

Apparently it wasn't hard to look for a place to stay inside the city after getting to the outer ring Kureno asked around the place and managed to find a place to stay that costs 3 poor cores a night. Knowing that the place is only giving him a bed to sleep on was good but his problem is that there are 11 other people sleeping in the same room as him! This was still acceptable for him however the people he is sleeping with him keep on looking at his bag. Taking a rest in the bed provided he went on and sleep whilst holding the bag close to his chest.

Surely enough immediately after Kureno started snoring everyone else in the room woke up and start creeping in close to him. They all looked at Kureno's bag with interest after hearing from the other people in the elevator that Kureno is holding on to something very valuable. Happily they tried to open up his arms in order to get his bag. However they soon found out that none of them can even lift up his arm! They stared at Kureno and he is just simply sleeping soundly with a smile on his face as if he is currently being loved by all the beautiful women in the world.

Next they tried cooperating in lifting a single arm so that but alas they still cannot accomplish a simple thing to do. Still they waited Kureno out to move around and perhaps he will let go of the bag so that they can still it from him. They all went back to their respective beds and keep an eye out on Kureno in-case that he will move around and let go of the bag. They waited and waited however he still did not budge a little, they came up with the plan of putting some peppers near his nose so that he will sneeze and they can quickly grab the bag and make a break for it. The whole thing is prepared one of them went on ahead and placed some pepper near his nose.

It was almost striking midnight when a large explosion suddenly woke up Jayne in her bed. Startled by the explosion Jayne walked out of the inn she was staying on to look around vicinity if there are any attacks being made inside the city. She had to jump into the top of the inn just to locate the point of explosion, she was so surprised when she saw a whole section of the wall destroyed like it was blown away by a powerful force of wind. Jayne saw the wall alot of times and she is sure that the wall is very sturdy and stable. After arriving at the scene she saw just how much destruction the fight has caused to the city.

Jayne is no stranger to powerful people but to be able to destroy a whole section of the wall well with just a single blast of air is just monstrous. She can only fathom just what kind of powerful otherworldly magic wielder has arrived in this world. She herself can dish this kind of damage but with a long preparation in which most enemies can interrupt her magic before she can even finish casting her large scale spell. However she deduced from the surrounding environment was that whoever caused this was suddenly ambushed in their bed and lost control on their power resulting in a large scale wind bomb. "True wielder" is the only words that escaped her mouth while heading back to the inn.

Kureno on the other hand is rather busy trying to get away from any responsibility that might be pinned down on him due to the destruction he made. All he can remember is that he was dreaming about him being able to move with the speed of light, and fighting enemies with his newfound power. This led him to think that his powers was suddenly activated while sleeping and in ran amok causing heavy damage in the surrounding area. However all of the thieves trying to steal from him are all knocked out and caught by the city guards. No one exactly knows what happened but everyone knew that someone had to be the cause of the sudden explosion. The only people they can ask are those thieves who are currently unconscious. No one noticed the guy who suddenly walked away from the scene, on the eyes of the authorities there is no way that a poor looking figure could be someone capable of doing such feat.