
Chapter 144 - What is behind the curtain?

A smirk appeared on her rather pale-looking face, the strange woman turned and walked towards the small sideways tunnel forking from the main 'route'.

She soon stopped before what seemed to be another dead end.

Yet, she wasn't discouraged or dismayed at all. Rather, she turned her full attention to the tablet's screen once more and began to push a couple of buttons on the screen. As her slender fingers swiftly executed code after code, soon something unexpected started to happen in the tunnel.

As if answering her rhythmic fingertip-chant, the seemingly sturdy wall began to tremble in the next moment.

A man-made crack appeared between the bricks, as the wall began to separate from its center. With a loud rumble, the two halves began to move, pulling themselves apart and revealing a faintly lit set of stairs that seemed to go back to the surface, or at the very least somewhere upwards. At its end, in the far distance, only darkness awaited the uninitiated, the unaware traveler.