
The Story of A Double Broth Hotpot

Han Bing is a good person. She is respectful towards everyone she meets. The teachers love her. Her classmates are friendly towards her. This is what her life should be. A good person. … Screeeeech. A red Ferrari came rushing at her, and within a second, she was crushed between the car and a pole. People were screaming and shouting for help. However, Han Bing just slowly closed her eyes. Finally, she can be relieved. She hated being a good person. However, instead of the peaceful silence that she anticipated, Han Bing woke up to the pain from her body. She’s alive, and she also lost her pair of legs. An arrogant and handsome man slammed into her room. No apology, many threats, and an empty check. Han Bing smiled evilly at the check after the young man left. Just once. She will indulge just once. Just once she will be the bad guy. *Warning!!! The male lead is the man who crashed his car onto the female lead. I LIKE this setting, so no changing. *Another Warning!!! There are R18 scenes but I'm not going to restrict it so read at your own risk.

ILoveDogFood · Ciudad
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40 Chs

Chapter 31

Qin Shi Ran took out his phone. "Check the background of Doctor Han and her latest activities."

Assistant Wang, who was driving in the front, almost drove into a red light after hearing this. "Boss, it's not nice to do this. What happens if Doctor Han found out?"

Qin Shi Ran gave Wang Jun a glance. Wang Jun lowered his neck like a turtle.

"I remembered Sunny TP company needs extra help. You seem to be bored recently. Why don't you go over there and help?"

Assistant Wang Jun really felt like crying right now. What dog shit misfortune did he step on?

Han Bing reorganized the surgical tools in her bag. Whenever she performs a surgery, she always uses her own tool instead of the ones provided by the hospitals.

Regardless of their past resentments, Han Bing can only see Qin Shi Ran as her patient now.

"Mr. Qin sent us the surgical fee a few minutes ago. He also called me to ask if you would need any assistance during the surgery." Hu Long came in to report.

Han Bing wiped the small knife until it showed her reflection. "Tell him thank you for the money and reject the assistance."

"Hu Long" Han Bing casually called out.

"You have been with me for a couple of years already. Do you have any plans for the future?"

Feeling that something is not right, Hu Long kneeled on one knee. "Han Sis, I will follow you forever. My determination will never waver."

Han Bing chuckled at Hu Long's sudden loyalty confession. "I'm not firing you or anything. Just asking if you have other plans. It's best for me if that is your goal."

Han Bing pulled Hu Long up. Hu Long, who was frightened before, still felt that there was some sweat on his back.

Although he felt more comforted after hearing Han Bing's words, he was still confused.

"Hu Long, would you like to be my disciple?"

This time Hu Long is really shocked beyond words. Hu Long's mouth gaped open as he tried to form words in his mouth.

"No?" Han Bing cocked her head to the side.

Hu Long hurriedly shaked his head. This time he knelt on both of his knees and cupped his hands. "Master"

Han Bing nodded her head. Hu Long is a very talented young man. Although he is younger than her by a few years, his mentality is mature and sensible.

Han Bing has always wanted to make Hu Long her disciple, but she wanted to observe him longer.

"You can come up now. The floor is cold. Tomorrow's surgery you will be assisting me."

Hu Long excitedly watched Han Bing as she went back to her room. Hu Long never knew that Han Bing would make him her disciple. Although his face doesn't show, Hu Long has been studying her on the side as she performs surgery. He memorized all her hand movements on different procedures, but Hu Long was always afraid that Han Bing wouldn't allow him to learn from her so he never brought this up.

This opportunity suddenly hitting him made Hu Long actually feel a bit chaotic. He blankly stared towards where Han Bing's room was located. Hu Long made a bowed towards her direction. He will never forget her kindness.

The next day was extremely busy for Han Bing and Hu Long. Inorder to prepare for Qin Shi Ran's surgery, Han Bing made a couple of more extra bone refinement injections.

"Doctor Han, Mr. Qin is ready." a nurse came into Han Bing's laboratory provided by the hospital.

Han Bing nodded her head. "Sedate him first. I will come in soon."

Han Bing took her gloves and threw Hu Long a pair. "You will be passing me the tools today."

Hu Long stared at the floor. He's extremely nervous about his first surgery. Seeing his tenseness, Han Bing came over and clapped both of his face.

Hu Long felt pain on his cheek. He looked up to see Han Bing with laughter in her eyes. "Let's go."

Hu Long followed after her, completely forgetting about his previous nervousness.

Han Bing opened the door to the operating room. Qin Shi Ran was covered in blue as an air filter cap covered his face. Han Bing hasn't seen Qin Shi Ran sleeping ever since she came back. His eyebrows were unclenched. His long eyelashes seem to be slightly wet. Probably a nightmare Han Bing thought.

"We don't need any more assistants. You guys can leave for now. Hu Long, bring me the tray."

The nurses who couldn't watch the legendary Doctor Han's surgical procedure up close were disappointed, but they still huddled around the transparent door. Some doctors also came to be able to learn from this once in a lifetime view.

Han Bing gave a signal to Hu Long. Hu Long passed her a small knife.




"Small Knife"

Hu Long's forehead was full of sweat from this high speed surgery. Han Bing was still clean and calm looking. She gave a look to Hu Long. "clean off your sweat."

Hu Long hurriedly took a napkin and cleaned his face.

Han Bing finished the procedure on the side. Her speed was extremely fast in all parts of the procedure. Hu Long was also an considerate assistant. Although this is his first time participating in the surgery, he watched Han Bing multiple times to the point that he can tell what she needs based on her expression.

The doctors and nurses stunningly watch this pair. Doctor Han definitely lives up to her reputation.

Han Bing finally sewed up the last knot. She threw the needle on the tray and made a stretch. "We're done. Let's go now."

Hu Long took a deep breath and prepared himself. The doctors who couldn't hold it anymore rushed in and inspected Qin Shi Ran's leg. The knee was sewed up perfectly leaving only a thin trail of line. Unlike the incorrect posture Qin Shi Ran had before, his legs were laying like a normal person. The doctors' admiration for Han Bing burst instantly. Hua Xia Hospital has many well known experienced doctors that have diagnosed Qin Shi Ran's leg before, but all of them believe that there is no hope for him. This Doctor Han is indeed legendary.