
The Strongest Necromancer in a World of Magic

After an accident, Drogo found himself in the magical world and inherited the legacy of a necromancer. Was it destiny or a coincidence? "Underworld general! My bodyguards!" "Princess! Come over here and massage my shoulders!" How did he grow into a world-renowned necromancer? A legend is about to unfold.

MoonTreeBA · Fantasía
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64 Chs

Legacy Crystal of the Necromancer (1)

How long does it take for a person to fall from a height of 200 meters to hit the ground? Not many people have actually calculated this kind of question. Drogo certainly hasn't, and now he's even less in the mood to do so because he's the poor guy falling down. And he even jumped down on his own initiative.

But soon, Drogo realized that something was wrong. The terrifying scene of blood and fusion with the earth he imagined did not appear, and there was not even a trace of the ground that could have been vaguely discerned.

Instead, there was a sea, and the color of this sea was...silver!

Without thinking too much, Drogo's body had already smashed into it. A large amount of seawater rushed into his mouth and nose instantly. It would be better to be killed by the fall directly than to be drowned by the water, but strange things happened. Despite being heavily poured by seawater, Drogo did not feel any suffocation. Even more surprisingly, he felt even more comfortable than when he fell from the sky before, to the point of being described as comfortable.

This wonderful feeling didn't last long. Drogo found himself leaving the sea surface. And the way he left was that he forcibly broke through the seawater and fell again from the other side of the sea...into the sky.

Breathing the real air, Drogo's tightly closed eyes opened again. This time, he finally saw the ground, but it was more than just the ground.

Vaguely, Drogo saw a dark figure directly below him. And this person seemed to be sitting on a huge...toilet...

A pain made Drogo slowly wake up. The pain came from his legs. But when Drogo tried to sit up, he found that it was not just his legs, his whole body, from his neck to his limbs, was in pain.

"Terrible, it's broken."

As a photographer, Drogo is particularly knowledgeable about the human body structure, especially his own. He judged from the pain that he had broken bones, and not just in one place.

Broken bones are very painful, but it's better than being dead. Drogo felt that he was super lucky to have fallen from such a high place and only have broken bones.

As for the strange sea he plunged into earlier, Drogo just assumed it was a hallucination caused by his lack of oxygen to the brain. There can't be a silver ocean, let alone the fact that he could fall into it from above and climb out from below. That must have been a hallucination.

"Ah! You're all injured, don't move!"

Feeling the pain in his body, at least proved that his spine was not broken. Drogo was about to try to sit up and see where he was when a sweet and soft voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"This must be a nurse, it seems that I've been saved. Before I get caught again, I have to run away quickly."

Enduring the pain, Drogo turned his head towards the direction of the sweet voice and opened his eyes.

Drogo's eyes widened at the sight, and he forgot about the pain in his legs and neck, as well as any thoughts of escape.

"Wait, do hospitals do cosplay now?"

In his confused gaze, a girl who didn't look like a nurse sat there holding something.

The girl, who looked about fourteen or fifteen, wore a white chiffon dress that was slightly messy. She had orange hair, brown eyes, and a hair clip that looked like a pair of pointed ears that were also orange. Most surprisingly, there was a furry orange tail wrapped around the girl's body.

Her face seemed to have a bit of dirt on it, but it didn't affect her beautiful and fair complexion, which was more like a perfect embellishment.

It was just like the fox tribe loli in a cartoon, and Drogo had seen cosplay before, but he had never seen anything so similar and beautiful.

A beautiful face stunned Drogo, which was not normal. Despite being only seventeen years old, as a top photographer, he had seen his fair share of women. However, compared to the girl in front of him, whether it was a beauty from any place or a world-class supermodel, they all clearly fell into the stereotype.

Drogo had never seen anyone's face blend pure, beautiful, and charming elements so perfectly.

Of course, if you had to say that there was anything lacking, it was that certain part of the little fox girl wasn't very prominent at the moment... Of course, that thing would grow eventually, right?

"What's wrong with you, are you sick?"

"Why do you talk like that? Is this hospital too trendy?"

Drogo's gaze became clearer and clearer as he looked at the little fox girl playing cosplay, and he began to wonder if she was really a nurse in the hospital. If she was, wouldn't the hospital be hiring underage child labor, which would not be allowed even if this wasn't Japan.

"Nothing, my body just hurts."

Drogo shifted his eyes to the side, feeling that it was impolite to stare at an underage girl for so long. But just as he looked away, Drogo nearly jumped out of his skin. This wasn't a hospital at all in front of his eyes. Except for where he was lying now, which was only about ten meters away, there was nothing but dense forest.

With Drogo's experience, he knew almost all of the natural landscapes and geographical features on Earth, which was important for design materials. But now, in the dense forest in front of him, he couldn't recognize anything at all.

Even the smallest trees were over ten meters thick and towered like mountains. Drogo felt that it would take thousands of years for them to grow this big. However, even the Amazon Rainforest on Earth was almost destroyed, so where else could there be such primitive landforms? Lowering his head reluctantly and looking around, Drogo had the urge to vomit blood. In the small clearing around him, he couldn't see any hospital beds or rooms, but instead saw black bones scattered all over the ground. Some were long, others short, and some even had rotting flesh hanging off them. Drogo could immediately tell that they were human bones. If this was a hospital, it must be a haunted one. "I don't know where we are. I thought you would know!" It was the little girl who spoke, and Drogo's heart lightened. In the past ten years, Drogo had received some very "special" treatment. To the uninformed, his life seemed like that of a typical otaku, but those in the know knew that the more accurate term was "captured otaku."

Of course, there still had to be people who knew of his existence. Because Drogo had been a "captured otaku" for over ten years and was still able to bounce back, his psychological resilience was quite strong. He quickly recovered from his surprise. "You don't know either? Were you kidnapped?"

A wicked thought rose in Drogo's "pure" mind, because if that was the case, the little girl's outfit wouldn't be so strange. He was very aware that there were many people, especially the wealthy, with certain special fetishes in this world.

"Kidnapped? You mean captured? Yes, I was captured and brought here over ten days ago." "Uh...I see."

Drogo secretly guessed correctly, but he didn't have time to worry about the little girl. He had injuries all over his body and couldn't take care of himself. However, when Drogo felt the pain in his neck and wanted to turn his head for comfort, a strange image suddenly flashed in his mind. Just now...the little girl seemed to be speaking without moving her mouth.

Drogo thought it was an illusion because there was no reason why someone could talk without opening their mouth. Although there were people who performed ventriloquism, saying that it was ventriloquism, they were actually all tricks to deceive people.

"Where do you live? If we know the direction, maybe we can find a way out," said Drogo.

Drogo's idea was simple. Even if he couldn't see the stars in the forest, he could feel the position of the sun during the day, and he could also identify the direction from the growth rings or growth direction of trees and plants.

Of course, this required Drogo to be able to walk first.

"I live in the Silverwing Valley, but I don't know how to get back. The person who captured me used a teleportation portal every time. I arrived here after more than ten times, and I can't remember the direction," said the little girl.

As she spoke, a hint of fragrance drifted into Drogo's nostrils, but Drogo was stunned and had no reaction at all.

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