
the strongest demon lord gets reincarnated in another world

the story goes with Demon Lord Lucifer who killed countless of Gods have died. he got reincarnated to different era and he is about to starts his brand new life a God came and beg him to stop the God killer from rising. he took the challenge fighting the God killer in exchange of being able to letting him establish his own at peace. However, there are a lot of being that will try to challenge his and one of them are demon lords and Gods from another world. will he be able to establish his kingdom peacefully?

JPcoronel_0123 · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
59 Chs

Demon lord seed vs King of the Demon witch

Lucifer is going around the city along with Kana and going site seeing and eating a lot of food.

They sit for a while and rest as they eat. Lucifer's became red as if she was using her abilities cold Bio Sonar and see the ongoing battle.

She saw how Milina and Shaggnauth massacred the 3 armies at a very fast rate.

Lucifer's POV …

Oh, things are ending so quickly that maybe I should make an appearance.

Kana noticed that Lucifer was in deep thought and she said, "Big sister what are you thinking?"

Lucifer gave a grim smile and asked, "Kana, do you want to see how strong your big sister is?"

"Yes, I want to see how strong exactly you are."

Lucifer took out a mask and said "I want you to wear this mask first."

Kana got curious and asked, "Why do you want me to wear a mask?"

"This mask can ward off any evil entity and since we are heading to a dangerous dungeon so I need you to wear this mask for your protection."

"I see." Kana wears the mask Lucifer gave to Kana and fits well on her face.

"Now then, it's my turn."

Lucifer snaps her finger and her clothes change into an all-black get-up.

Kana was amazed by Lucifer's transformation and said, "Big sister, you're so cool!! How did you do that?"

"Well, I just use my power to do that kind of trick."

"Power, what is that power? I wanna learn that power."

Lucifer pats Kana's head and said, "I'll teach you about it later but for now I'll show you how strong your big sister is. Is that ok with you?"

"Okay, big sister."

Lucifer snap her finger and the 2 of them disappeared like magic.

As things goes by a person was sitting on a throne wearing an all-white king's clothing. He has a purple hair color and he's wearing a crown like a king.

The person speak up and said, "Where the hell are those 2?! What's taking them so long?!"

The person standing beside him speak up and said, "Don't worry your majesty they will return in no time. I think they're just having fun killing those insects."

"Be sure that's what they're doing, Belfast. The moment I found out that they're screwing me off I'll offer their body and souls to the Goddess Hestia and that includes you."

Belfast POV…

Would you hurry up Davies and David King Edomalis is angry now! He will kill me any moment now if you guys don't show up I'll be dead here.

Belfast smiles very widely when he saw the throne doors open and saw Davies and David.

Belfast thought they'd succeeded and said, "King Frederick, I think they are here to report their success at the battle."

"Well then let them come here and tell me how the situation ended," Frederick said with a smile.

Davies and David step closer like they are going to speak to the king closely but suddenly Davies took out a sword like magic and throw it at Belfast piercing his heart.

While Belfast chasing his breath he asked, "What the hell are the 2 of you doing? Are you betraying us?"

Frederick immediately order the guards to kill the 2 and said, "Kill those traitors! Don't let those 2 leave this dungeon alive!"

"How the hell did you think we betray when we're not even on the same side." The people around them grasped as they heard a little girl's voice come out of Davies.

David sighed and said, "Damn, you're not really good at going undercover."

"You're so mean, it took me a lot of time to make our face looks like them."

"But our voices are not the same as theirs."

"Oh well, we got no choice here. I'll take care of this mess." Davies and David produce a black smoke out of their body that covers them and as the smoke disappears 2 unknown people appeared. The other is a kid with a blindfold and a black witch hat and cloke while the other one is a tall man that is wearing a hooded black smoke and is taking tobacco. Well, we already know they're Amand and Lykka themselves in disguise.

Frederick ordered the soldiers to attack but before they could manage to attack they all turn into dust as Lykka snapped her finger.

Lykka sighed and said, "I thought this will be hard but I took them out so easily while holding back myself."

"It's too early to celebrate, Lykka. You might die fighting the King. Look, he's right behind us now."

Lykka looked right behind her and saw Frederick creating a powerful slash and said, "Take this! Meteor slash!"

Lykka and Anand took a direct hit. As they took a direct hit a huge explosion echoes and smoke scatters around the area.

As the smoke clears out Frederick saw a huge black hole that blocked his attack and he heard a voice asking, "Is that all that you got? You're so weak for us to deal with.

The black hole disappeared and he saw Lykka standing alone right in front of him.

Lykka speak up with a chilling voice and said, " Amand, I would like to take on this brat. Is that ok with you?"

Amand is right beside and coldly said, "That's fine as long as you don't kill him. Also, he's not a worthy opponent of mine as I'll just leave him to you."

Lykka smiled and said, "That's good to hear."

Lykka created a black flame and shoot Frederick with it like a black beam.

"To make sure that you'll stay alive at the very end I won't go all out so please entertain me more Frederick."

"It's surprising that you know my name but it doesn't matter because you're going to die today!"

Frederick goes behind Lykka like magic and attacks her. However, Lykka evades the attack and gives a counterattack through punching.

Frederick smiled and said, "I see, so you're not just good at magic but you're also good at martial arts."

"No, I was never good at martial arts. It's natural for a demon like us to have an extremely physical and high reflex."

Frederick immediately charges to attack Lykka and said, "Then why don't you fight me in close combat?!"

Lykka evaded his attack and punch him and said, "If that is what you wish I'll give it to you."

While the fight is about to intensify Milina and Shaggnauth came in and they were surprised at the seen.

Shaggnauth said, "Wow, what happened here? It's a mess."

"Well, things went out of our control so we ended up being forceful."

Milina said, "Well, this is a lot of mess will we be able to clean this up?"

"Don't worry about small things like that. It's an easy thing to eliminate this mess."

"Well, if we use our power it's not a problem."

"Why don't just the 2 of you relax and watch."

Shaggnauth looked at Lykka and he saw Lykka holding a sword that has the same look as Frederick's sword and creating the same stance like she was copying Frederick's swordsmanship.

Shaggnauth said, "Wait, is she doing the same thing that she did with Lancelot?"

Amand said, "Yes, she's copying her opponent's fighting capabilities when it comes to swordsmanship."

Lykka and Frederick started to clash with their sword without caring about their surrounding. They were so fast to the point that what can only be seen are flashes of light.

Milina speak up with amazement and said, "Frederick's swordsmanship is great and powerful but Lykka's swordsmanship is like a perfect version of Frederick's swordsmanship. It was like watching a master training his student."

"Wait, shouldn't we stop Lykka at this point? She might end up killing this guy?"

"Nah let her be, she will just resurrect him if he dies."

Shaggnauth was surprised and asked, "Wait, Lkka can resurrect the dead."

Amand hit his head and said, "Damn, you've been with us for thousands of centuries and yet don't know that?"

Shaggnauth was dumbfounded and Amand starts explaining, "Among the 5 demon kings 2 among you can resurrect people."

"How come there are only 2 among us."

"Wait, don't tell me Lykka surpasses the level of the Gods?" Milina exclaimed.

"Yes, and she was the only human that managed to do that. In human society, it's taboo for a human to become God so she was cast by the humans and she was all alone when our master picked her up. She was a kid just a kid during those times."

"Well, she's still a kid up until now… right?" Shaggnauth asked.

"I'll leave that up to you. Anyway, when Master picked her up he already know how powerful this girl is. That time I was still a kid when we saw her at the dessert and I don't understand curse energy but when I finally know what is curse energy I finally understand how powerful she is. Her curse energy is the strongest among every last person within the demon kingdom, not even I couldn't hold a candle to it. However, right now, I just barely surpassed the quality of her curse energy."

Milina and Shaggnauth were surprised by Amand's revelation and Milina asked, "If she has that kind of power why Master Lucifer never considered her as the strongest among the 7 of us?'

"Simple, it's because of 3 things. First, she has the weakest physical strength among you guys. Second, she's too easy to be manipulated and lastly, she has no full control of her power."

"But I can see that she's doing well" Shaggnauth contrast.

Amand smirked and said, "You think so? Then what do you think about that blindfold?"

"I think that's normal."

"That blindfold was created by our master that helps Lykka gain control all over her power. Without that blindfold, she won't have any full control over her power but on the contrary, her true beauty comes out. She's like the Goddess beauty in the kingdom and she might end up making the succubus domain go bankrupt because all men will fall for her beauty."

"Damn, she's not just insanely powerful she's insanely beautiful as well. I wonder what she would look like without the blindfold?"

Amand warned Shaggnauth and said, "If I were you I wouldn't remove Lykka's blindfold because it will just destroy reality."

"Well, that's terrifying."