, just... somewhere else!" I smiled.

"...Fine," she said shyly.

Arriving in the bedroom, I gently laid Mia on the bed and leaned over her.

I approached her lips and whispered, "Why so shy? Usually, you're so enthusiastic."

Mia's breath became warmer and faster, which I felt on my face.

Without saying a word, she hugged my muscular neck, kissed me passionately, and removed my leather clothes, which hid a muscular yet scarred body.

I, too, undressed her slowly and marveled, as always, at her beauty and her soft, slightly light, from the sun, brown skin.

Without words, the event unfolded, and after about three hours, Mia lay exhausted, sleeping in bed.

Satisfied, I hugged Mia from behind, who moved closer without hesitation, then I fell asleep too.


With the first rays of sunlight streaming through the window, I opened my eyes. My wife now lay, still asleep, on my chest.

Gently, I stroked her cheeks and let my fingers glide through her silky black hair.

"Hmm!" She rolled over and slowly opened her eyes.

"Good morning, princess!" I greeted her.

"Good morning!" she replied gruffly.

"Did you not sleep well?" I asked amused.

"Yes, just like a baby."

"Then what's wrong?"

"You were too rough with me last night," she complained.

"Hmm. Odd, considering how you sang yesterday; it seemed like you enjoyed it. And you know, if you want, I can be gentle."

"Yes... true, but you're too..." she whispered.

What?" I asked.

"Nothing!" she blushed and stood up. I watched her, as she put on a blue dress with trembling legs.

"If I'm too big for you, just say so. I can take it slow."

"You're not too big!" she replied loudly before adding quietly, "You're just right."

I smiled at her quick change of mood.

"Stop smiling like that! I have to go to work! Shouldn't you also head to the guild soon?"

"Speaking of which, I almost forgot!" I answered with wide eyes.

"What?" She smiled at me expectantly as she put on her socks.

"I know you won't be happy about this, but I finally reached the highest rank!"

Mia's expression became emotionless and indifferent.

"Did your plan change?" she asked coldly.

"No," I replied.

"I have to go." She glared at me and left the room without another glance.

"Phew!" I sighed and also got up.

I put on my clothes and activated my mana to strengthen my body.

Not because there was an immediate threat, but to toughen my body and increase my mana storage.

Therefore, I almost always had it active, except during intimate activities, where the risk of injuries was too high.

Without eating anything, I headed to the guild house. The streets were bustling, and many greeted me. For a year now, more and more people had moved into the Village of Death.

"The name doesn't quite fit anymore," I muttered to myself.

"Have you heard...?"

"Yes, a celebration?"

"Pssst! Isn't that...?" I heard some people whisper.

I ignored the stares fixed on me and looked with regret at a two-story house where lively activity was taking place.

"Mia? What's going on there?"

"That... comes..." I heard Mia's fading voice.

I shook my head, hoping that I could talk to her tonight, and continued.

I was just about to reach the guild entrance when I heard rapid footsteps approaching.

"What have you done!" I heard an angry female voice.

I turned around and saw a small woman with brown hair and brown eyes.

"What's wrong, Emma?" I sighed.

She stood on tiptoe and slapped me.

"Ouch." I said unimpressed, and had to laugh slightly as Emma blew on her hand.

"Ah, why are you so hard... and stop laughing! Tell me, what have you done to Mia!"

"Haa, that's a matter between Mia and me."

"I'm her best friend! I'm practically a part of her, I know her as deeply as no one else! Not even you!"

"I wouldn't sign that statement." I smiled, "I also got to know her 'deeply' last night."

She looked at me angrily.

"Alright." I said, "Apart from that, I also know her and know what's going on!"

"Oh really?" she called, "Then why do you want to leave her?"

"I don't want to leave her! I won't go without her!"

"That's the problem! Just forget about your dream!" she shouted and ran off, but not before stepping on my foot.


I watched Emma go and sighed again.

Then I entered the guild house. As usual, new adventurers greeted me, having moved here to hunt in the forests before the mountain.

I chatted briefly with some and chose an easy task.

With a bag over my shoulder, I followed the path into the woods.


A dull sound echoed through the room as I placed the bag with my loot on the wooden counter.

"Oh, less than usual!" noticed the guildmaster. "30 malicious dwarves... but you're nevertheless living up to your name again!"

"That's all there was," I replied with blank eyes.

Since there was still short on staff, he was always working himself in the afternoon.

I looked at him thoughtfully.

"Something on your mind. Aha!"

I nodded.

"Is it about my daughter, who asked if she could sleep at our house tonight?"

I nodded.

"Wait, what? She wants to sleep at your place tonight?" I blurted out.

"Yes!" said the guildmaster. "I keep telling you that you two should settle it tonight, but you know my wife..."

A shudder ran down my spine. The mother-in-law.

"...and Mia also says she doesn't want to go through the same discussion again." He finished.

I sighed. "Do you think I can still talk to her tonight, Elias?"

"Of course, you can!" Elias smiled. "Just make sure to pass by Sylvia!"

I nodded, feeling concerned.

"But here's your pay for now. Two, four, six... gold pieces and a silver piece."

"Thank you!" Then I trudged back home.

On the way, I bought a bouquet of flowers. Once home, I ate a piece of bread with homemade dragon salami and washed up.

I dressed up, took the flowers, and nervously headed to Mia's parents' house.


*Knock knock*

Tensely, I waited until the door slowly opened.

I looked down and saw Sylvia looking up at me.

"Well, who do we have here? Should I call you... what was it again?... Gentle War God?" she said disdainfully. "Or... wait a moment... you don't even have a proper name! What do you want, you nameless one?"