
The Strongest Necromancer in a World of Magic

After an accident, Drogo found himself in the magical world and inherited the legacy of a necromancer. Was it destiny or a coincidence? "Underworld general! My bodyguards!" "Princess! Come over here and massage my shoulders!" How did he grow into a world-renowned necromancer? A legend is about to unfold.

MoonTreeBA · Fantasía
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64 Chs


Meditation is not sleeping, and the duration of one's ability to meditate is also an indication of a mage's strength. When Drogo finally emerged from his meditative state, it was already late at night. The starlight filtered through the window, casting its faint glow on a slim and delicate figure sitting by the table.

It was Elaine, who must have come into Drogo's room at some point without him noticing, and now she had fallen asleep on the table.

"This little girl," Drogo chuckled, his voice full of tenderness.

Unlike other mages, Drogo did not feel exhausted after prolonged meditation. Instead, he felt refreshed and clear-headed, seemingly unfazed by the influx of magic. Seeing the cold food and wine on the table, he understood why Elaine had come and fallen asleep by his side.

Drogo guessed that after taking a bath, Elaine had noticed him enter his meditative state and had been waiting quietly by his side ever since. As a fox princess, Elaine's knowledge was as vast as an encyclopedia, so she knew that Drogo could not be disturbed during meditation. Thus, she not only refrained from waking him up but also stopped the servant from bringing food to his room. However, Drogo's meditation had lasted longer than expected, and the already tired Elaine had eventually fallen asleep.

Although the room was warmer than the outdoor environment in the Forest of Kings, it was still chilly on this particular night. Drogo noticed Elaine shivering, and his heart tightened inexplicably. He walked over to her and gently patted her small face.

"Little one, wake up. Little one, wake up."


Under Drogo's soft touch, Elaine slowly woke up. The recent events in the Forest of Kings had exhausted her, and despite sleeping on the table, she slept soundly. Now, being woken up by Drogo, she was still a little groggy.

"Ah! Drogo, why... why are you in my room?" Elaine woke up with a start and covered her mouth in surprise. Her voice was barely audible, and her face was as red as a blooming rose.

Elaine's flustered and confused appearance made Drogo pause for a moment, and he even noticed the little girl discreetly checking her clothes. "Hey hey. This is my room," Drogo said with a chuckle and a shrug.

"Really?" The little girl blushed and quickly looked around, realizing that this was indeed not her room. Startled, she finally remembered what had happened earlier. As Drogo had guessed, she had become curious after taking a shower and not hearing any sound from next door, so she snuck over to take a look and found Drogo in a meditative state.

She knew that this state of Drogo's could not be disturbed, so she stood guard at the door of the room until the hotel staff arrived. Later, she took the food and wine that the staff brought and waited for Drogo to wake up, but ended up falling asleep herself for some reason...

"Drogo, I wanted to eat with you when you woke up, but I fell asleep and now the food is cold," the little girl pouted, looking very pitiful.

Drogo looked at her affectionately. Not only had she saved his portion of the food, but she had also not touched her own portion, and was probably very hungry by now. However, the cold food could not be eaten, and this was not the Wilderness of the Kings, where it was unreasonable to not have a warm meal in the city.

Drogo laughed and said, "It's okay, we'll just ask the restaurant to make us another one."

"But it's already late at night..."

Drogo secretly praised the little girl's kind heart. Even though her stomach was growling, she was still thinking about others. "Don't worry, this is a hotel."

Drogo went out alone and returned shortly with the hotel owner, who brought a large plate of steaming hot food that had obviously just been cooked. "Enjoy your meal, and let me know if you need anything," the owner said before leaving.

"Okay, thanks."

Settle down and wait for the boss. Drogo only agreed with Elaine's surprised gaze when all the food and drinks were on the table. The boss nodded and bowed and stepped back one by one.

"It's so late, and the boss is still cooking for us. He's such a good person."

Upon hearing the little girl's words, Drogo couldn't help but smirk. The boss was indeed a good person, after all, the food was really made by him personally. But there was a reason for this. Drogo still remembered the impatient look on the waiter's face when he called him just now. However, after the sound of clinking coins appeared, this good person boss came out in person...

The hot food and the best wine in the hotel have already been served, and the two looked at each other and started eating at the same time.

In the dark life of the King's Forest, the best thing the two could eat was all kinds of barbecue. But with Drogo's limited skills, the food he made was not really delicious, it was just barely edible. So, compared to that, this ordinary meal was of extraordinary value to the two of them.

Looking up and seeing the little girl eating greedily, Drogo suddenly felt a tightness in his heart. He thought of the food that remained untouched and even became cold until now, and thought of the fact that the little girl still insisted on waiting for him to wake up despite being tempted by the food and hunger. Drogo felt that the little girl in his eyes was becoming more and more adorable.

What kind of queenly temperament, what kind of sexy goddess, compared to this thoughtful little girl, they were nothing! She was so considerate at such a young age. If he were to marry her, he would have to cultivate her well.

As soon as this idea appeared, Drogo shuddered. He realized that he had suddenly become so evil, and it was even a loli development plan...

"What's wrong, Drogo?"

If someone's mouth was full of food and still spoke, it would be a sight to behold. But when Elaine did it, it was completely different. No matter how you looked at it, those two puffy little cheeks made her look particularly cute.

"Uh, it's okay, it's okay. You should eat, eat more," Drogo said, hesitant to voice his little idea. He quietly pushed the dishes in front of Elaine, hoping that this little girl who made him happy could eat a little more.

Soon, the table full of food was devoured by the two little devils. However, with Drogo's little trick, Elaine ate most of it by herself.

"Phew," Drogo let out a long sigh.

Having escaped from various survival crises and entered a peaceful environment, and being able to enjoy a good meal, it was truly a pleasant experience.

The little girl also burped loudly and then awkwardly covered her small mouth, making Drogo laugh out loud. Such a scene made him feel incredibly content.

After the meal, it was already late at night. The moon, which was more than ten times larger than Drogo remembered, had already fallen, leaving only endless stars.

However, despite the late hour, neither of them felt sleepy, and they both fell silent while looking at each other across the table.

"Chirp, chirp."

The sound of a bug outside the window made the two people, each harboring their own thoughts, jump at the same time, realizing that the situation in front of them seemed a little awkward.

Late at night, alone in a room, it was different from camping in the King's Forest at night. Even though Elaine was still an underage girl, she seemed very uncomfortable.

Finally, the silence was broken. With a particularly rosy complexion, Elaine looked at the wine glass on the table and suddenly asked, "Drogo, have you ever drunk alcohol?"

"Of course. And quite a bit too..." Drogo laughed in response.

A qualified photographer should have an understanding of all aspects of things. Alcohol is not a simple thing, and everything related to it can be called alcohol culture, containing human wisdom for thousands of years. Drogo would not miss out on this.

In fact, he had no choice. Quinn's so-called training for him had already begun when he was just a child. Who would have thought that a child who had just learned to speak would have to be forced to drink a large glass of strong alcohol every day?

Quinn's original intention was only to get Drogo accustomed to alcohol so that he could maintain absolute sobriety at any time, a quality that a designer must possess. However, the end result was that not only could Drogo stay sober in any situation, but he also gained the ability to drink without getting drunk, and due to his exposure to various types of alcohol from a young age, he reached the level of a wine expert in terms of taste and appreciation.

This was an unexpected outcome, as most people who drink strong liquor from a young age would probably have their taste buds affected by alcohol, but Drogo was the opposite. His senses became even more powerful because of it. However, this memory was not a pleasant one.

Elaine noticed Drogo's sensitivity and detected a hint of helplessness and unwillingness behind his smile. This kind of request had never appeared, even when Drogo faced the threat of poisonous arrow armadillos.

"Drogo..." Surprised by the little girl's sensitivity, Drogo laughed out loud.

"Ha ha, it's nothing. I just remembered some things from the past. Let's not talk about it. Are you interested in trying some alcohol?" Drogo curiously looked at the little girl.

"I...I've never had it before..."

"Ah! You've never had alcohol before?" Elaine's answer surprised Drogo. She was the princess of the Fox tribe, and he couldn't believe she had never tried alcohol.

"I really haven't. My father doesn't allow me to drink, and also... " Elaine's face darkened as she spoke. "And also, in our Silver Wing Valley, alcohol is a rare thing. It's only brought out when we have guests."

Drogo was taken aback. It was understandable that the king of the Fox tribe wouldn't let Elaine drink alcohol, but for alcohol to be such a rare commodity in their valley was surprising.

"I want to try some. Can I?" Elaine suddenly looked up at Drogo and asked.

"Of course, I'll pour you some." Drogo didn't hesitate for a moment. He didn't even consider the ridiculous notion that girls shouldn't drink alcohol. At this moment, sitting across from him was just a curious little girl who had never experienced alcohol before.

Drogo didn't pour much, just enough to cover the bottom of the crystal glass with a light red liquid. He had also checked the alcohol content of the bottle before opening it, and it wasn't very high. Even for someone who had never tasted alcohol before, a small sip wouldn't do any harm.