
The Story Without A Name

In the midst of a world teetering on the brink of oblivion, Alastair's mundane existence is shattered when he's offered a chance to train for the infamous Devil Executioners Army. Suddenly thrust into a realm where regressors, and reincarnators walk among men, and devils lurk in the shadows, Alastair grapples with newfound flames of vengeance and the weight of mankind's survival on his shoulders. Amidst rising tensions, betrayals, and bloodshed, he must question whether he's truly cut out for this perilous journey or destined to be consumed by the chaos engulfing his world. [My fate lies in my own hands...but do I really need to risk it?"]

AkioOrSakura · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
8 Chs

Day 1- Training (Can I survive?)

The man's boots landed with a heavy thud on the dusty ground and he approached the group of trainees as he rolled up his sleeves, his presence seemed to cast a shadow over us, and a sense of unease rippled through the crowd.

"I see a lot of fresh faces," he continued, his voice deep and commanding. "My name is Seung-ho Kang, but you are only allowed to address me as 'Captain'," he said as he disposed off his cigarette.

His eyes scanned the group, his gaze intense and piercing. It felt as though he could see right through us, assessing our strengths and weaknesses with a single look.

"This year's batch looks unappetizing," he sighed, a hint of disappointment in his tone. "But perhaps you'll prove me wrong," he said as he looked at everyone.

Despite his harsh words, there was a sense of respect and admiration in the way he carried himself. It was clear that he was a seasoned veteran, someone who had seen his fair share of battles and emerged victorious.

The corners of his lips curled upward, revealing a row of sharp teeth as he addressed the group. "But before we dive into the training, I'll entertain a round of questions. Ask me anything you deem important," he announced, his voice carrying a hint of challenge.

His demeanour was both intimidating and intriguing, inviting us to probe deeper into his expertise. As he stood there, waiting for our inquiries, a sense of anticipation filled the air. We exchanged glances, contemplating what questions to pose to the formidable captain of the Combat division within the DEA.

A trainee among the crowd voiced his concern, "Captain, why are we commencing our training here? What if something attacks us?" His tone carried both apprehension and hesitation, mirroring the thoughts of many.

The Captain let out a hearty laugh before gesturing upwards. "See that bird up there?" Following his pointing finger, I looked up at the sky to spot a sleek black bird hovering above us, its wings slicing through the air in steady circles.

"If any danger within a 15-kilometer radius approaches, that bird will immediately alert us," the Captain explained, his voice confident and reassuring. "So don't worry about external threats. What you really should be concerned about is the suffering I'll make all of you go through during training." His words were met with a mixture of nervous laughter and uneasy shuffling among the trainees.

Bokwoon Park asked loudly, "Captain, what tactics do you find most effective when facing different types of beasts and devils?" he asks confidently. 

The Captain looked in his direction before answering, "When facing beasts, agility is key... You need to move fast, anticipate their movements, and strike at their weak points." The Captain explained as he threw a punch in thin air.

"With devils, it's a different story. And does anyone wanna tell me why that is?" He suddenly posed a question, he looked at the crowd until his eyes locked with mine, again.

He is definitely going to ask me isn't he-

Surprisingly, a young girl with short pink hair answered the question quickly, saving me. "They're cunning creatures and often possess supernatural abilities... so understanding their behaviour and exploiting their weaknesses is crucial." She continued after a small pause.

"But every Devil's encounter is unique and has different attack patterns. So adaptability is just as important as strategy," she said, her voice almost sounding mechanical. 

The Captain nodded feeling satisfied with the answer. "Now, let us officially begin shall we?" He grinned.


The sun beat down mercilessly on the training grounds as Captain Kang, towering over the recruits, barked out commands.

"Listen up, maggots! Today, we're going back to basics! You will learn to run, to fight, and to survive, or you will perish like the weaklings you are!"

His voice echoed across the field, sending a shiver down the spines of the trainees. They stood at attention, sweat already beginning to bead on their brows.

"First up, a simple warm-up exercise! Run five laps around the perimeter of this field! Move, move, move!" he ordered as he clapped his hands loudly.

A boy hesitantly tried to say, "Captain, but there is no perimeter-"

"Start running before I catch you." He said with a chilling glare.

With a thunderous roar, the recruits dashed off, their feet pounding against the hardened earth. Captain Kang watched them with a critical eye, his voice booming out instructions and insults in equal measure.

"Pick up the pace, you snails! I've seen turtles move faster than you! Are you trying to embarrass me?!" He said ferociously. 

As Captain Kang stood before us, the transformation in his demeanour was stark and undeniable. He was nothing like the easy-going coach back at my school; in his place stood a figure of unwavering seriousness. 

There was a palpable shift in the atmosphere as Captain Kang addressed us, his voice carrying a weight of authority that left no room for doubt. It was clear that he was not here to coddle or indulge us; he was here to mold us into disciplined and formidable agents of the DEA.

"You, with the black hair!" Captain Kang's voice boomed across the field, signalling me out. "Run faster! What in the blazes are you doing?! Are your legs filled with water?!"

I flinched at his words, but quickly pushed myself harder, giving it my all. Yet, despite my efforts, Captain Kang continued to rain down insults, as if I were performing even worse than before.

I gritted my teeth, pushing through the burning sensation in my muscles as I sprinted harder, determined to prove myself despite the Captain's harsh words. Every step felt like a struggle, but I refused to let the doubt creep in.

I was never good with exercises back at the academy either. I always believed that combat skills were what truly mattered, so why all this emphasis on physical conditioning?

"Come on, Alastair!" Igor's encouraging voice echoed beside me, matching my pace. "You've got this!" Igor was a good person, and his encouragement was what I needed.

I exchanged a grateful glance with Igor as I felt his words quite reassuring as I picked up my pace.

On the other hand, I thought that Chinhwa Lee might struggle with running due to his weak fit but I was pleasantly surprised to see him performing exceptionally well. In fact, he was leading the pack at the front of the group, setting a brisk pace that few could match.

As the trainees completed their laps, panting and gasping for air, I struggled to catch my breath as I was the last to finish. Captain Kang strode forward, his gaze piercing, and I braced myself for whatever was to come next.

"Next, hand-to-hand combat drills!" the Captain barked, his voice cutting through the air like a whip. "Pair up and show me what you've got! I want to see blood, sweat, and tears! And if you think you can't handle it, you might as well walk away now!"

The recruits hesitated for a moment before reluctantly forming into pairs, their fists clenched and their eyes filled with determination. With a nod from Captain Kang, the training session descended into chaos, the sounds of grunts, shouts, and thuds echoing throughout the training ground.

Before I could even think about pairing up with someone, Captain Kang's strong grip caught me by the arm, his fierce gaze locking onto mine with intensity. "You and I are going to complete some more laps. Start running," he commanded, his voice brooking no argument.

"W-wait" I quickly said, I don't wish to run more!

I glanced over at Igor and Chinhwa Lee, hoping for some moral support, but all I received were wry grins and silent farewells to my impending suffering, as they watched me being dragged away by the Captain. With a resigned sigh, I turned to face my fate.

'Never mind!'

Meeting the Captain's intense gaze, I quickly averted my eyes and began to sprint, my heart pounding with a mixture of fear and determination. My muscles screamed in protest from the previous rounds, but I pushed myself harder, driven by the need to escape the Captain's wrath.

Beside me, the Captain matched my pace effortlessly, his presence looming over me like a dark cloud. "100 pushups if I catch you, black head!" His booming voice echoed behind me, a hint of amusement lacing his threat.

"Black head?!" I wanted to protest the nickname, but fear of Captain Kang catching me overruled any offence I felt.

I gritted my teeth and pushed myself to run faster, the adrenaline coursing through my veins fueling my determination. "Haha! Run Run Run!" the Captain's mocking laughter spurred me on, driving me to give my all.

And as the sun began to set on the horizon, casting long shadows across the field, one thing was completely certain: under Captain Kang's watchful eye, there would be no room for weakness, no mercy for the faint-hearted. Only those who proved themselves worthy would survive to see another day, and let's see if I can be one of them.


Lying in bed, every muscle in my body screamed in protest. My back throbbed with a dull ache, and my legs felt like lead, numb from the relentless running. I groaned, feeling utterly spent. I'd never experienced such intense training before. If day one was this grueling, I shuddered to think how I'd make it through the rest of the week. Survival seemed uncertain at this point.

"Today was the worst," I mumbled, feeling the ache in my muscles intensify with each passing moment. Igor nodded sympathetically as he tended to the bruise on his face, the result of a particularly rough encounter during training.

"While you were busy playing tag with Captain Kang, I, on the other hand, was basically a punching bag for Bokwoon Park! I think I need to focus on defending myself before I even think about stepping into a fight," Chinhwa Lee complained, his frustration palpable. His voice held a tinge of regret as he reflected on the respect he'd shown Park, only to be met with harsh treatment in return.

I glanced over at Chinhwa Lee, who lay on his bed, his expression a mix of exhaustion and contemplation. "Chinhwa Lee, how were you selected?" I inquired curiously, since Igor was brought here because of his considerable strength then there had to be something special in Chinhwa Lee as well.

Chinhwa Lee shifted on his bed, considering my question with a pensive expression. For a moment, he seemed lost in thought, his gaze fixed on the ceiling as if searching for the right words, his expression serious yet contemplative, his eyes tracing invisible patterns above.

Chinhwa Lee eventually turned his attention back to me, a thoughtful expression lingering on his face. "Well, it was a bit unexpected, to be honest," he began, his voice carrying a hint of uncertainty. "I was scouted during a routine inspection at my previous academy. They saw potential in me, I suppose, and recommended me for further training here." He paused, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips. "It's been quite the journey since then."

"But maybe that's not the reason they chose me...what really caught their eye was that I could understand any language..." Chinhwa Lee's voice trailed off, his words hanging in the air with a weight that left Igor and me stunned.

Understanding any language? It was a claim that seemed too fantastical to be true, yet the earnestness in Chinhwa Lee's tone left no room for doubt. We exchanged incredulous glances, struggling to comprehend the magnitude of what he was suggesting.

Chinhwa Lee pressed on, his gaze fixed on some distant point as if lost in contemplation. "Somehow... I can understand any language, whether they are human, animal, or beast." His words were spoken with a quiet certainty.

Igor's expression mirrored my own disbelief, his features contorted in a mixture of awe and confusion. The implications of Chinhwa Lee's revelation were staggering, raising countless questions about the nature of his abilities and the potential ramifications for our future endeavours.

As the weight of his words settled over us, a profound sense of wonder mingled with unease, leaving us both speechless in the face of such extraordinary claims.

I sat down on the bed, mulling over the implications. "If that's the case... doesn't that mean you could probably communicate with Devils as well?" I suggested, the gravity of the idea sinking in.

Chinhwa Lee laughed nervously, "I don't know, but I really don't want to try something like that," he admitted.

Chinhwa Lee then turned his gaze towards me, his curiosity evident. "Alastair ssi, how were you picked?" he asked, his tone expectant.

I pondered his question for a moment, my mind retracing the events that led to my selection. In truth, I couldn't provide a definite answer. It felt as though I was chosen at random, plucked from obscurity by The Second's whim. But deep down, I sensed there was more to it, something I hadn't quite grasped yet myself. 

I wasn't anyone special. Agility, strength, experience, 

"Out of luck," I answered, but Igor and Chinhwa Lee didn't seem satisfied with my plain response but didn't push it any further.

The enigmatic nature of my selection left me with more questions than answers. But amidst the uncertainty, one thing remained clear: my journey into the world of the DEA was just beginning, and each step forward would bring me closer to unravelling the mysteries that shrouded my path. 

The sudden chiming of the bell reverberated through the dormitory, its echoing sound signalling the end of the day of rigorous training. As the lights flickered off, plunging the room into darkness, only the dim glow of emergency lights remained, casting eerie shadows across the walls.

Exhausted from the day's exertions, we each found our way to our respective beds, the tension of the day gradually melting away as sleep beckoned. One by one, the sounds of gentle breathing filled the room, a symphony of quiet slumber descending upon us as we succumbed to the embrace of rest. In the quiet darkness, amidst the soft rustle of blankets and the rhythmic cadence of breathing, we drifted into a deep and dreamless sleep, ready to face whatever challenges awaited us on the morrow.

"Why me of all people? From all the exceptional cases from my school...out of everyone, he chose me"


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