
The Strongest Hokage (edited)

The Gura Gura no Mi is known as the strongest fruit in the world of one piece. In Naruto world, the Kekkei Genkai would grant the strongest power for those ninja. But what if The Gura Fura no Mi is found in the world of Naruto And after it is eaten it will be like a Kekkei Genkai power. Well the Mc just took that Fruit. This story begin before the second Ninja war by two years. * Warning * I only bring this novel for people to enjoy it, if you want you can support me through patreon. Original author: https://my.qidian.com/author/8011607 This is my patreon:: https://www.patreon.com/inferno303 *I do not own the copyright, and all rights to the novel are owned by its author. I only translate it to make it easier for people to read..*

inferno303 · Cómic
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163 Chs

Chapter 114: Return to Camp (Edited)

The windy country, Sunagakure.

In the office of the Kazekage of Sunagakure, the Third Kazekage was sitting behind a desk, reading a report, "Konoha succeeded in training a powerful Anbu, cooperation with Iwagakure is necessary."

"But working with Ōnoki won't be easy..."

Showing a thoughtful look, the Third Kazekage finally threw the report on the table, "That Anbu of Konoha is really powerful so he can defeat Chiyo, and he will become a big problem if he continues as Anbu"

"As strong as he is, it's really strange that no one has heard of him until now!"

Some powerful Anbus have a public identity at the same time as being Anbus, such as the Anbu Captain of Konoha's Anbu department, Hatake Sakumo, who is openly nicknamed the 'White Fang of Konoha'

Many Konoha ninja worked in the Anbu department, but their identity was not hidden, such as Minato, Jiraiya and Orochimaru.

And although Naito's identity was of great interest to both Ōnoki and the Third Kazekage of Sunagakure.... They still didn't get any information about Naito's identity!

"Besides this guy whose identity no one knows, there's one more disturbing thing.... Why hasn't Kinjin returned to the camp yet?", The Third Kazekage looked very confused as he muttered, "Did some accident happen? No, with Kinjin's strength and with the Kusanagi sword, what can happen to him?"

"Perhaps, Kinjin is planning to assassinate some high command of Konoha, that's why he hasn't reported his location."


Rain Country.

Naito and Tsunade were walking side by side as rain was falling, but it was bouncing directly off Naito's body due to his shock power.

Tsunade was also using extremely high chakra control to keep the water away from her body.

This also thwarted Naito's attempt to get a glimpse of Tsunade's wet body.

This time they were not met with any surprises.

Naito wanted to go off the path to check on Yahiko and Konan, but after thinking about it, he decided to return first with Tsunade to the Konoha camp.

After walking for a while, Tsunade could see the outline of the Konoha camp, so she said to Naito, "You have managed to secretly increase your strength a lot, I'm afraid that after defeating Chiyo, I'm afraid they will gather a lot of information about you."

Naito looked at her and shrugged his shoulders.

Tsunade revealed a slightly strange expression, then sighed lightly and said, "With your power, it's only a matter of time before you become the Anbu Captain of the Anbu department."

"Captain Anbu... I'm still a little too far away," Naito thought about Sakumo for a moment, then shook his head, if he wants to become the Anbu Captain or the next Hokage, his current strength is not enough.

At the very least, he would have to open the Fourth Gate of the Reverse Hachimon Tonko.

The more gates he opens, the harder it will be to open the next gate, the fourth gate is not far away, and the fifth gate won't be a problem either, but the sixth gate is a bit difficult, and especially the seventh and eighth gates, Naito has no idea how he will be able to open them.

Naito and Tsunade slowly entered the Konoha camp.

Naito was still wearing his mask and cloak, and no one recognized Naito, but it was Tsunade's return that made many ninja look at her in shock.

"Tsunade-sama... Is she back!?"


Tsunade nodded nonchalantly before walking straight towards the camp command tent with Naito.


At this moment, in the camp command tent.

Danzo was sitting in his chair with his face showing a cold expression.

And on the opposite side, was Hatake Sakumo.

In the other chairs, were the Jounins of Konoha Elites sitting silently.

Sakumo said with a solemn face, "We have received information that the Iwagakure ninjas who ambushed Tsunade were killed, which means that Tsunade may be alive right now, an elite troop must be sent inside the Rain Country, although the hopes of finding Tsunade are slim, we must not lose them."

Danzo looked at him with a cold expression and bellowed, "I refuse, Sakumo, do you know what it means to send an elite troop into the interior of the Rain Country? Sending an elite troop there is a death sentence! The reason the Iwagakure forces pursuing Tsunade were annihilated was probably because the Amegakure ninja must have slaughtered them!"

"Besides, Tsunade hasn't been heard from for a long time, she's most likely dead by now, and risking an elite troop for a dead man, That's something I'll never agree with!", Danzo's cold voice echoed in the place.

And in the next moment, an equally cold voice suddenly came from outside, "Of course, there is no need to send an elite troop to take the risk, since I have returned!"

As soon as she entered, Tsunade looked at Danzo with a cold expression.

She felt disgusted.

Although she knew there was nothing wrong with what Danzo said, Sakumo believed that Tsunade was still alive, but Danzo didn't care if she was alive or dead.

However, Danzo's tone and statement made her feel disgusted, it actually seemed like he wanted her to be dead.

Danzo's expression was as cold as it was a moment ago.

When she saw Tsunade enter, her whole body froze and she even lost her composure a little, wanting to rub her eyes to see if she was seeing wrong.

In an instant, almost every ninja present stood up in unison.

They were ninja, so it was easy for them to confirm Tsunade's identity and verify that she wasn't a ninja from an enemy village impersonating her.


"This is unbelievable, how did you manage to come back alive from inside the Rain Country in those conditions?"

"It's great that you came back!"

Although they were all incomparably surprised, most of them were glad to see Tsunade.

Tsunade was, after all, an extremely good medical ninja, and having Tsunade around would make everyone feel a little relieved.

Sakumo was also a bit worried, he looked at Tsunade and asked, "How did you get back to....?"

The next moment, another person walked in and stood next to Tsunade.

Tsunade nodded softly towards Sakumo and said, "It's thanks to the support of Anbu 'Yujin'"

'Yujin' was Naito's code name, and Tsunade knew it.

However, the ninja in the room, with the exception of Danzo and Sakumo, did not know who Yujin was.

At that moment, they all showed a surprised expression, they all wanted to see the face under that mask.

To be able to rescue Tsunade, he must be very powerful!

Since when did the Anbu department have such an Anbu?

Sakumo was also surprised to know that Naito has the strength to rescue Tsunade from that situation.

It was really good to know that, in crucial moments, there are reliable people like Naito to depend on.