
my first date ??!

it's Sunday..............

(At Pakhee's place)

it's Sunday at last , I am so happy and excited for exploring this beautiful North Korea with my "friend guide" ... or I would say with Mr. unknown handsome..... I blush at the thought of him .... ok so what to wear ....  ummmmm... no ,not this , not that , that's horrible , that's ok but no.....

                           after 1 hour                        yaa I got it , I think this is perfect...   so it's like a off shoulder full sleeves short dress which is below the knee its a blend of pink and white it and .... 


for me it's simple and perfect because I was not getting any dress some were too much fancy that they were not looking appropriate some were too much plane that it was looking very dull .... but I think this dress suits me perfectly...it's simple but cute and beautiful now what to do with the makeup???? I decided to you just put light pink Vaseline on my lips and that's just it ..... cause I don't know how to do make up as  I only used to study and study in my childhood I never learnt to do makeup and stuff like that ..   now about my hairstyle I just made it a simple messy bun


and I put on on a pair of beautiful crystal and pearl earrings

and a pendant which was like a cuboid and inside it was a crystal ...

and for shoes actually it was a kind of sandal with low flat bottom because I don't like heels cause it is so so much difficult to walk while wearing them ..... so that's my look for today now it's oh no it's 12 o'clock I need to stop at a  fountain that he messaged me yesterday at night and he told that I have to come tomorrow at 1 because he was having some kind of stuff to deal with it doesn't matters .... whatever !!!!

at junki ' s home

we are still practicing this is the 23rd time oh no I forgot that I had to accompany her today oh shit its 12 and I am in country a and i have to go and meet her in countries b , "hey guys I need to go somewhere I'll be out for a whole day so don't worry about me " I quickly went inside my room opened my wardrobe and took out a white T-shirt with written on it " you are mine " , I wanted to change the t-shirt but I was not having time so I immediately got my hair done ... took the keys of a car which is not known to the public took my mask and went out and drove ..... it took me 30 minutes to reach the place I don't think she was there I was finding her here and there and then I saw her... she was looking so beautiful , so adorable , so perfect now I know she is special she is made for me only and only for me no one can lay his hand on her otherwise I was chop his hands off .. .... wait a minute why am I telling this I know she is looking cute , beautiful, adorable, perfect , innocent and special uhhhhh... I can't stop thinking about her 😭😢 ... I drove the car near her and took my mask off and down the window off the left side ....

pakhee ' POV

almost 2 minutes early from the time I came but he was not there thank God I am searching but I can't get him wait a minute I haven't seen his face also how am I going to identify him..... oh no I should have just asked a picture of him ... sh*t how to be I so foolish .... a car came in front of me and the window drop down there was a man was sitting on the driver's seat ... and I would say he was looking so cute in that white t-shirt....wait... what am I thinking about ??? I need to find him !!! The unknown stranger "" junki "" .... it's a weird name for us "Indians" ... but I find it cute maybe..... I don't find the name cute but him.!!! the horn wake me to realisation there was that ""handsome"" man honking..... . I bent to it's window and said ,

me : why are you honking..... Mr. (staring at him with my disturbed eyes cause make me wake up from my beautiful imagination ). junki : hey... I am junki...

I stared at him in disbelief

junki : (no I should not say my name I should do some acting he... .he....he...he )

me : you...

junki : I mean I am junki' s friend ..... actually he was busy so he was not able to pick you up so he sent me and told me to to drive you to the place....

me : oh!!! ok I understood !!!

junki : now do I have to give you an invitation to come in....

me : no ...no I am sorry

I open the door and sit on the seat ..... he starts the engine but suddenly remembered something.... he turned towards me and leaned over ..... I got scared ... (I think you know about what p.s : kiss )... he put on my seatbelt ... and I was relieved. ....

junki : what did you thought that I was gonna do....

me : ( my face was red ) nothing.... let it be

he giggled...

I too giggled on my behaviour....

and then we both started laughing...

after a while. me : um.... where are we going...

junki : we are going somewhere special

me : aren't we going to pickup junki

he stopped the car...

me : heeeeey . .....

junki : you are from the beginning with him.....

me : what... you mean you are junki .....

junki : yes

me : ( I was really angry I mean why did he play a trick I hate dishonesty I hate dishonest persons I hate the person who tell lies...)

junki : (I was in a guilty state that time because her expressions..... were like she was really very angry.... )

junki : I am so sorry I just wanted to play a trick I am really sorry I am feeling guilty please please forgive me pakhee .....

me : no..... you told a lie to me ..... this is called honesty..... no

junki : (. is she crazy I just told a lie I didn't break up with her or something like that why is she so angry why... then also I can't see her in angry state .. I need to apologize...)

junki : I am really sorry pakhee this will not happen ever again I promise you I.... I am sorry please do forgive me I assure you that I never ever say any lie to you.....

me : (I don't know why but I was so happy by listening this from him I don't know but I know this much that it is different from anyone apologizing ... because I think he is ... special to me.. ❤️❤️)

me : ok but you have to promise that this will not happen ever again if you promised me then.....

junki : yaaa.... I promise you.. . assure you that I will never lie to you again....

I smiled...

junki : do I have your permission my lady to move further towards a destination.....

me : sure ...

(I was happy when he said my lady)....

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this is the end of "my first date" also so don't worry...I will upgrade daily... thank you for reading and supporting....