
The Story of a Fated Man

The story of a Fated Man, It is a novel that tells of a human named Aldrich Fullock who returns to the past to repair his future which was destroyed by the F virus and becomes the strongest. But there's something more awesome and horrifying to be in the past than the F virus.

Azhatra · Fantasía
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16 Chs

At the Refuge (2) < Evolution & Meet a Legends >

"ARRRRRRGGHHHHHH-" Fwuushhh (The sound effect of Aldrich's mind entering the realm of evolution)


"Where am I? Is this Heaven?!" Said Aldrich who was shocked because he thought he died from trying to evolve his statistics.

Tsing!!! Tsing!!! Grikkkcc!!(the sound of someone swinging a sword).

*hm? who is that person? is he the one who brought me here? even if not at least I can find out some information* in Aldrich's heart after looking at the person who was swinging his sword repeatedly in front of Aldrich.

"Hello old man, are you the owner of this place?" asked Aldrich.

Tsing!!! Tsing!!! Grikkkcc!!!

The old man kept swinging his sword as if he didn't hear or see Aldrich.

"Hoho are you deaf? It looks like there's going to need to be a little violence here" said Aldrich who was a little annoyed at being ignored while picking up a sword at the sword storage place where the old man picked up the sword he was using.

"In that case, try to resist this attack!!!"


Aldrich swung his sword quite hard at the old man.


Unexpectedly, the old man parried Aldrich's attack very easily as Aldrich's sword was thrown away due to the wind generated by the vibration of the old man's sword.

*A-what how could he parry my sword so easily* Aldrich was wondering.

"Ho Ho ho, looks like you need to be taught manners huh young man?!" said the old man.


The old man named one of his sword techniques Geelgour, which is a sword technique that makes a hundred images of the same sword but from different directions to deceive his enemy, and immediately lunged and cornered Aldrich who at that moment did not even have time to activate his skill at all.

*Tch damn, how can he be so fast. he has even surpassed my Light speed!* Aldrich thought to himself.

"Ho Ho Ho, it turns out you still have something you can rely on kid. let's see what you're going to show!" said the old man while shouting at Aldrich.

"Heheheh you seem to have made a mistake, but I have no mercy on any of my enemies who get in my way old man!!!" Aldrich said.

[Space Freez'n]!!! In aldrich's heart, but....

"A-w-what the hell are you doing!?" said a shocked Adlrich.

"Hohohoh, maybe if the young me would be unable to move because of this skill. but the current me who has surpassed the concept of space-time will not be affected in the slightest by a lowly skill like this kid!!! Even thought i can Move at 0 Time" said the old man while saying that the old man could not move because of this skill. "BORING!!!" said the old man while lunging towards Aldrich very quickly.

"Tch well then, [Beast Perception]...[ The Apotheosis]" Aldrich activated those Skills.

With Beast Perception he was able to Increase his Six Senses by 10x and with Apotheosis he with each slash was able to Split Dimensions and Suck the slashed into Nothingness which made his enemy die without the slightest corpse and trace BUT!!!, the person he was fighting at this time was not an ordinary person at all. once he was hit by that person's slash he would be defeated without the slightest resistance even Ares' protection was not worthy of being considered protection from every slash of this person.

And suddenly... Srukkk!!!

The old man's sword pierced Aldrich's body that was as hard as the mountain he had crushed earlier, and he finally fainted while seeing the old man smiling at him.

*Is he crazy, is he going to rape me?! Damn it, I can't move a muscle* Aldrich thought to himself.


There was Aldrich sleeping in a small hut in the forest before he was summoned, he woke up.

"Heh? Hmm? Khekkhh!" aldrich stretched his body. "Uh-uh where is this!?" aldrich shouted.


"Wh-what the hell is this place and K-you?!?!!" said Aldrich in confusion because he woke up to an absurd sight in front of him.

He..saw..JORMUNGANND!!!!!!!!! Jormungan is a legendary creature on Earth, it is even said that one blow of Jormungan can destroy the planet and that has been done in thousands of years ago at the same time that is the reason why he is here in a small hut from the outside but unlimited in size inside.

"Y-you why are you here Mr. Jormungand?" asked Aldrich with a bit more calmness than before.

"Hoho, you're pretty good at controlling your emotions, kid," said Jormungand.

"Ah yes, sorry about the previous one" said Aldrich. "hahahahaha it's okay boy, this way I'm still forgiving. then I will answer your question" said Jormungand.

"I'm here because of the punishment of the gods, that's all." said Jormungand. "P-punishment? On what basis?" asked Aldrich.

"So simply put, I destroyed the planets of my enemies who insulted and attacked me and then they blamed me for killing the supposed innocents on those planets when the entire planet seemed to boycott my existence and insult me and then I was imprisoned in Existence for eternity. However, because my own existence is the World's Disorder, so I accidentally broke through the Nothingness itself and entered this Infinite World and therefore also the current me became a little Translucent, right? That's because the current me is just a mere Consciousness of my original self" said Jormungand.

"What a horrible history" said Aldrich. "Well the past is the past, more importantly let's talk about the future first Aldrich Fullock. The Man Who Hunts the Gods" said Jormungand.

"H-how do you know?!" said Aldrich. "Please don't leak this to the gods because it will be difficult to kill them all if you don't use the element of surprise," said Aldrich whispering to Jormungand.

"pfftt hahahahahah well boy, how about we just make a contract?" asked Jormungand.

"C-contract? For what?" asked Aldrich quietly.

"Of course to make us one host and make us able to help each other to defeat those damn Gods. By the way, I knew from the beginning, you have found your real ambition, right? Aldrich fullock!" said Jormungand.

"W-wait? One host? What do you mean? Does that mean I'm going to be a big snake too?!" said Aldrich in shock and confusion.

"HAHAHA of course not you idiot, by making a contract, I will give all my strength and power to you and in return I will follow you and watch you until the end of the contract which is until you slaughter those gods!" said jormungand.

"Wh-what's that? Sorry, let's do it then!" said Aldrich."Hoho it seems that since you united your host with your billionth self from another dimension that time you are no longer nervous about doing this. then!!!"

FWUSH! TZT TZTTZZ ZZTT ZTTT SRUGHGGHGHGH!!!bAND....BUGGHHH!!! the sound of Aldrich falling to the floor after uniting with Jormungand.

𝗪𝗶𝗹𝗹 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘂𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗻𝗲𝘅𝘁 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿