
The Strongest Demon Lord Reincarnated as a Commoner

Ard Meteor isn't your average guy. He's actually Varvatos, a bored Demon Lord who reincarnated into a world significantly less powerful than his old stomping grounds. Determined to find some excitement, he disguises his immense power and enrolls in the prestigious Midgard Magic Academy, hoping for epic battles and worthy challenges. Things take a turn when this 'ordinary' student catches the eye of the beautiful Lydia, a classic childhood friend, and the fiery, ambitious Ireena. With these two vying for his attention, Ard's ordinary school life gets a lot less ordinary. But his carefully crafted facade cracks when he takes on secretive missions for a shadowy organization known as 'The Circle', uncovering a plot far more sinister than he bargained for. As Ard delves deeper into the kingdom's corruption, he unlocks his true potential and confronts monstrous foes. His actions draw the kingdom into a desperate war against a cult and the encroaching forces of darkness. To turn the tide, Ard forges an alliance with ancient elves, tapping into their potent magic. However, he soon discovers the darkness runs deeper, threatening not just the kingdom but the entire world. In a desperate gamble, Ard ventures into the Abyss itself, a realm of madness and chaos, seeking a weapon capable of shattering the enemy. But when the cost of such power is the sacrifice of someone dear, Ard is faced with a terrible choice. Will Ard succumb to the darkness within and use the weapon, sacrificing a beloved friend? Or will he, a Demon Lord turned savior, find a way to fight back against unimaginable odds? This overpowered web novel blends action, comedy, romance, and dark twists for a thrilling read!

RSisekai · Fantasía
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28 Chs

Wounds of the Past, Echoes in the Present

News of the fallen kingdom reached us with the cold certainty of a death sentence. Yet, within the despair, a flicker of opportunity emerged. The kingdom they sought aid from, Atheria, was ruled by a queen renowned for her wisdom and a fierce maternal instinct that bordered on overprotective. Rumor painted them as isolationists, wary of outside influence. If they were calling for help, the situation was beyond dire.Anya's eyes gleamed with ruthless ambition. "Atheria is a treasure trove of ancient lore, their libraries said to hold forgotten knowledge dating back to the genesis of the Abyssal threat. Their allegiance would be invaluable."Ireena merely smirked, a strategist's calculation in her emerald gaze. "Allegiance has a price. Perhaps this is our chance to expand our sphere of influence beyond this crumbling ruin you call a kingdom."Lydia's gaze fell on me, filled with worry and a silent plea. "More bloodshed, Ard? Will it ever end?"The choice, as always, was mine. And for the first time, it wasn't just about survival or succumbing to demonic impulses. Kingdoms, alliances, ancient lore...these were the games of power that had always been beyond my comprehension. Yet, Ireena's ruthless words sparked a strange sort of determination within me."We ride for Atheria," I announced. My voice carried the weight of a demon lord, of a man slowly, tentatively learning the burdens of leadership.The journey was arduous, a trek through desolate wastes haunted by whispers of fallen civilizations. Anya complained bitterly about the lack of luxurious accommodations, her disdain a constant irritant. Lydia tended to the inevitable wounded with a quiet compassion that soothed even the most hardened warriors. Ireena rode ahead, her relentless focus a stark contrast to the growing unease within our ranks.Then, on a bleak dawn, we crested a windswept rise, and the valley of Atheria lay before us. It was a scene of heartbreaking resilience. Fortified walls ringed a city clinging defiantly to a vibrant oasis amidst barren desolation. But, the abyssal taint clung to it like a shroud.The gates creaked open, revealing a scene of controlled chaos. Healers rushed past, bearing the wounded and the corrupted. The air thrummed with hastily erected wards, their shimmering barriers straining against relentless waves of abyssal monstrosities. And at the heart of it all stood the Queen of Atheria, a regal figure whose iron will was etched on every line of her weary face.Beside her was a figure that made my breath catch, the demon within stirring with a strange, melancholy echo. A young woman, her silver hair and emerald eyes an unsettling mirror of Lenneth, her expression a chilling blend of determination and a fear she desperately sought to conceal."Princess Elara," Anya murmured, a touch of predatory interest in her voice.The introductions were a blur. The queen's gaze swept over me, her assessment swift and veiled. Yet, it was Elara who held my focus. There was a fragility beneath her defiant stance, a flicker of fear in those emerald depths that mirrored my own fractured soul.The Abyssal assaults were relentless. I was unleashed, a maelstrom of demonic energy disrupting the enemy lines, buying precious time for Atheria's defenders. Anya sulked, her visions of plundering libraries replaced with the grim reality of a brutal siege. Lydia's magic became a beacon of hope, her touch soothing wounds both physical and spiritual. Ireena, ever the strategist, wove my destructive potential into chillingly efficient defensive maneuvers. Under her command, even the terrified Atherian soldiers found their courage.Yet, the Abyss was a relentless tide. One night, as exhaustion gnawed at my very soul, I stumbled into the makeshift command center. The queen sat hunched over a hastily drawn map, Elara at her side. The princess met my gaze, a plea for a salvation I might not be able to provide lurking in her haunted eyes."We cannot hold for much longer," the queen said, her voice hoarse, devoid of royal pretense. "The…the Abyss whispers of a champion, a monstrous horror that leads this onslaught."A wave of despair crashed over me. Lydia's touch on my arm was a featherlight anchor against the dark tide. "What can we do?" I asked, the question heavy, flavored with the bitterness of a demon lord facing a threat beyond his control.It was Elara who answered. "Our grimoires…they speak of an ancient ritual, a desperate gamble drawn from the age when the Abyssal tear was first opened." Her voice barely rose above a whisper, heavy with a fear she desperately sought to conceal. "It…it requires a sacrifice. A conduit to focus vast power, a life given willingly to seal the rift."The words hung in the silence, a death knell given voice."No." The word tore from my throat, a raw echo powered by a demon's instinctual possessiveness and a sliver of humanity terrified of the loss it implied.Ireena scoffed. "A fool's gamble–""And perhaps," the queen interrupted, a glimmer of desperate hope kindling in her eyes, "our only one."I looked at Elara. Her gaze was unwavering, determination masking the terror that must have been clawing at her from within. It was the echo of my own struggle, the battle against the darkness that threatened to consume us both. And in that instant, the choice became chillingly clear.Elara's sacrifice would buy time, sever their connection to the Abyss, a chance to rally and strike a decisive blow. Her death would ignite a rage within me, fueling my demonic might to a terrifying zenith. It was a monstrous calculation, a chilling testament to what I had become.Yet, a different voice whispered, faint but persistent. Lydia's gentle touch, Ireena's fiery defiance...they had forged a thread of humanity within me. My monstrous power could be wielded, but it did not define me."There is another way," I said, the words forged from despair and a desperate spark of defiance. "The Abyssal champion, this monster... draw it forth. I will face it alone."The command center descended into shocked silence. It was suicide, a fool's gambit. But a demon lord sacrificing himself for a kingdom, for a princess who mirrored the elven defender who had stirred something strange within him…well, there was a certain poetic irony in it that appealed to my shattered, self-deprecating core.The plan was as desperate as it was simple. Elara, with her connection to the ancient rituals, would act as a beacon, drawing the Abyssal champion forth. I would be the monster it was expecting, unleashed with the fury of a dying beast. But, fueled not just by rage, but by Lydia's selfless warmth, channeling Ireena's ruthless strategies, and driven by a desperate need to protect a princess who mirrored the elven echoes in my soul.And with that grim purpose, the demon lord, a broken savior forged in blood and despair, prepared to face the darkness alone.